Treaties concerning the non-navigational uses of international watercourses: Africa - Traités concernant l'utilisation des cours d'eau internationaux à des fins autres que la navigation: Afrique

Table of Contents


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Table of Contents



Part one general conventions - Première partie conventions générales

1. African convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources11. Algiers, 15 september 1968

Part two multipartite treaties - Deuxième partie traités multilatéraux

2. Act12 regarding navigation and economic co-operation between the states of the Niger basin done at Niamey on 26 October 196313

3. Convention and statutes relating to the development of the Chad basin. Signed at Fort Lamy, on 22 may 196416,17

I. Convention
II. Statutes

4. Agreement18 concerning the River Niger commission and the navigation and transport on the River Niger. Done at Niamey, on 25 November 196419,20

5. Convention relative au statut du Fleuve Sénégal. Signée a Nouakchott, le 11 mars 1972

6. Convention portant création de l'organisation pour la mise en valeur du Fleuve Sénégal signée a Nouakchott, le 11 mars 197224

I. Préambule
II. But de l'organisation
III. Conférence des chefs d'état et de gouvernement
IV. Les organes permanents
V. Le conseil des ministres
VI. Le haut commissariat
VII. La commission permanente des eaux
VIII. Budgets
Dispositions diverses

7. Accord portant création d'un fonds de développement de la commission du bassin du Tchad signe a Yaoundé, le 10 octobre 1973

8. Accord29 portant création de l'organisation pour l'aménagement et le développement du Bassin de la Rivière Kagera. Signée a Rusumo, le 24 août 1977

9. Convention relating to the status of the River Gambia signed at Kaolack, on 30 June 197832

10. Convention relating to the creation of the Gambia River basin development organization signed at Kaolack on 30 June 197835

I. Preamble
II. Purpose of the organization
III. Permanent organs
IV. Conference of heads of state and government
V. The council of ministers
VI. The high commission
VII. The permanent water commission
VIII. Budgets
IX. Various provisions

11. Convention conclue entre le Mali, la Mauritanie et le Sénégal relative au statut juridique des ouvrages communs signée a Bamako, le 21 décembre 1978

12. Convention révisée portant création de l'autorité du Bassin du Niger. Faite a N'Djamena, le 29 octobre 1987

13. Protocole relatif au fonds de développement du Bassin du Niger. Signée a Faranah, le 21 novembre 198041

14. Accession de l'Ouganda a l'accord portant création de l'organisation pour l'aménagement et le développement du Bassin de la Rivière Kagera. Bujumbura, le 19 mai 1981

15. Agreement between the government of the republic of South Africa, the government of the Kingdom of Swaziland and the government of the people's Republic of Mozambique relative to the establishment of a tripartite permanent technical committee. Signed at Pretoria, 17 february 1983

16. Agreement between the governments of the Republic of Portugal, the people's Republic of Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa relative to the Cahora Bassa Project done at Cape Town, 2 May 1984

17. Agreement on the action plan for the environmentally sound management of the Common Zambezi River system signed at Harare, 28 May 1987

Annex I. To the agreement on the action plan for the environmentally sound management of the Common Zambezi River system
Annex II. To the agreement on the action plan for the environmentally sound management of the common Zambezi river system

18. Règlement financier révise de l'autorité du Bassin du Niger fait a Ndjamena, le 27 octobre 1987

19. Convention for the establishment of the Lake Victoria fisheries organization done at Kisumu, 30 June 1994

Annex to the convention

20. Agreement between the governments of the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Botswana, and the Republic of Namibia on the establishment of a permanent Okavango river basin water commission (OKACOM) done at Windhoek, 16 September 199445

21. Protocol on shared watercourse systems in the Southern African development community (SADC) region signed at Johannesburg, 28 August 1995

Part three bipartite treaties - Troisième partie traités bilatéraux

22. Exchange of notes accepting the protocol signed at Kigoma, on 5 august 1924, relative to the Tanganyika-Ruanda-Urundi frontier. Brussels, 17 may 192646,47

23. Framework for general co-operation between the Arab Republic of Egypt and Ethiopia signed at Cairo, 1 July 1993

24. Convention 48 pour préciser les frontières entre le Cameroun et le Congo Français. Singée a Berlin, le 18 avril 190849

25. Agreement between Great Britain and Germany respecting the boundary between British and German territories from Yola to Lake Chad. London, 19 march 190651

26. Agreement between Great Britain and Germany respecting the settlement of the frontier between Nigeria and the Cameroons, from Yola to the sea, and the regulation of navigation on the cross river. London, 11 march 191352

27. Protocole d'accord entre la République de Guinée et la République de la Guinée-Bissau sur l'aménagement du Fleuve Koliba-Korubal. Fait a Conakry, le 21 octobre 1978

28. Exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting concessions for a barrage at Lake Tsana and a railway across Abyssinia from Eritrea to Italian Somaliland. Rome, 14 and 20 December 192553

29. Exchange of notes setting out an agreement54 between his majesty's government in the United Kingdom and the Italian government regarding the boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland, together with the agreement adopted by the boundary commission and appendices. London, 22 November 193355

30. Treaty on the Lesotho highlands water project between the government of the Kingdom of Lesotho and the government of the Republic of South Africa signed at Maseru, 24 October 1986

31. Convention57 between Great Britain and Liberia, supplementary to the convention of 21 January 1911, respecting the boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia London, 25 June 191758

32. Agreement between the government of the Republic of Namibia and the government of the Republic of South Africa on the establishment of a permanent water commission signed at Noordoewer, 14 September 1992

33. Protocole d'accord entre la République du Niger et la République du Mali relatif a la coopération dans l'utilisation des ressources en eau du Fleuve Niger fait a Bamako, le 12 juillet 1988

34. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Republic of Niger concerning the equitable sharing in the development, conservation and use of their common water resources done at Maiduguri, 18 July 1990

35. Agreement between the government of the Republic of South Africa and the government of Portugal in regard to the first phase of development of the water resources of the Cunene river basin Lisbon, 21 January 1969 61

36. Exchange of notes between the Union of South Africa and Northern Rhodesia regarding the Eastern Boundary between the Caprivi Strip and Northern Rhodesia and the grant of privileges to Northern Rhodesia natives on the Caprivi Islands. Pretoria, 4 July, and Cape Town, 25 July 193362

37. Agreement63 between the Republic of the Sudan and the United Arab Republic for the full utilization of the Nile waters signed at Cairo, 8 November 195964

Annex 1.
Annex 2.

38. Treaty on the development and utilisation of the water resources of the Komati River Basin between the government of the Kingdom of Swaziland and the government of the Republic of South Africa signed on 13 March 1992

Annex 1.
Annex 2. Apportionment of capital cost (Article 5 refers)
Annex 3. Water allocations and water data for apportionment of capital cost (article 12 refers)

39. Treaty on the establishment and functioning of the joint water commission between the government of the Kingdom of Swaziland and the government of the Republic of South Africa signed on 13 march 1992

40. Agreement relating to the Central African power corporation signed at Salisbury, 25 November 196374

41. Agreement between the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Republic of Zambia concerning the utilization of the Zambezi River signed at Harare, 28 July 1987

Annexure I (Article 22). Working arrangements for the operation and maintenance of the interconnected systems
Annexure I (Article 23). Working arrangements for the sharing of energy from Kariba Dam

Fao legislative studies