- Documentation is a prime necessity in quality assurance and traceability.
- Its main purpose is to define the system of control required to reduce
the risk of error. This must include defining and mastering the critical points
in the manufacturing process and establishing and implementing the quality
control plan.
- It is also designed to ensure that personnel are instructed in the details
of the necessary procedures and to permit investigation and tracing of defective
- The system of documentation should be such that the history of each batch,
blend, or run of product may be determined.
- Documentation must be both adequate and systematic and relate both to the
manufacturing process and to quality assurance.
- All relevant documents including those referring to quality assurance or
HACCP procedures, must be retained for an appropriate amount of time, or as
required by local regulations.
- An example of an existing Code of Practice and good procedure to follow
is outlined in the UKASTA Code of Practice for the Manufacture of Safe
Compound Animal Feeding stuffs (UKASTA, 1998, 2000) and the Draft Code
of Practice for Good Animal Feeding (FAO, 1998; Appendix IV).