Barlow, S.M., et al. 1984, Chemical and biological assay procedures for lysine in fish meals. J.Sci.Food Agric., 35:154-64. Issued also as IAFMM Tech. Bull., (20):12 p.

Bierman, H. 1966, The capital budgeting decision. London, Collier-MacMillan

Bowman, S.J. 1984, Digest of statistics of IAFMM. Potters Bar, U.K., IAFMM

Carpenter, K.J. and V.H. Booth 1973, Damage to lysine in food processing: its measurement and significance. Nutr.Abstr.Rev., 43(6):423-511

IAFMM (International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers). 1979, Recommended method of analysis for determination of crude protein in fish meal. IAFMM Tech.Bull. (8)

IAFMM, 1979a, Recommended method of analysis for determination of moisture in fish meal. IAFMM Tech. (9)

IAFMM, 1979b, Recommended method of analysis for determination of ash in fish meal. IAFMM Tech. (10)

IAFMM, 1979c, Recommended method of analysis for determination of sand in fish meal. IAFMM Tech. (11)

IAFMM, 1980, Recommended method of analysis for determination of salt in fish meal. IAFMM Tech. (12)

IAFMM, 1980a, Recommended method of analysis for determination of diethyl ether extract in fish meal. IAFMM Tech.Bull. (13)

IAFMM, 1982, Recommended method of analysis for automatic determination of crude protein in fish meal by the Kyel-Foss procedure. IAFMM Tech.Bull. (15)

IAFMM, 1983, Recommended method of sampling fish meal for analysis. IAFMM Tech.Bull. (16)

IAFMM, n.d., Nutrient analysis tables for U.K. Potters Bar, U.K., IAFMM

Miller, E.L., 1970, Available amino acid content of fish meal. FAO Fish.Rep., (92):66 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

Petersen, T.E., 1971, The degradation and loss of protein and oil from herring stored at temperatures between 0� and 12�C. IAFMM News Summ., (31):12-36

Windsor, M.L., 1971, Fish meal. Torry Advis.Note, (49):12 p.