José Eduardo de Almeida and Tamara Canto
Instituto de Zootecnia, São Paulo, Brazil
Mulberry (Morus sp.), originally from Asia, was introduced in Brazil during colonial times. Today, mulberry is widely known and is common in orchards, recreational rural households and gardens. Its fruit is appreciated for direct consumption and for making jam. However, commercial mulberry cultivation occurs only in regions where it is associated with sericulture.
According to the latest statistics, the mulberry area in Brazil covers approximately 38 000 ha (Table 1 and Figure 1). The state of Paraná is the largest concentration of that area with 32 400 ha (Table 2 and Figure 2), followed by the western portion of the state of São Paulo, with 4 600 ha (Table 3 and Figure 3) and by smaller areas in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina.
It must be highlighted that all production of these areas is for the silkworm, and no surplus is available for other uses. Plant management includes frequent pruning which prevents plants from blossoming and fruit development; plant sex is thus irrelevant.
According to Fonseca and Fonseca and Shammass (1986), the first attempt to cultivate mulberry commercially occurred in state of Rio de Janeiro, as an initiative of the Emperor D. Pedro II, in the middle of nineteenth century. After a period of decadence, it was resumed only in 1923, in the eastern parts of the state of São Paulo State following Italian immigration. Later, eastern São Paulo showed a decline in sericulture and western São Paulo flourished, coinciding with Japanese immigration. Today, sericulture is concentrated in the northern part of Paraná State.
Areas with mulberry
States |
Area (ha) |
Goiás (GO) |
24 |
Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) |
459 |
Minas Gerais (MG) |
77 |
Paraná (PR) |
32 426 |
Santa Catarina (SC) |
114 |
São Paulo (SP) |
4 645 |
37 745 |
Source: Abrasseda, 1998.Figure 1. Map of Brazil
Figure 2. State of Paraná State
Mulberry area in the state of Paraná by county
County |
Area (ha) |
Apucarana |
610 |
Campo Mourão |
1 244 |
Cascavel |
1 929 |
Cornélio Procópio |
91 |
Curitiba |
151 |
Francisco Beltrão |
662 |
Guarapuava |
214 |
Irati |
1 |
Ivaiporã |
2 241 |
Londrina |
630 |
Maringá |
8 776 |
Paranavai |
4 601 |
Pato Branco |
502 |
Ponta Grossa |
415 |
Santo Antônio Da Platina |
1 970 |
Toledo |
763 |
Umuarama |
7 626 |
Total |
32 426 |
Source: EMATER, 1998.Figure 3. Figure of São Paulo
Mulberry area in the State of São Paulo
Regional agricultural division |
Area (ha) |
Regional agricultural division |
Area (ha) |
Andradina |
243 |
Jaú |
43 |
Araçatuba |
27 |
Limeira |
18 |
Araraquara |
67 |
Lins |
899 |
Assis |
126 |
Marília |
319 |
Avaré |
21 |
Ourinhos |
161 |
Bauru |
554 |
Piracicaba |
16 |
Catanduva |
78 |
Presidente Prudente |
222 |
Dracena |
236 |
Presidente Venceslau |
49 |
General Salgado |
447 |
São João da Boa Vista |
35 |
Itapetininga |
5 |
São José do Rio Preto |
194 |
Itapeva |
42 |
Tupã |
775 |
Jaboticabal |
2 |
Votuporânga |
30 |
Jales |
36 |
Total |
4 645 |
Source: Abrasseda, 1998.The causes that determined the movements of mulberry cultivation are not clear, but they must be related to various factors such as low income conditions prevailing among the rural population that sees sericulture as a secure source for income generation; the appearance of other economic alternatives; and soil exhaustion, production and profitability decline, resulting in sericulture opening space to other activities with more intensive in capital requirements.
In Brazil, all cultivated mulberry varieties appear to belong to M. alba. In São Paulo state, there is an active germoplasm bank (BAG) at the Estação Experimental de Zootecnia (Livestock Experimental Station) in Gália county; one collection at the University of São Paulo (UNESP) in Jaboticabal county; one in a spinning mill (under the trade name of Fiações de Seda Bratac) in Bastos county; and one at the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR), in Londrina.
The Estação Experimental de Zootecnia has sericulture research as a mandate and its BAG includes three collections: variety collection (32 clones), the Instituto de Zootecnia collection (42 clones); and the Fukashi-Miura collection (14 clones).
Little information is available on which clones are used in the 38 000 ha planted with mulberry. Commercial companies have disseminated the Miura and Korin clones, because of the great supply of planting material. These clones together with the Calabresa variety, make up the large majority of the cultivated area.
Genetically modified clones (IZ and FM) are very productive and with more nutritious leaves but, being destined completely to silkworm feeding, their expansion has been limited.
