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64.     Considering the evidence of continuing low catches of elvers over a wide area of the European continent, the joint EIFAC/ICES Working Group on Eels recommended:

  1. That urgent attention be given to making an assessment of trends in recruitment, contamination, parasitic infestation and fisheries and their effects on stock and yield of the species.

  2. That a special meeting at the next Session be held jointly with oceanographers to consider oceanic factors which might explain recently recorded changes in the abundance of larvae and of catches of glass eel.

  3. That member Governments of ICES and EIFAC take steps to ensure that all existing collections of eel catch statistics be maintained and that efforts be made to enhance their quality and scope. In particular, it is highly desirable that national statistics identify the quantities of the major life stages.

  4. That larval cruises by research vessel, such as those established by Tesch in 1977 and discontinued in 1992, be resumed with the involvement of personnel adequately qualified in the sampling and handling of the leptocephalus.

The Working Group proposes that these Recommendations be adopted by the Nineteenth Session of EIFAC and by the Third Statutory Meeting of ICES.

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