J.A. Sagardoy
FAO Land and Water Development Division with contributions from
A. Bottrall
Consultant, Overseas Development Institute
G.O. Uittenbogaard
FAO Land and Water Development Division
Reprinted 1986
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ISBN 92-5-101245-8
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1. Goals and irrigation organizational structures
1.1 Associations, institutions and organizations
1.2 Goals, objectives and targets
1.3 The organizational hierarchy of goals
1.4 Main types of organizational structures
1.5 Segregated organizational structures
1.6 Integrated organizational structures2. Planning the project organization
2.1 Organizational structure at the project level
2.1.1 The organization of water management activities
2.1.2 The distribution of responsibility2.2 Organizational structure at the small group level
2.3 Organization at the government level3. Main types of irrigation organizations
3.1 Integrated management organizations
3.1.1 State farms
3.1.2 Irrigation settlement projects
3.1.3 Irrigation cooperatives3.2 Specialized water management organizations
3.2.1 Irrigation associations
3.2.2 Public irrigation schemes
3.2.3 Establishment of specialized water management organizations
3.2.4 Irrigation schemes with mixed control4.1 The nature of the management function
4.1.1 Overall direction and coordination
4.1.2 Management of specialized activities4.2 Managers
4.3 Preconditions for good project management
4.4 The importance of management systems
4.4.1 A management system and its components - An example
4.4.2 Particular requirements of irrigation projects
4.4.3 Planning management systems4.5.1 Conditions for success: Improved career and promotion prospects
4.6 Water charges and their effect on the quality of management
5.1 Main objectives of an operation service
5.2 Planning the operation
5.2.1 Estimating future water supply
5.2.2 Estimating water demand
5.2.3 Matching supply and demand
5.2.4 Restrictive measures to match supply and demand5.3 Distribution of water (implementation)
5.3.1 On-demand
5.3.2 Semi-demand
5.3.3 Canal rotation and free demand
5.3.4 Rotational system
5.3.5 Continuous flow5.4 Monitoring the operation
5.5 Staffing the operation service
5.5.1 Water guards
5.5.2 Operators of large structures
5.5.3 Pump-set operators
5.5.4 Water masters
5.5.5 Chief of the operation service
5.5.6 Auxiliary staff6.1 Main functions
6.2 Types of maintenance
6.3 Maintenance activities
6.3.1 Dam and reservoir
6.3.2 Irrigation network
6.3.3 Drainage network
6.3.4 Rural road network and flood protection dykes
6.3.5 Pump stations
6.3.6 Ancillary works6.4 Planning maintenance activities
6.4.1 Inventory of the works
6.4.2 Volume of maintenance activities
6.4.3 Optimum cycle of maintenance
6.4.4 Machinery and manpower requirements
6.4.5 Costing and establishing maintenance priorities6.5 Implementation of the maintenance programme
6.6 Staffing the maintenance service
6.6.1 Labourers
6.6.2 Ganger or headman
6.6.3 Overseer
6.6.4 Work inspector
6.6.5 Machine operators
6.6.6 Mechanics
6.6.7 Chief of maintenance7. Irrigation assistance service
7.1 Planning for the irrigation assistance
7.2 Objectives and main types of irrigation assistance at the farm level
7.3 Irrigation practices improvement
7.4.1 Main activities
7.4.2 Land grading or levelling
7.4.3 Organizational alternatives7.5 Tertiary canal system improvement
8.1.1 Accounting and financial control
8.1.2 Procurement of supplies and warehousing
8.1.3 Legal matters
8.1.4 Personnel matters
8.1.5 Various8.2.1 Determination of water rates
8.2.2 Method of payment
8.2.3 Monomial and binomial rates
8.2.4 Increasing or decreasing rates8.3 Financial viability of the organization
8.4 Staffing of the administrative service
8.5 Organizational alternativesAnnex I - Associations of irrigation water users
1. Origins
2. Types of associations and their establishment
3. Legal character
4. Water use rights
5. Functional bodiesAnnex II - Irrigation scheduling
1. Introduction
2. Rotational supply with limited water
2.1 Theoretical base
2.2 Determining the rotational supply
2.3 Example
2.4 Related design considerations