Production data for this report were obtained from research carried out at the Instituto de Zootecnia (Fonseca, Fonseca and Paolieri, 1985a, 1985b, 1985c; Fonseca, Fonseca Schammass, 1986, 1987a; Fonseca et al., 1987b and 1987c). Since the purpose of the work was fresh biomass production for silkworm feeding, the data are in fresh leaf weight. However, according to Almeida et al. (1989), it is known that the leaf:stem ratio is 1:1 when the cut is made at 90 days. For more frequent cutting, leaf:stem ratio can vary.
Branca da Espanha (Spanish white). Imported from Spain. It shows good development, good adaptation, is productive and precocious. Good propagation through cuttings.
Calabresa. Imported from Italy. Optimal adaptation. It is productive, rustic and very precocious. Easy propagation through cuttings. Estimated production is 5 079 kg/ha/year.
Catânia 1. Imported from Italy. Well adapted, vigorous and very productive. Not well propagated through cuttings.
Catânia 2. Imported from Italy. Well adapted, vigorous and highly productive. Not well propagated through cuttings.
Catânia Paulista. From the former Livestock Experimental Station at Limeira, São Paulo State. Its characteristics have some resemblance to the first two Catania varieties above. It is precocious, productive and vigorous. Not well propagated through cuttings.
Contadini. Imported from Italy. Well adapted, productive and precocious. Very good propagation through cuttings.
Fernão Dias. From Fernão Dias county of São Paulo state. It is precocious and productive. Good propagation through cuttings. Estimated production is 5 302 kg/ha/year.
Flório. Italian origin. Not very well adapted. It is precocious but not productive. Not well propagated through cuttings.
Formosa. Originated from Taiwan. Very well adapted, productive, precocious and vigorous. Easily propagated through cuttings. Estimated production is 8 608 kg/ha/year.
Galiana. Originated from Livestock Experimental Station at Gália, São Paulo state. Medium tardy, vigorous and rustic. Not well propagated through cuttings. Data for 1 m branch: leaf number, 22; mean leaf weight, 5.86 g; mean stem weight, 53.1 g; leaf weight:stem weight, 2.43; internodal distance 4.5 cm.
Iamada. Originated from Promissão county, São Paulo state. It is precocious, but not productive. Good propagation through cuttings.
Kokuso 21. Imported from Japan. Not well adapted, tardy, produces few branches that grow slowly. No propagation through cuttings.
Kokuso 27. Imported from Japan. Not well adapted, tardy, produces few branches that grown slowly. No propagation through cuttings.
Lopes Lins. Originated from Tietê county, São Paulo state. It is precocious and productive. Good propagation through cuttings.
Miura. Originated from Bastos county, São Paulo State. It has some similar characteristics to the Calabrese variety. It is precocious, rustic and productive.
Moretiana. Imported from Italy. Very good adaptation, productive and rustic. It is a little tardy, no propagation through cuttings.
Moscatela. Originated from Italy. Good adaptation, precocious, rustic and productive. Good propagation through cuttings.
Nezumigaeshi. Imported from Japan. Good adaptation, productive, rustic and vigorous. Not well propagated through cuttings.
Nostrana. From the former Livestock Experimental Station at Limeira, São Paulo state. It is rustic, precocious and vigorous. Easy propagation through cuttings.
Paduana. Originated from Borborema county, São Paulo state. It is precocious, rustic and productive. Good propagation through cuttings.
Pêndula. Originated from Rio de Janeiro State. It is precocious, rustic but not productive.
Rosa. Originated from Italy. Good adaptation but low productivity. Slow development. Good propagation through cuttings.
Rosa da Lombardia. Originated from Italy. Bad adaptation, its medium tardy, low productivity. Slow development and precocious leaf maturation. Not good propagation through cuttings.
Rosol. Originated from Registro county, São Paulo. It is precocious, rustic, vigorous and productive. but leaves are very wrinkled, coarse and easily broken, little adapted to feeding the silkworm.
Selvagem. From the former Sericulture Service at Campinas, São Paulo state. It is rustic, vigorous and precocious, showing low productivity, with excessively multilobed leaves and reduced useful foliar area.
Serra-das-Araras. Coming from the mountain Araras range situated in Rio de Janeiro state. It is very precocious, rustic and with low production. Very intense blossoming. Easy propagation through cuttings.
Siciliana. Coming from Barbacena county, Minas Gerais state, It is precocious, rustic but with low production. Easily propagated through cuttings.
Talo Roxo. From the former Sericulture Service in Campinas, São Paulo state. It is precocious, with low production, and easy propagation through cuttings.
Tietê. Coming from Tietê county, São Paulo state. It is precocious, rustic and with low production. Good propagation through cuttings.
