5.7 m Open Fishing Boat
15.0 m Decked Inshore Fishing Vessel (Sambuk)
This provides typical examples of design information which should be provided for the construction of, in this case, a small fishing canoe and a larger inboard powered inshore fishing boat.
With the canoe drawing is a basic but adequate specification from which a list of materials and a construction sequence can be derived. For comparison, the drawings No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the larger vessel are accompanied by a full specification which includes details of materials to be used, the construction sequence, machinery description and all equipment necessary to operate a vessel of this size.
5.7 m Open Fishing Boat | |
General Arrangement | No. 1 |
15.0 m Decked Inshore Fishing Vessel (Sambuk) | |
General Arrangement | No. 1 |
Lines | No. 2 |
Construction Details for Skeg, Keel Channel and Rudder Fittings | No. 3 |
Details of Beaching Legs, Rudder and Tiller and Bow Roller Nose Plate | No. 4 |
Construction Details for Fuel Tanks, F. W. Tanks | |
and Ladders | No. 5 |
Mould Construction | No. 6 |
1.1 Description
The vessel to be of a displacement type with round bilge hull form based on traditional design, constructed in modern materials with a self-draining main deck, raked stem and transom stern. In general, the vessel to have a clean, modern and distinctive appearance for coastal fishing.
1.2 Arrangement
The vessel to be sub-divided by watertight bulkheads into the following compartments:
Forecabin crew space
Fish hold in two sections
Engine room
1.3 Drawings
Upon completion, the builders to supply one set of construction drawings.
1.4 Dimensions
Length overall: | 15.0 m |
Length waterline: | 11.2 m |
Beam: | 4.1 m |
Draught aft: | 1.2 m |
Displacement : | 12 t approx. |
1.5 Quality and Supervision
Building of the vessel to be carried out under cover protected from sun and rain premises.
All resins to be of highest quality and all glassfibre to be “E” type. All materials used will be of marine grade. All timber to be seasoned and hard-wood; all steel to be well coated; stainless steel to be EN58J (BS 316 SIG); all aluminium to be NB; all bronze to be BSI 400: all dissimilar metals to be isolated from each other. All materials to be stored under controlled conditions and monitored throughout building cycle.
1.6 Certificates
A builder's certificate will be issued to the owner upon completion of the vessel.
1.7 Stability
Upon completion, the vessel to be inclined to obtain particulars on stability. A stability booklet to be issued to the owner including hydrostatic particulars.
1.8 Trials
Upon completion of the vessel, full sea trials to be carried out as follows:
Speed runs over a measured mile
Manoeuvring trials
Astern trials
Engine system tests including fuel consumption
Bilge system tests
Electronic equipment tests if applicable
Compass adjustment
The builder to be responsible for the supply of all necessary crew, fuel, oils, technicians and provisions required for the trials.
2.1 Hull
Hull moulding to be two piece structure laid up using split mould technique as follows:
Two gel coats all over, applied by hand using “mohair” rollers and 100 mm paint brushes. Nominal thickness 0.5 mm gel type isophthalic. The whole of one side to be laid in one operation with no break, one gel after the other, then immediately onto:
One layer of 225 g/m2 chopped strand mat emulsion bonded, laid with isophthalic resin. Resin to glass ration 1.8:1 by weight laid by hand using “wolly rollers” and aluminium “paddles” rollers.
Operations (a) and (b) to be carried out in one shift of work, i.e., within 24 hours. Cure time of 30 min minimum between gel coats and cure time of 60 min for 225 g/m2 layer.
Main hull laminate to commence not more than 24 h after application of 225 g/m2 layer.
Three layers of 600 g/m2 chopped strand mat (CSM) emulsion bonded. Laid with orthophthalic resin all over. Resin to glass ratio 2:1 by weight. All three layers laid simultaneously in mat width strips transversely applied, stepped back by 50 mm steps from previous layers on the keel stem and transom join edges.
