The Fishery Policy and Planning Division of the FAO Fisheries Department regularly publishes technical documentation relevant for fisheries policy planning and management. This document has been prepared in response to increasing interest and enquiries from people working in the analysis of the social issues concerning these fields. The document is intended for both field workers and planners involved in fisheries management and development, whether in inland or coastal areas. Comments and suggestions would be appreciated and should be sent to the Chief, Development Planning Service (FIPP), Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Regional and Country Representatives
FAO Regional Fishery Officers
FAO Fisheries Field Projects
Townsley, P. Social issues in fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 375. Rome, FAO. 1998. 93p. ABSTRACT This document attempts to provide an introduction to social
issues and their significance in the analysis and strategic planning in the
fisheries sector. It is expected that it will be useful to non social planners
involved in those tasks. The document presents a discussion on the
identification of social elements in fisheries systems and the ways in which the
sociologist or the anthropologist can assist in fisheries management. A
framework for the sociological analysis in relation to fisheries strategic
planning and management is then presented along with some of the key social
issues which fisheries analysts are likely to encounter. Three case studies of
social issues associated with fisheries development and management actions are
also analysed using the categories proposed in the framework |