Ungaresa - From the former Livestock Experimental Station at Limeira, São Paulo state. It is rustic, precocious and productive. Leaves are coarse, not appreciated by silkworm.
Korin. From the Fiações de Seda Bratac collection, it is very vigorous and productive. Good propagation through cuttings.
The production and agrobotanic characteristics of the varieties above are shown in Tables 4 and 5.
Quantitative characteristics of some mulberry varieties (data for 1 m branch)
Variety |
Leaf # |
Leaf weight (g) |
Branch weight (g) |
Leaf/branch ratio |
Internodal length (cm) |
Branca da Espanha |
24 |
4.65 |
42.5 |
2.63 |
4.2 |
Calabresa |
26 |
3.04 |
33.5 |
2.36 |
3.8 |
Catânia 1 |
26 |
5.79 |
64.3 |
2.35 |
3.8 |
Catânia 2 |
26 |
6.09 |
50.9 |
3.10 |
3.8 |
Catânia Paulista |
25 |
5.44 |
61.8 |
2.20 |
4.0 |
Contadini |
31 |
3.29 |
38 |
2.69 |
3.2 |
Fernão Dias |
25 |
4.10 |
38.6 |
2.67 |
4.0 |
Flório |
25 |
2.40 |
37.5 |
1.60 |
4.0 |
Formosa |
24 |
4.66 |
41.5 |
2.70 |
4.2 |
Galiana |
22 |
5.86 |
53.1 |
2.43 |
4.5 |
Iamada |
30 |
2.52 |
52.7 |
1.14 |
2.8 |
Kokuso 21 |
31 |
7.29 |
75.1 |
3.01 |
3.2 |
Kokuso 27 |
30 |
7.88 |
75.0 |
3.15 |
3.3 |
Lopes Lins |
19 |
5.30 |
41.9 |
2.41 |
5.2 |
Miura |
24 |
4.24 |
38.4 |
2.66 |
4.2 |
Moretiana |
33 |
2.67 |
46.8 |
1.88 |
3.3 |
Moscatela |
24 |
3.91 |
31 |
3.04 |
4.2 |
Nezumigaeshi |
47 |
3.54 |
65.1 |
2.55 |
2.1 |
Nostrana |
21 |
4.23 |
30.9 |
2.88 |
4.8 |
Paduana |
20 |
8.04 |
44.6 |
3.61 |
5.0 |
Pêndula |
24 |
3.48 |
32.2 |
2.61 |
4.2 |
Rosa |
28 |
2.47 |
35.6 |
1.91 |
3.6 |
Rosa da Lombardia |
31 |
4.29 |
62.2 |
2.14 |
3.2 |
Rosol |
16 |
9.05 |
44.1 |
3.29 |
6.2 |
Selvagem |
21 |
2.68 |
25.0 |
2.24 |
4.8 |
Serra-das-Araras |
42 |
1.98 |
34.5 |
2.44 |
2.4 |
Siciliana |
23 |
3.17 |
29.5 |
2.48 |
4.3 |
Talo Roxo |
24 |
3.95 |
40.1 |
2.37 |
4.2 |
Tietê |
21 |
4.75 |
43.1 |
2.32 |
4.8 |
Ungaresa |
26 |
2.95 |
32.3 |
2.39 |
2.8 |
Korin |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Agrobotanic characteristics of some mulberry varieties
Variety |
Size (cm2) |
Shape |
Base |
Edge1 |
B. da Espanha |
380 |
Entire/Lobed |
Truncate |
S |
Calabresa |
240 |
Five lobed |
Lobed |
D |
Catânia 1 |
330 |
Entire/Ovate |
Truncate |
D |
Catânia 2 |
335 |
Entire/Ovate |
Truncate |
D |
Catânia Paulista |
252 |
Entire/Ovate |
Rounde |
D |
Contadini |
257 |
Entire/Ovate |
Rounde |
D |
Fernão Dias |
274 |
Entire/Ovate/Lobed |
Cordate |
D |
Flório |
150 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Cordate |
S |
Formosa |
339 |
Entire/Ovate/Lobed |
Cordate |
S |
Galiana |
405 |
Lobed |
Truncate/Lobed |
S |
Iamada |
184 |
Entire/Ovate/Lobed |
Cordate/Lobed |
D |
Kokuzo 21 |
408 |
Entire/Ovate |
Linear round |
C |
Kokuzo 27 |
405 |
Intire/Ovate |
Round |
C |
Lopes Lins |
330 |
Entire/Lobed |
Cordate |
C |
Miura |
276 |
Entire/Lobed |
Cordate/Lobed |
D |
Moretiana |
181 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Cordate |
S |
Moscatela |
282 |
Entire/Ovate |
Truncate |
S |
Nezumigaeshi |
213 |
Five lobed* |
Truncate/Lobed |
S |
Nostrana |
250 |
Entire/Ovate |
Rounded |
D |
Paduana |
404 |
Entire/Ovate/Lobed |
Cordate |
D |
Pêndula |
