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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Sixteenth Session |
Rome, 6-25 November 1971 |
II. Report of the conference of FAO - Corrigendum
A. The late Lord Boyd Orr
B. The late Maurice Gemayel
C. In memoriam
D. Seventh McDougall memorial lecture
E. Presentation of the B.R. Sen awards for 1970 and 1971
A. Election of the chairman and vice-chairmen of the conference
B. Appointment of the general committee and credentials committee
C. Adoption of the agenda
D. Arrangements for the session and allocation of agenda itemsEstablishment of Commissions and Appointment of their Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
Resolutions Committee of the Conference
Right of Reply
Verbatim Records
Verification of Credential
Voting Rights
Informal Meeting of Non-Governmental OrganizationsApplicants for Membership
Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations
V. PART I. Major trends and policy questions in food and agriculture
A. World situation and outlook
Salient Features of the World Food and Agricultural Situation
a) Salient Features
b) Conference Discussion
c) Contents and Structure of "The State of Food and Agriculture"a) Salient Features in International Commodity Situation
b) FAA's Role in International Commodity ProblemsPerspective Study of World Agricultural Development (PSWAD)
Agricultural AdjustmentC. World food programme
D. Second world food congress
E. Report of the FAO special committee on agrarian reform
VI. PART II. Activities and programmes of the organization
A. Review of the organization's activities and programmes (including Regular Programme and Field Activities )
Planning of Aid Programmes
Harmonizing of Intra-Regional Agricultural Development
Agricultural Research
Programming of Field Operations
Regional Offices and Country Representatives
Consideration of Extra-Budgetary Activities
Format of "The Work of FAO"B. Programme of work and budget, 1972-73
Chapter 1 - General Policy and Direction
Chapter 2 - Technical and Economic Programmesa) Programme Objective 2.1: Mobilization of Human Resources
b) Programme Objective 2.2: Increasing Yields (HYV)
c) Programme Objective 2.3: The Protein Problem
d) Programme Objective 2.4: War on Waste
e) Programme Objective 2.5. Earning and Saving of Foreign Exchange
f) Programme Objective 2.6: Agricultural Development Planning
g) Summary-Chapter 2Chapter 3 - Field Programmes and Development Support
Chapter 4 - Special Programmes
Chapter 5 - General Programme Servicesa) Programme 5.2.1: Public Information and ''Ceres''
b) Programme 5.2.2: Development Support Communications
c) Programme Objectives 5.3 and 5.5: Documentation and Library
d) Programme Objective 5.4: Legislation
e) Programme Objective 5.6: Language Training
f) Programme Objective 5.7: PublicationsChapter 6 - General Support
Chapter 7 - Miscellaneous Expenditure
Chapter 8 - Contingencies
Chapter 9 - Special Budgetary Authorizations
Chapter 10 - Transfer to Tax Equalization FundC. Medium-term plan
D. Relations and consultations with international organizations on PROGRAMME matters of common interestMatters Arising from Discussions in the UN General Assembly. ECOSOC and ACC
Progress Report on Cooperation between FAO and UNDP
FAA's Participation in the UN Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972
UN Joint Inspection Unit
FAO Activities Related to International Agricultural Research
Relations with Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations
VII. PART III. Constitutional and administrative matters
A. Constitutional and legal matters
a) Establishment of a Committee on Forestry
b) Establishment of a Committee on AgricultureAmendment to Article VII of the Constitution-Duration of the Term of Office of the Director-General
Amendment to Article XI of the Constitution
Opening of the Committee on Fisheries to All Interested Member Nations
Functions and Term of Office of the Independent Chairman of the Council
Amendments to the FAO "Basic Texts"a) Arabic as an Official Language of the Organization and as a Working Language for Limited Purposes
b) Other Amendmentsa) Method of Balloting for Elections to the CCP
b) Nomenclature of CCP Subsidiary Bodies and Membership of Commodity Study GroupsIncrease in the Number of Council Seats
Statutory Report on the Status of Conventions and Agreements and on Amendments thereto
Granting of Official Status to International `Ion-Governmental Organizations
FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius CommissionB. Administrative and financial matters
Audited Accounts
Scale of Contributions, 1972-73
Assessment of New Member Nations
Reimbursement of Withdrawals from the Working Capital Fund
Payment of Contributions-Haiti and Paraguay
Amendments to the Financial RegulationsStaff Commissary Profits
Emoluments of the Director-General
Management/Staff Relations
VIII. PART IV. Appointments and elections
A. Admission of new member nations
B. Election of council members
C. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
D. Appointment of the director-general
E. Appointment or member government representatives to the staff pension committee
A. People's republic of China
B. Retirement of Oris V. Wells
C. Date and place of the seventeenth session of the conference
A. Agenda for the sixteenth session of the conference
B. List of delegates and observers attending the sixteenth conference session member nations
C. List of documents
D. Statement by the director-general concerning China
E. Statement showing the computation of contributions for 1972 and 1973
F. Scale of contributions 1972-73
G. Proposed text of financial regulation XII relating to external audit