One complex of 600 g/m2 (CSM) and 600 g/m2 woven roving and 600 g/m2 CSM laid simultaneiously in mat width strips transversely applied, stepped back by 50 mm steps from previous layer on keel, stem and transom join edges.
Three layers of 600 g/m2 chopped strand mat CSM emulsion bonded, laid with orthophthalic resin all over. Resin to glass ratio 2:1 by weight. All three layers laid simultaneously in mat width strips transversely applied, stepped back by 50 mm steps from previous layer on keel, stem and transom join edges.
Bring mould halves together, bolt up all round, arrange internal access and staging as required.
Apply one layer of resin proof tape to join line all round.
Repeat operation (a) to (f) throughout length of join line ensuring 50 mm overlaps increasing by 50 mm for each layer.
Mark off hull with chalk or wax pencil for position of hull frames maximum spacing longitudinally 900 mm.
Insert frames constructed of low density closed cell polyurethane foam, trapezoidal section base size 150 mm, tapering over 100 mm to top face of 100 mm. Frames to be contact adhesive bonded to hull.
Overlaminate frames with three layers of 600 g/m2 CSM with orthophthalic resin. Layers to lap over frame and onto hull with 50 mm, 250 mm and 400 mm laps each side.
Frames to be extended through keel in way of bulkheads, fishroom, forefoot where practical. Frame to stop short in way of engine to allow fitting of engine bearers.
Insert hull lifting blocks/plates for release from mould.
Insert two main bulkheads constructed of 19 mm thick marine grade plywood vertical to datum and square to centreline. Plywood to be butt strapped on joints and glued and screwed. Bond bulkheads to frames on both sides with three layers of 600 g/m2 CSM with laps as per (1).
Hull moulding is now ready to release from mould provided lifting blocks/plates have cured for 48 hours since insertion. Section (n) refers.
On release from mould hull to be placed in fitout cradle or suitably chocked to prevent any distortion.
Construction to take place protected from sun, rain and in well ventilated dust-free atmosphere. All materials to be stored in similar conditions and to be suitable for use in tropical environments if appropriate and to be marine grade.
Ballast to be located in the keel and bilge section in the form of steel punchings set in resin and overlaminated. Final trimming to be carried out after launch and inclining test.
Hull protection to include a stem shoe, keel iron and skeg.
Galvanized steel strips to be fitted to bilge keels.
2.2 Deck
The main deck to be constructed of cambered, hardwood, transverse beams nominally 150 mm × 75 mm and 60 mm as required and sheathed with 19 mm plywood overlaminated with 1 800 g/m2 of chopped strand mat, and to incorporate a non-slip finish. The deck to incorporate an engine removal hatch and access hatches to fish hold. All hatches to be fitted on coamings of at least 300 mm.
Freeing ports to be cut in the bulwarks to allow free drainage of water overboard from deck. Bulwark height to be 610 mm minimum at side.
2.3 Gunwales
Gunwales to be constructed in hardwood as follows:
Outer section: 150× 50 mm
Inner section: 150× 38 mm
Outer to be bolted to inner at approximately 900 mm centres using spacer blocks 120 mm deep × 100 mm thick. Bolts to be 10 mm diameter cup square on outside nut and washer inside recessed. All edges of timber to be rounded to prevent snagging of nets. Quarter knees to be fitted at transom. Forward mooring post of 100 × 100 mm to be fitted. Finish to be oiled.
3.1 Crew Cover
Space under foredeck to be allocated as occasional crew cover. Top of foredeck to be finished in non-slip and to be fitted with heavy duty either steel or hardwood mooring post 100 mm square taken through deck to hull forefoot well bonded in and secured at main deck level. Stowage bins for crew's provision/food, etc., to be fitted.
3.2 Fish Hold
The fish hold to be nominally 4.9 m long × 1.1 m deep × internal beam of vessel. Access through hatches on deck 0.8 × 0.8 m. Fish hold to be contained between two insulated bulkheads with central fixed division. Hull sides and overhead to be insulated.