232 |
Entire/Ovate/Lobed |
Truncate/Linear |
D |
Rosa |
177 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Cordate |
D |
R. da Lombardia |
289 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Deeply cordate |
S |
Rosol |
500 |
Entire/Ovate |
Linear |
D |
Selvagem |
210 |
Lobed |
Lobed |
S/D |
Serra das Araras |
144 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
S |
Siciliana |
253 |
Entire/Ovate/Lobed |
Truncate |
S/D |
Talo Roxo |
282 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Cordate |
D |
Tietê |
272 |
Entire/Ovate/Lobed |
Truncate |
D |
Ungaresa |
209 |
Entire/Ovate |
Truncate/Linear |
S/D |
Korin |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Agrobotanic characteristics of some mulberry varieties
Variety |
Surface |
Bark colour |
Bud1 |
Flower |
Size1/Colour |
B. da Espanha |
Smooth/Glossy |
Greyish-yellow |
S |
S/White |
Calabresa |
Smooth/Glossy |
Dark greyish brown |
S |
M/Purple |
Catânia 1 |
Undulated/Glossy |
Light greyish yellow |
S |
L/Purple |
Catânia 2 |
Undulated/Glossy |
Light brown |
M |
L/White |
Catânia Paulista |
Undulated/Glossy |
Whitish brown |
L |
- |
Contadini |
Undulated/Glossy |
Greyish brown |
M |
M/Purple |
Fernão Dias |
Smooth/Glossy |
Whitish brown |
M |
M/Purple |
Flório |
Smooth/Glossy |
Brown |
S |
S/Purple |
Formosa |
Smooth/Glossy |
Dark brown |
M |
M/Purple |
Galiana |
Smooth/Glossy |
Greyish brown |
L |
M/Purple |
Iamada |
Smooth/Glossy |
Greyish brown |
M |
M/Purple |
Kokuso 21 |
Smooth/Glossy |
Light greyish yellow |
M |
- |
Kokuso 27 |
Smooth/Glossy |
Light greyish yellow |
S |
- |
Lopes Lins |
Smooth/Glossy |
Light greyish brown |
S |
S/Purple |
Miura |
Smooth/Glossy |
Light greyish brown |
L |
M/Purple |
Moretiana |
Smooth/Glossys |
Brown |
M |
S/Purple |
Moscatela |
Smooth/Glossy |
Light brown greyish |
L |
S/Purple |
Nezumigaeshi |
Smooth/Glossy |
Light yellow greyish |
S |
- |
Nostrana |
Undulated/Glossy |
Dark brown |
M |
M/Purple |
Paduana |
Undulated/Opaque |
Greyish brown |
L |
- |
Pêndula |
Smooth/Glossy |
Greyish brown |
L |
M/Purple |
Rosa |
Smooth/Opaque |
Brown |
M |
S/Purple |
R. da Lombardia |
Smooth/Glossy |
Light brown |
S |
M/Purple |
Rosol |
Blistered |
Whitish brown |
S |
S/Purple |
Selvagem |
Smooth/Glossy |
Dark brown |
L |
M/Purple |
Serra-das-Araras |
Smooth/Glossy |
Brown |
L |
S/Purple |
Siciliana |
Undulated/Glossy |
Dark brown |
L |
- |
Talo Roxo |
Undulated/Opaque |
Dark reddish brown |
L |
L/Purple |
Tietê |
Smooth/Glossy |
Brown |
M |
M/Purple |
Ungaresa |
Smooth/Opaque |
Dark brown |
S |
- |
Korin |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1S = small; M = medium; L = large.TABLE 6
Origin and estimated production of IZ collection clones
Clone |
Cross-breeding |
Estimated production (kg/ha/year) |
IZ 30 |
Random breeding |
8 559 |
IZ 40 |
Random breeding |
9 931 |
IZ 64 |
Random breeding |
7 945 |
IZ 1/17 |
Fernão Dias x Catânia Paulista |
7 686 |
IZ 2/2 |
Calabresa x Catânia Paulista |
6 197 |
IZ 3/2 - Issaokina |
Contadini x Catânia Paulista |
8 597 |
IZ 5/2 - Capucho |
Branca da Espanha x Catânia |
7 895 |
IZ 6/2 |
Lopes Lins x Catânia Paulista |
