by W.R. Walker
Professor and Head
Department of Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering
Utah State University
Logan, Utah, USA
(Consultant to FAO)
Rome, 1989
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ISBN 92-5-102879-6
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© FAO 1989
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1.1 The perspective and objectives of irrigation
1.2 Irrigation methods and their selection1.2.1 Compatibility
1.2.2 Economics
1.2.3 Topographical characteristics
1.2.4 Soils
1.2.5 Water supply
1.2.6 Crops
1.2.7 Social influences
1.2.8 External influences
1.2.9 Summary1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of surface irrigation
2.1 Introduction to surface irrigation
2.1.1 Definition
2.1.2 Scope of the guide
2.1.3 Evolution of the practice2.2 Surface irrigation methods
2.2.1 Basin irrigation
2.2.2 Border irrigation
2.2.3 Furrow irrigation
2.2.4 Uncontrolled flooding2.3 Requirements for optimal performance
2.3.1 Inlet discharge control
2.3.2 Wastewater recovery and reuse2.4 Surface irrigation structures
2.4.1 Diversion structures
2.4.2 Conveyance, distribution and management structures
2.4.3 Field distribution systems
3.1 Field topography and configuration
3.2 Determining water requirements3.2.1 Evapotranspiration and drainage requirements
3.2.2 Soil moisture principles
3.2.3 Soil moisture measurements
3.2.4 An example problem on soil moisture3.3.1 Infiltration functions
3.3.2 Typical infiltration relationships
3.3.3 Measuring infiltration
3.3.4 An example infiltrometer test3.4.1 Cutthroat flumes
3.4.2 Example of cutthroat flume calibration
3.4.3 Rectangular thin-plate weirs
3.4.4 Example of rectangular sharp crested weir analysis
3.4.5 V-notch weirs3.5.1 Advance phase
3.5.2 Ponding phase or wetting
3.5.3 Depletion phase
3.5.4 Recession phase
4.2.1 Application uniformity
4.2.2 Application efficiency
4.2.3 Water requirement efficiency
4.2.4 Deep percolation ratio
4.2.5 Tailwater ratio
4.2.6 Integration measures of performance4.3 Intermediate analysis of field data
4.3.1 Inflow-outflow
4.3.2 Advance and recession
4.3.3 Flow geometry
4.3.4 Field infiltration4.4.1 Furrow irrigation evaluation procedure
4.4.2 Border irrigation evaluation
4.4.3 Basin irrigation evaluation4.5 General alternatives for improvement
4.6 An example furrow irrigation evaluation4.6.1 Field infiltration characteristics
4.6.2 Evaluation of system performance
4.6.3 Measures to improve performance
5.1 Objective and scope of design
5.2 The basic design process5.3 Computation of advance and intake opportunity time
5.4 Furrow irrigation flow rates, cutoff times, and field layouts
5.4.1 Furrow design procedure for systems without cutback or reuse
5.4.2 Design procedure for furrow cutback systems
5.4.3 Design of furrow systems with tailwater reuse
5.4.4 Furrow irrigation design examples5.5.1 Design of open-end border systems
5.5.2 Design of blocked-end borders
5.5.3 An open-end border design example
5.5.4 A blocked-end border design example
6.1 The importance of land preparations
6.2 Small-scale land levelling
6.3 Traditional engineering approach6.3.1 Initial considerations
6.3.2 Engineering phase
6.3.3 Adjusting for the cut/fill ratio
6.3.4 Some practical problems
6.3.5 An example problem
7.2.1 Effects of surging on infiltration
7.2.2 Effects of surging on surface flow hydraulics
7.2.3 Surge flow systems7.3 Cablegation
7.4 Adaptive control systems
7.5 Water supply management