Insulation to be in the form of low density rigid foam covered on inside with plywood sheathed over with FRP pigment and finished in white gelcoat, nominal insulation thickness 100 mm. The sole of the fish hold to be non-slip finish.
The hold is to be fitted with 4 pound boards on centreline, 200 mm high each. Boards to be removable and to fit into slots at each end to prevent catch from moving from side to side in seaway.
3.3 Engine Room
The access to engine space to be via deck hatch, set in larger hatch. The engine can be removed through a large hatch. This hatch to be FRP bolted down and only used in the event of main engine failure or replacement.
The engine space to be well ventilated by air vents set in bulwarks transom and in control console.
3.4 Deck Fittings
Foredeck mooring post, 100 mm square × 1
Forecabin hatch cover, lid type × 1
Fish hold hatch covers, FRP, lid type × 2
Fuel oil deck filler plate × 1
Engine room hatch cover, lid type × 1
Aft moring post/goal post gantry 100 mm square, steel
FRP moulded control console on after deck
Forward “A” frame mast in galvanized steel with unloading derrick for 0.5 t
(i) Sun awning to be rigged from forward “A” frame to after goal post. Awning to be PVC on stainless steel wires
(j) Bow roller
4.1 Main Propulsion Engine
Marine propulsion engine complete with all standard equipment, for example, type YANMAR 3 SME. Engine to be solidly mounted on Tico anti-vibration pads.
Engine to be generally as follows:
Three cylinders, in-line 3 117 1, wet liner diesel engine cooled by salt water circulating through engine. Engine to be continuously rated at 45 HP at 2 200 rpm for 24 h running. Engine start to be electric;
Engine to be directly coupled to a 2.60: 1 reduction gearbox. Gearbox to be hydraulically operated, mechanical drive type. Dry weight of the engine 530 kg.
4.2 Stern Gear
Fixed propeller system to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Shaft to be stainless steel or manganese bronze and stern tube in manganese bronze. Stern tube to be fitted with water lubricated cutless type bearing and to have a lignum vitae inboard stuffing gland. Propeller to be three bladed in manganese bronze, turbine section designed for optimum free running condition with half load. Diameter approximately 740 mm (29"), pitch approximately 410 mm (16").
4.3 Instruments and Alarms
Full engine instrumentation to be installed on or adjacent to the engine as recommended by the engine manufacturer, normally as follows:
Lubrication oil pressure gauge for engine and gearbox, or indicator lamp
Ammeter or indicator lamp
Engine stop control
4.4 Power Take-off
A power take-off drive from the front end of the main engine to be made. The following equipment to be driven:
Hydraulic pump for net/line hauler and purse seine winch
Bilge/deckwash pump
4.5 Fuel System
Fuel tank to be constructed of steel, fully baffled and fitted with sump, inspection plates and vent pipe. Tank to be fitted so as to allow manual content dipstick to be used. Tank to have a total capacity of 500 1. Fuel lines to be in continuous drawn copper piping to the main engine with short, flexible connecting pipe.
One shut-off valve to be fitted in supply line. One in-line water separator. Fuel oil tank to be cleaned prior to filling.
4.6 Exhaust System
A wet exhaust system to be fitted, to include an injection elbow at engine. Pipe diameter and details to be in accordance with the engine manufacturer's recommendations.
Exposed pipework to be fully insulated with an approved material.
Exhaust to terminate at transom, well above waterline.
4.7 Cooling System
A heavy duty seacock and strainer to be located close to the water circuit on the main engine and to be easily accessible. Pipework to be suitable for application. Seacock strainer to be one size larger than engine circulating pump.
4.8 Controls
Power (throttle) and gear controls to be located on control console. Control to be of the cable type suited to the enghine installed.
