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Data quality will be monitored and assured by the project manager and his staff throughout each of the three major phases of the data acquisition and verification process.

 (1) Briefing
 (2) Deployment
 (3) Debriefing

During briefing the observer must achieve a consistently high level of preparedness. This will be accomplished utilizing comprehensive briefing instructions (see Appendix K for examples), current reference materials and feedback drawn from earlier appraisals.

Once at sea, the observer will carry out his trip requirements in accordance with recognized procedures. Where possible, his work will be monitored by field technicians, who will administer data quality control checks.

During debriefing, the most critical phase relative to data quality control, all card types, the trip report, offical diaries and sit-reps will be examined thoroughly.

10.1  Briefing:

At the time of briefing the observer will be provided with complete and relevant information and materials regarding the assignment. This includes:

 (1) formal surveillance and biological briefing instructions
 (2) a current file of reference materials, i.e. fishery closure notices, directives regarding changes in data collection methods
 (3) observer operations and surveillance manual
 (4) observer biological manual
 (5) acts and regulations
 (6) trip report, card types, diaries, etc.
 (7) working and safety gear

The data quality coordinator (the briefer-debriefer) will conduct a timely review of the observer's performance on his last assignment. The assessment will reference trip requirements pertaining to sampling, investigation or documentation which were exceeded, and document those areas where performance did not meet expectations. The data quality coordinator will then suggest strategies for improvement. At the conclusion of the briefing, the observer will sign both the surveillance and biological briefing sheets indicating that he has understood and agrees to carry out the requirements for his trip.

10.2  Debriefing

The purpose of the debriefing is to ensure that the trip report and data package contains all scientific and technological observations and data as requested during the observer's briefing. The data quality coordinator will ensure that the report is in the proper format and is accurate, neat, concise and complete. Data forms will be properly collated, legible and ready for immediate data entry.

The formal data quality control procedures outlined in Appendix K are tailored to the specific elements of the trip package and are the most useful and important tools for ensuring that the trip report and data set comply with the briefing requirements.

The oral debriefing, conducted by the data quality coordinator, will complement other quality control checks. It will serve as a forum for obtaining responses to questions concerning:

 (1) pertinent information obtained by the observer that has not been included in the trip report
 (2) violations that may merit immediate attention
 (3) compliance with trip requirements.

Sit-reps will be reviewed as well during the oral debriefing. Improper coding, use of wrong matrices, failure to report total catch and discards by quota area will be discussed and documented on an as required basis.

10.3  Evaluation

Evaluation of the observer is essential to the achievement and maintenance of a quality trip package. The most important component of evaluation is feedback which will be used to:

 (1) assist the observer in improving his performance
 (2) provide positive reinforcement for good work
 (3) indentify the observer who may require remedial training

During the debriefing the data quality coordinator will complete a trip appraisal form (Appendix K). Upon completion it will constitute a definitive statement relative to observer compliance with trip requirements.

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