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Notes for all tables

Table XVII. - State of exploitation and nominal catches of selected tuna and tuna-like species, in all Oceans (FAO Statistical Areas 21, 27, 31, 34, 37, 41, 48, 51, 57, 58, 61, 67, 71, 77, 81, 87, 88) in metric tonnes, years 1950-94

Catches ('000t)
Stock or species group Main fishing countries 1994 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 State of exploitation
Atlantic Ocean (FAO statistical areas 21,27,31,34,37,41,47 and 48)
Albacore Other Asia,Spain,France 25 65 75 67 69 63 69 54 63 69 60 North: F. South: O
Bigeye tuna Japan,Spain,Other Asia 7 20 53 64 56 69 66 71 73 93 105 O
Northern bluefin tuna Spain,Japan,USA 25 25 20 23 26 24 24 25 28 30 37 West: D. East: F
Southern bluefin tuna Japan,Other Asia 0 1 7 5 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 D
Skipjack tuna Spain,France,Ghana 1 11 80 126 139 114 135 195 148 172 167 M
Yellowfin tuna Spain,France,Venezuela 9 49 105 141 125 151 170 158 150 144 149 F
Total: principal marked tunas 68 171 339 426 418 423 466 507 464 511 520
Billfishes and swordfish Spain,Japan,Other Asia 6 18 21 40 55 56 48 42 44 48 53
Other tunas other and tuna-like species 72 77 81 117 134 123 124 111 92 94 84
Total: all tunas and tuna-like species 145 266+ 583 608 602 638 660 601 652 658
Indian Ocean (FAO statistical areas 51,57 and 58)
Albacore Other Asia,Spain,Japan 0 9 11 19 28 23 29 26 18 15 16 ? F
Bigeye tuna Other Asia,Japan,Korea 0 13 25 42 54 45 45 46 39 55 65 ? F
Southern bluefin tuna Japan,Australia,Other Asia 13 28 24 25 19 14 11 7 5 4 4 ? D
Skipjack tuna Maldives,Spain,France 18 29 36 123 212 249 222 224 282 249 257 M-F
Yellowfin tuna Spain,Other Asia,France 3 28 34 98 183 172 187 191 251 328 254 ? F
Total: principal marked tunas 33 108 130 308 496 503 494 493 594 652 595
Total: billfishes and swordfish Ski Lanka,Other Asia,India 0 7 7 14 21 20 22 24 27 36 44 Swordfish: ? U
Other tunas and tuna-like species 14 43 70 191 270 267 281 288 273 297 314
Total: all tunas and tuna-like species 54 167 231 529 796 806 815 821 914 1 006 968
Pacific Ocean (FAO statistical areas 61,67,71,77,81,87 and 88)
Albacore Japan,Other Asia,USA 75 106 119 116 129 158 134 89 135 107 117 North: F. South: F
Bigeye tuna Japan,Korea,China 40 92 104 123 121 126 163 144 159 134 124 F
Northern bluefin tuna Japan,USA,Other Asia 13 24 19 15 7 9 6 6 7 9 9 ? F-O
Southern bluefin tuna Australia,Japan,New Zealand 4 19 13 5 2 2 3 2 5 6 6 U
Skipjack tuna Japan,USA,Korea 183 237 477 734 935 867 948 1 148 998 1 040 1 038 East:F. Center-West:U
Yellowfin tuna Mexico,Japan,USA 139 196 344 486 600 653 709 667 723 689 672
Total: principal marked tunas 453 673 1 077 1 478 1 794 1 816 1 963 2 056 2 027 1 985 1 967
Total: billfishes and swordfish Japan,Other Asia,Philippines 47 75 60 65 73 75 81 79 86 88 69
Other tunas and tuna-like species 160 241 339 620 797 814 915 896 878 846 912
Total: all tunas and tuna-like species 660 990 1476 2163 2664 2706 2959 3031 2991 2919 2949
Total: all principal market tunas for all oceans 549 946 1536 2194 2686 2722 2905 3036 3065 3129 3054
Total: all billfishes and swordfish for all oceans 50 97 83 107 129 133 141 135 145 161 153
Total: other tunas and tuna-like species for all oceans 211 328 472 896 1164 1182 1283 1260 1220 1207 1289
Total: all tuna and tuna-like species for all oceans 817 1380 2114 3212 3989 4053 4347 4446 4450 4517 4512