5 438 |
IZ 10/1 - Campinas |
Lopes Lins x Catânia Paulista |
7 984 |
IZ 10/4 |
Lopes Lins x Catânia Paulista |
6 698 |
IZ 12/3 |
Fernão Dias x Catânia Paulista |
6 104 |
IZ 13/6 - Luiz Paolieri |
Fernão Dias x Kokuso |
11 844 |
IZ 15/1 |
Calabresa x Nezumigaeshi |
6 304 |
IZ 15/7 - Rio da Pedras |
Calabresa x Nezumigaeshi |
6 501 |
IZ 19/1 |
Talo Roxo x Kokuso 27 |
5 119 |
IZ 19/13 - Rosa da Fonseca |
Talo Roxo x Kokuzo 27 |
10 177 |
IZ 23/8 |
Rosol x Catânia Paulista |
5 555 |
IZ 29/1 - Sempre Verde |
Capinas x Nezumigaeshi |
8 224 |
IZ 42/12 |
Catânia x Siciliana |
5 001 |
IZ 51/1 |
B. da Espanha x Nezumigaeshi |
7 878 |
IZ 56/4 - Tamarina |
Formosa x Catania Paulista |
12 043 |
IZ 57/2 - Javanesa |
Fromosa x Kokuso 27 |
9 353 |
IZ 1/1,/2,/3,/12 &/16 |
Fernão Dias x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 2/1 |
Calabresa x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 3/1 |
Contadini x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 4/1 & IZ 1/4 |
Moretiana x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 5/1 & IZ 6/1 |
Calabresa x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 6/3 & IZ 9/7 |
Lopes Lins x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 11/9 |
Formosa x Kokuso 21 |
4 526 |
IZ 14/1 |
B. de Espanha x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 16/3 |
Fernão Dias x Catânia Paulista |
5 310 |
IZ 18/19 |
Catânia x Catânia Paulista |
IZ 23/3 |
Rosol x Catânia Paulista |
4 049 |
IZ 23/3 |
" |
This is a collection of selected clones, originating from breeding programmes at the Instituto de Zootecnia (IZ), Secretary of Agriculture of São Paulo state (Table 6). The production and agrobotanic characteristics of the IZ clones are shown in Tables 7 and 8.
Quantitative characteristics of mulberry clones of the IZ collection (data per 1 m -branch)
Clone |
Leaf number |
Leaf weight (g) |
Branch weight (g) |
Leaf/branch ratio |
Internodal length (cm) |
IZ 30 |
27 |
2.52 |
35.0 |
1.70 |
3.71 |
IZ 40 |
34 |
2.35 |
49.0 |
2.35 |
2.95 |
IZ 64 |
26 |
4.70 |
38.0 |
3.00 |
3.85 |
IZ 1/17 |
19 |
5.28 |
48.9 |
2.05 |
5.3 |
IZ 2/2 |
24 |
3.06 |
49.9 |
1.47 |
4.2 |
IZ 3/2 |
27 |
4.10 |
49.9 |
2.22 |
3.7 |
IZ 5/2 |
24 |
4.13 |
46.3 |
2.14 |
4.2 |
IZ 6/2 |
22 |
4.09 |
48.6 |
1.85 |
4.5 |
IZ 10/1 |
22 |
5.56 |
46.8 |
2.62 |
4.5 |
IZ 10/4 |
23 |
4.26 |
53.7 |
1.82 |
4.3 |
IZ 10/8 |
19 |
4.27 |
38.0 |
2.14 |
5.3 |
IZ 12/3 |
25 |
3.88 |
41.9 |
2.32 |
4.0 |
IZ 13/6 |
25 |
4.82 |
53.0 |
2.28 |
4.0 |
IZ 15/1 |
25 |
3.74 |
52.1 |
1.80 |
4.0 |
IZ 15/7 |
26 |
1.83 |
34.6 |
1.83 |
3.8 |
IZ 19/1 |
28 |
3.10 |
50.7 |
1.71 |
3.6 |
IZ 19/13 |
32 |
4.06 |
54.9 |
2.37 |
3.1 |
IZ 23/8 |
23 |
5.62 |
52.9 |
2.44 |
4.3 |
IZ 29/1 |
28 |
3.57 |
48.0 |
2.08 |
3.6 |
IZ 42/12 |
22 |
3.34 |
37.4 |
1.97 |
4.5 |
IZ 51/1 |
21 |
3.89 |
35.5 |
2.30 |
4.8 |
IZ 56/4 |
23 |
4.24 |
49.4 |
1.97 |
4.3 |
IZ 57/2 |
25 |
4.16 |
44.2 |
2.35 |
4.4 |
Mulberry clones selected by Fukashi Miura (FM) from Fiações de Seda Shoei-Bratac, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state:
Shima Korin 01-SK02-SK03-SK04 - from crossbreeding Shimagoa and Korin varieties.
