PC 86/1 |
Provisional Agenda |
PC 86/3 (a) |
Programme Evaluation - Thematic Review of FAO's Training
Activities |
PC 86/3 (b) |
Programme Evaluation - Topics to be Considered for Future
Evaluations |
PC 86/4 |
Mechanisms Available to FAO to Meet Unbudgeted Demands while
Protecting the Programme of Work |
PC 86/6 |
Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee
Recommendations |
PC 86/INF/1 |
Provisional Timetable |
PC 86/INF/2 |
Provisional List of Documents |
JM 01.2/1 |
Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting of the Programme and
Finance Committees |
JM 01.2/3 |
The Situation and Prospects of FAO's Field Activities |
JM 01.2/INF/3 |
Decentralization and Operational Activities to the Country
Level |
CL 120/INF/13 |
JIU Report: Young Professionals in Selected Organization of
the United Nations:Recruitment, Management and Retention |
CL 121/INF/11 |
Annual Report of the JIU for the Year 2000 |
CL 121/INF/12 |
Work Programme of the JIU for 2001 and Preliminary List of
Potential Reports for 2002 and Beyond |
C 2001/3 |
Programme of Work and Budget 2002-03 |