Annex 1
Map 1: Emission of N2O from grasslands where mineral fertilizers and animal manure were applied. Emissions represent the emissions per year, accounting for country specific cropping intensities.
Map 2: Emission of N2O from wetland rice where mineral fertilizers and animal manure were applied. Emissions represent the emissions per year, accounting for country specific cropping intensities.
Map 3: Emission of N2O from upland crops where mineral fertilizers and animal manure were applied. Emissions represent the emissions per year, accounting for country specific cropping intensities.
Map 4: Emission of NO from grasslands where mineral fertilizers and animal manure were applied. Emissions represent the emissions per year, accounting for country specific cropping intensities.
Map 5: Emission of NO from wetland rice where mineral fertilizers and animal manure were applied. Emissions represent the emissions per year, accounting for country specific cropping intensities.
Map 6: Emission of NO from upland crops where mineral fertilizers and animal manure were applied. Emissions represent the emissions per year, accounting for country specific cropping intensities.
Map 7: Estimated annual emission of NH3 for 1995 from animal manure applied to grasslands.
Map 8: Estimated annual emission of NH3 for 1995 from animal manure applied to wetland rice.
Map 9: Estimated annual emission of NH3 for 1995 from animal manure applied to upland crops.
Map 10: Estimated annual emission of NH3 for 1995 from mineral fertilizers applied to grasslands. The emission is an annual estimate. High values may be caused by high cropping intensities, such as in China, while low values may be the result of low cropping intensities. The emission rates per ha of harvested land may thus differ from those presented here.
Map 11: Estimated annual emission of NH3 for 1995 from mineral fertilizers applied to wetland rice. The emission is an annual estimate. High values may be caused by high cropping intensities, such as in China, while low values may be the result of low cropping intensities. The emission rates per ha of harvested land may thus differ from those presented here.
Map 12: Estimated annual emission of NH3 for 1995 from mineral fertilizers applied to upland crops. The emission is an annual estimate. High values may be caused by high cropping intensities, such as in China, while low values may be the result of low cropping intensities. The emission rates per ha of harvested land may thus differ from those presented here.