Shima Miura 11-SM12-SM13-SM14-SM15 - from crossbreeding Shimagoa and Miura varieties.
Fukashi Miura 3/1-FM6/3-FM10-FM30-FM3/2 - from selection into plant origin by seed.
Agrobotanic characteristics of mulberry clones from the IZ collection
Clone |
Size (cm2) |
Shape |
Base |
Edge1 |
Surface |
IZ 30 |
235 |
Entire/Ovate |
Truncate/Round |
S |
Plan |
IZ 40 |
265 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Truncate |
S |
Plan |
IZ 64 |
395 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
D |
Undulate |
IZ 1/17 |
332 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
C |
Undulate |
IZ 2/2 |
236 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
S |
Undulate |
IZ 3/2 |
246 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
S |
Undulate |
IZ 5/2 |
271 |
Entire/Cordiform Lobed |
Cordate |
S |
Undulate |
IZ 6/2 |
230 |
Entire/Cordiform Lobed |
Deep cordate |
C |
Wrinkled |
IZ 10/1 |
301 |
Entire/Cordiform Ovated |
Cordate |
C |
Undulate |
IZ 10/4 |
241 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
C |
Undulate |
IZ 10/8 |
396 |
Entire/Ovate |
Deep cordate |
S |
Undulate |
IZ 12/3 |
261 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
S |
Undulate |
IZ 13/6 |
242 |
Entire/Ovate Lobed |
Cordate/Lobed |
D |
Undulate |
IZ 15/1 |
309 |
Five-lobed |
Lobed |
S |
Plan |
IZ 15/7 |
200 |
Entire/Ovate Lobed |
Cordate |
S |
Plan |
IZ 19/1 |
308 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Cordate |
C |
Plan |
IZ 19/13 |
332 |
Entire/Ovate |
Truncate |
C |
Undulate |
IZ 23/8 |
222 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Cordate |
D |
Wrinkled |
IZ 29/1 |
201 |
Asymmetric/Cordiform |
Deep cordate |
S |
Plan |
IZ 42/12 |
230 |
Entire/Ovate |
Truncate |
C |
Plan |
IZ 51/1 |
334 |
Entire/Ovate |
Cordate |
S |
Rugose |
IZ 56/4 |
339 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Cordate |
S |
Undulate |
IZ 57/2 |
365 |
Entire/Cordiform |
Truncate |
S |
Plan |
C = crenated; D = dentated; S = serrated.CULTIVATION
Climatic conditions
Temperature. Optimal temperature required for mulberry is situated between 24-28ºC; below 13oC growing stops and so do branching and bud formation. From August to May, mulberry vegetative growing is practically continuous.
Rainfall. Ideal rainfall for mulberry This condition is met in São Paulo and Paraná states.
Agrobotanic characteristics of clones from the IZ collection
Variety |
Bark colour |
Bud1 |
Flower |
VP %2 |
IZ 30 |
Greenish ligth brown |
S |
80 |
IZ 40 |
Greyish light green |
M |
86 |
IZ 64 |
Greyish light brown |
L |
/* |
54 |
IZ 1/17 |
Geryish brown |
S |
- |
IZ 2/2 |
Greyish light green |
M |
- |
IZ 3/2 |
Whitish light green |
L |
- |
IZ 5/2 |
Geennish brown |
M |
- |
IZ 6/2 |
Greyish brown |
M |
- |
IZ 10/1 |
Greyish light brown |
M |
- |
IZ 10/4 |
Greyish green |
M |
- |
IZ 10/8 |
Greyish brown |
M |
- |
IZ 12/3 |
Yellowish brown |
M |
- |
IZ 13/6 |
Whitish dark brown |
L |
- |
IZ 15/1 |
Greyish dark brown |
L |
- |
IZ 15/7 |
Greyish light brown |
S |
- |
IZ 19/1 |
Greenish dark brown |
L |
- |
IZ 19/13 |
Whitish light green |
L |
- |
IZ 23/8 |
Greenish light brown |
L |
- |
IZ 29/1 |
Greenish light green |
L |
- |
IZ 42/12 |
Greenish light green |
L |
- |
IZ 51/1 |
Greenish light brown |
M |
- |
IZ 56/4 |
Greenish light green |
L |
- |
IZ 57/2 |
Greenish light brown |
M |
- |
Relative humidity. In general, the required air humidity for mulberry is between 65 and 80 percent. Higher precipitation and soil humidity are contributing factors towards improved leaf quality.
Photoperiod. The major mulberry areas in Brazil are located between 20 and 30o south, and it seems that there are no photoperiodic limitations to plant growing.
Altitude. In São Paulo State, in general, mulberry crops are located in altitudes varying from 300 to 700 m, far from the limit tolerated by mulberry.