5.1 Rudder Gear
The rudder mechanism to be constructed as follows:
Rudder blade, wood sheathed in FRP
Rudder pintles in galvanized steel
Jumping collars, stainless steel pins
Tiller arm in wood
6.1 Bilge and Deckwash
Bilge to be drained by a clutch type power pump belt driven from main engine. The valve chest, 32 mm pipe diameter, to have three-way alternative suction as follows:
Engine room bilge suction
Fishroom bilge suction
Seawater suction through independent seacock with strainer.
The delivery side of the pump to be fitted to a hose connection for fire and deckwash purposes.
Deckwash/fire hose to be 3 metres length and to have a nozzle.
6.2 Piping
All piping to be of galvanized steel or copper or reinforced hose. All valves to have open and shut indicators. Non-return valves to be fitted where necessary. Strainers to be fitted to bilge and salt water suctions.
All pipework to be well designed and adequately supported.
6.3 Hand Pumps
The following hand pump to be installed:
One Whale 25, hand pump to main valve chest with handle fastened to pump.
6.4 Auxiliary Pump
One off engine mounted, standard bilge pump plumbed to engine space bilge, constant running type with outboard discharge.
7.1 Deck Machinery
1 off double headed capstan purse-seine winch
1 off gill net hauler with long line sheave and capstsan
7.2 Pumps and Installation
One hydraulic pump mounted on the main engine PTO and fitted with a clutch. Capacity to suit deck machinery, with changeover valve to either set of equipment.
7.3 Piping
Hydraulic piping specification to be in accordance with recommendations laid down by the manufacturer of the hydraulic machinery.
Net hauler to be fitted with quick release connectors to allow removal from boat when not in use.
8.1 General
The electrical installation to be 24 volt DC only. Battery charging by engine mounted, 400 w alternator.
8.2 Cables and Wiring
Generally all cables to be suitably insulated. Screened cables to be used on electronic equipment where necessary. Cables to run on perforated galvanized steel tray plate or through galvanized tube as necessary. Water-tight glands to be fitted in way of all watertight bulkheads. Cable to be colour coded as necessary and circuits clearly labelled.
8.3 Main Switchboard
Main switchboard to be fitted in the engine room. The circuit breaker board to be fitted with MCB units of the correct amperage for each circuit loading. Each circuit to be fused in the positive pole.
8.4 Batteries
Two lead acid batteries, 24 Volt and approximately 100 Amp hour capacity to be fitted. The batteries to be installed in an FRP lined and ventilated box with lid. An isolating switch to be fitted.
8.5 Switches
All switches to be of the heavy duty marine type and splash-proof. Switch panel to be clearly labelled. Interior lights to be individually switched.
8.6 Lights
The following lights to be fitted:
Engine instrument lights, one set
Compass light × 1
Fish hold lights × 2 recessed into overhead
Engine room lights × 2
Deckflood lights × 2 halogen forward
Deckflood lights × 2 fluorescent over aft deck
Crew accommodation light × 1
Electric socket adjacent to helm position × 2
Bicolour navigation light
Stem light
Steaming lights
8.7 Electronics
Paper trace echosounder complete with transducer in hull and metric display mounted in console on aft deck. Spare stylus and box of paper rolls to be provided.
Two tanks for storage of fresh water to be fitted in forward end complete with taps, approximate capacity 100 1 each.
The following equipment to be supplied on board:
Lifebelts × 4
Distress flares, offshore pack × 1
Lifejackets× 10
First aid kit
The following equipment to be supplied on board:
Fire extinguishers× 2
The following equipment to be fitted or supplied on board:
Anchor, 60 kg × 1
Anchor rope, 100 m × 20 mm
Mooring ropes, 25 m × 19 mm × 2
Tire fenders × 4
Beaching legs × 2 with rope strops
Compass, 100 mm
Cathodic protection
Hull below waterline to be anti-fouled red
Decks to be non-slip grey
Hull pigment white with brown topside
Hull internal of white gelcoat
Timber external oiled, timber internal painted.