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ACMRR, 1974 The scientific advisory function in international fishery management and development bodies. Supplement 1 to the report of the Seventh Session of the Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research. Rome, 17–24 October 1973. FAO Fish. Rep., (142)Suppl.1:14 p.

ACMRR, 1980 Working Party on the Scientific Basis of Determining Management Measures, Report of the ACMRR Working Party on the scientific basis of determining management measures. Hong Kong, 10–15 December, 1979. FAO Fish.Rep., (236):149p.

Champagnat, C. and F. Domain, 1978 Migrations des poissons demersal le long des côtes ouestafricains de 10 a 24° de latitude nord. Cah.ORSTOM.(Oceanogr.), 16(3–4):239–62

Cushing, D.H., 1972 A history of the international fisheries commissions. Proc.R.Soc.Edinb., 73(36):361–90

Cushing, D.H. and R.R. Dickson, 1976 The biological response in the sea to climatic changes. Adv.Mar.Biol., 14:122 p.

Crutchfield, J. and A. Zellner, 1962 Economic aspects of the Pacific halibut fishery. Fish.Ind.Res., 1(1):173 p.

Dannevig, G., 1954 The feeding grounds of the Lofoten cod. Rapp.P.-V.Réun.CIEM, 136:86 p.

FAO, 1978 Some scientific problems of multispecies fisheries. Report of the Expert Consultation on Management of Multispecies Fisheries. Rome, Italy, 20–23 September 1977. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (181):42 p.

Gulland, J.A. and J.E. Carroz, 1968 The management of fishery resources. Adv.Mar.Biol., 6:1–71

ICES, 1977 Report of the Ad hoc Meeting on the provision of advice on the biological basis for fisheries management. Coop.Res.Rep.ICES, 62

ICES, 1980 Report of the Advisory Committee on Fishery Management. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (mimeo)

ICNAF (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries), 1969 Annual Proceedings for the year 1968–69. ICNAF Annu.Proc., (19):55 p.

Joseph, J. and J. Greenough, 1979 International management of tuna, porpoise and billfish: biological, legal and political aspects. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 252 p.

King, D.M., 1979 International management of highly migratory species - centralized versus decentralized economic decision making. Mar.Pol., 3(4):264–77

Maslov, N.A., 1944 Bottom fishes of the Barents Sea. 5. Migrations of the cod. Tr.Polyarn. Nauchno-Issled.Inst.Morsk.Rybn.Khoz.Oceanogr., 8

May, R.M. 1979 et al., Management of multispecies fisheries. Science, Wash., 205(4403): 267–77

Munro, G.R., 1979 The optimal management of transboundary renewable resources. Can.Econ., 12(3)

Murphy, G.I., 1966 Population biology of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops caerulea). Proc.Calif. Acad.Sci., 34(1):1–84

Troadec, J.-P., W.G. Clark and J.A. Gulland, A review of some pelagic stocks in other areas. In Symposium on the biological basis of pelagic fish stock management. Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIEM, (in press)

Went, A.E.J., 1972 Seventy years agrowing. A history of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapp.P.-V.Reun.CIEM, 165:249 p.


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