FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 10/03 - HONDURAS (18 September)

HONDURAS (18 September)

Heavy rains typical of the hurricane season have affected field crops in the locality of Pimienta, in the northwest. Heavy rains are also reported in other parts of the country but with no apparent damage to crops. Harvest of the 2003/04 first-season cereal crops, principally maize, has been virtually completed, and an average output is provisionally estimated. Food assistance from the international community (WFP’s Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 10212.0) continues to be distributed to families affected by the natural disasters that have recurrently taken place over the past five years. This assistance supports women and children in particular. International assistance should also help alleviate the adverse effects of severe economic shocks of recent years, such as the international coffee crisis. Assistance will be provided until February 2006 and should benefit about 240 000 people per year.