Drought resistance. No research data are available relating to drought resistance for varieties cultivated in Brazil. The seasonal supply of green leaves shown by some varieties even in drought periods was qualitatively observed for some clones, such as IZ 29/1.
Despite mulberrys need for adequate soil quality, it can grow in most of the soils available in São Paulo state. However, shallow soils and well as compacted, hard, impermeable and swampy soils should be avoided. Whenever possible, preferred soils are deep, fertile, well-drained, friable, porous, with adequate water retention capacity and a mild acidity (pH 6.2-6.8).
Organic. In general, poultry manure is applied, with a minimum dose of 0.5 kg per plant, during the winter time, at a depth of 20 to 30 cm. Field experiments demonstrate higher productivity when mulch is applied to mulberry plants. When available, its utilization is highly desirable, but some precautions are necessary. For example, when residues of different origins with very high C/N ratio are used, it is recommended that chemical N fertilizer be applied jointly in order to accelerate the decomposition of organic material and avoid competition for N in the soil.
Mineral content of organic materials
Material |
C |
N |
P |
K |
Ca |
Mg |
S |
Zn |
Cu |
Cd |
Ni |
Pb |
Fresh bovine manure |
100 |
5 |
2.6 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
33 |
6 |
- |
2 |
2 |
Composted bovine manure |
320 |
15 |
12 |
21 |
20 |
6 |
2 |
217 |
25 |
- |
2 |
1 |
Poultry manure |
140 |
14 |
8 |
7 |
23 |
5 |
2 |
138 |
14 |
2 |
2 |
17 |
Swine manure |
60 |
7 |
2 |
5 |
12 |
3 |
- |
242 |
264 |
- |
2 |
3 |
Castor oil seed meal |
450 |
45 |
7 |
11 |
18 |
5 |
- |
128 |
73 |
- |
- |
- |
Mucuna |
60 |
3 |
0.6 |
3 |
2 |
0.4 |
- |
6 |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
Crotalaria juncea |
70 |
2.8 |
0.4 |
3 |
2 |
0.4 |
- |
2 |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
Source: Van Raij et al., 1996.Chemical fertilizers. According to the literature, there is no consensus on the ideal chemical fertilizer for mulberry. Among other factors, quantities will obviously depend on soil fertility. Soil analyses have been the most viable and practical way to evaluate soil fertility. Although there are no guidelines on the amount of fertilizer for mulberry according to soil fertility and economic factors, it is suggested that the table of Bulletin 100 from Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (Van Raij, et al. 1996).
According to Rubia Brasil Sobrinho and Azeredo (1976), in cases of low contents in P and K and when all silkworm residues are applied to mulberry fields, the following application could be suggested (in kg/ha/year): 250 kg of N, 65 kg of P2O5, and 156 kg of K2O.
In manure utilization, the data presented in Table 9 may help to determine nutrient application rates.
The characteristics and symptoms of the main mulberry pests and diseases are described in the Sericulture Manual (Manual de Sericicultura) compiled by the Technical Committee on Sericulture (Comisso Técnica de Sericicultura) (Tinoco, 1999).
Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targ. Tozz, 1885). This insect attacks mulberry branches and stems, introducing its mouth apparatus (stylus) into the sap plant conductors and sucking a great deal of the plant sap. These insects shield themselves under small structures and, when an attack is intense, these structures fully cover the branches and stems of the plant (Figure 4). The plant is quite weakened by the attack, showing cracks that allow the entrance of pathogenic micro-organisms. In boggy, shadowed and poorly aired soils, or in badly managed crops, this attack is more severe.
Figure 4 Mulberry branches infested by Pseudaulacaspis pentagona
Naupactus spp. These beetles belong to the Curculionidae family. Adult phases of the insect feed on mulberry leaves, causing severe reduction in the leaf surface, and larvae phases feed on roots. As a result, plant vigour decays, once nutrient absorption collapses and pathogenic micro-organisms are eased through plant injuries. The Naupactus versatilis form has been more frequently detected in Paraná state. Its adult form presents a length ranging from 11 to 14 mm, with a metallic green colour, which becomes darker with age, due to the loss of scale-like structures.
Adult form of Naupactus versatilis
Migdolus fryanus Westwood-Coleoptera from the Cerambycidae family. This polyphagous beetle, biologically little known, has been causing economic damages in several crops, namely in sugarcane and, more recently, in mulberry. Adult males are generally black, dark brown or red brown, and their total length ranges from 12.1 to 37.0 mm. Adult females, on the other hand, are generally reddish brown or dark brownish, and their total length ranges from 19.5 to 35 mm (Bento et al., 1995). The male exemplars have membranous and functional wings, with antennas that reaches approximately half the body size (Figure 6). The females have reduced non-functional wings and much shorter antennae than the males. Larvae cause the totality of the damage to the mulberry plants. Those larvae find their ideal source of nutrition in the root system, so destroying the roots (Figure 7). Insect dispersion happens in the larvae phases, because in this period an increased mobility in the soil environment is observed, establishing a net of channels that are likely to be used for adults in order to reach the soil surface during the mating period. Although plants are generally affected only partially, attacks can completely destroy the affected plants.
Figura 6 Adult form of Migdolus fryanus
Figure 7 Mulberry root with lesions caused by Migdolus fryanus larvae
With regard to population control of the insecto, there are few solutions because of its biological and behavioural aspects. One obstacle is that larvae bury 3-4 m into the soil; eggs are laid atg different depths. Although there was a generalized belief that attacks were more frequent in sandy soils, today studies on the subject have demonstrated that there is no linkage between types of soil and Migdolus attack.
"Cutting-prone" ants - Sauba ant. Ant hills are true subterranean urban structures, endowed with a great number of individuals (more than ten million, in a adult ant hill), which can reach 7 m in depth, below the soil line. Quenquéns ants of the genus Acromyearmex are smaller than sauba ants and, in general, ant hills from this genus hardly reach depths lower than 50 cm. One ant hill communicates with another by ocelli (orifices on the soil surface). In an ant hill of three or more years old, three types of ocelli are observed: one for transportation of land, one for ventilation, and one for food provision.
Nematode diseases - Meloidogyne spp. These worm species attack mulberry producing root tumours (root knots), which make it hard for the plant to absorb nutrients and water causing severe damage to the crop (Figure 8). Plants attacked present reduction in size, with leaves appearing to lack water, becoming yellower and collapsing, reducing sensibly the production of leaves per area. Mulberry vitality deteriorates gradually and, in the later stages, the plant dies.
Figure 8 Mulberry root with root-knots
Main bacteria and fungus diseases
White root rot. This is caused by fungus from genus Rosellinia. This type of fungus lives as a saprophyte in decaying organic matter, mainly from plants left over the soil, and they can become pathogenic to cultivated plants. The diseased mulberry plants become weak, and the root rots. The hyphae emerging from the various fruiting bodies attack the smaller roots of the healthy plants, and spread to the main root system, causing white root rot.
Figure 9 Mulberry root with violet root rot
Violet root rot, caused by Helicobasidium mompa, Tanaka fungus. The First symptoms of this disease appear when mulberry does not sprout at the beginning of spring or when the leaves suddenly appear to wither in the middle of summe. The main disease characteristic is the existence of similar velvet veilings that colours the root bark dark-brown. Several reddish filamentous substances appear that colors all the root bark that are the hyphes from the pathogen.
Mulberry withering. This disease has been verified in mulberry cultivations of the state of São Paulo, mainly in the region of São José do Rio Preto. Its main characteristic is root rot. Several samples of attacked plants have been examined in research institutes and, to date, non-conclusive diagnoses are available. According to personal reports by scientific researchers, the following micro-organisms are detected in a sample from Guaraçaí, São Paulo (1997): Fusarium sp., Lassiodiplodia sp., Fusicoccum sp., Meloidogyne sp. and Pratylenchulus sp.
Oidium. Phylactinia corylea Prest Karst. Oidium is a very common disease in mulberry plants and can cause severe damage to leaves, making them so they are unable to feed silkworm once the fungus has absorbed all the leaf nutrients. It frequently occurs in older leaves, which are covered by a greyish-white powder, made from pathogen structures. The disease is more frequent during the spring and summer, periods when favourable conditions for its development are present.
Rusty spot Cylindrosporium mori Targioni Tozzeti. In the beginning, the spots are small (less than 1 mm in diameter) but with the development of the process, they can reach more than 1 cm, and are brownish in colour with yellowish edges. The spots usuals to appear at the top, in the petiole and over the young branches. In severe attacks, mulberry leaves fall from the plant.
Other leaf spots caused by fungus. These attacks may be caused by fungus from the genera Cercospora sp., Alternaria sp., Helminthosporium sp. and Colletotrichum sp. Seasonally, they are more frequent during spring and summer, in periods of higher humidity and temperature.
Bacteria spots. Bacterium mori (Boyer & Lambert), Bacillus curbonianus (Macchiatti), Bacterium moricolum (Yendo & Higushi). Mulberry is susceptible to these kind of spots, at any age and in any aerial part of the plant. Seasonally, the disease is more frequently observed in summer (higher humidity and temperature). Initial symptoms appear as on the leaves small and sparsely distributed spots in necrosed areas, which coalesce and tear apart in a later phase, exuding yellowish pus on the lesion. The shootings can also die, causing oversprouting.
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