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Development is often hindered by the lack of information flow. Despite the long history of aquaculture in mainland China, its rapid and steady development since 1978 which made of China the world’s leader in aquaculture production, and the abundant scientific literature on China’s aquaculture, much is yet to be understood about the reasons and factors which were behind the success of aquaculture in China. This report seeks to contribute to closing this information gap. The report was completed by Nathanael Hishamunda of the FAO Fishery Development Planning Service assisted by Rohana Subasinghe of the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service. The background information was collected by a team of seven Chinese experts in freshwater, brackishwater and marine aquaculture as well as in fish marketing, economics and policy making, and FAO consultants. The Chinese experts included Prof. Chen Jiaxin of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Prof. Miao Weimin of the Freshwater Fisheries Research Centre, Liu Qing and Wang Jin of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jiang Kaiyong and Zong Minqing of the China Society of Fisheries, and Chen Shuping of INFOYU. FAO consultants included, Prof. PingSun Leung of the University of Hawaii, Albert Tacon and Kee Chai Chong. We would like to recognize their sense of dedication and responsibility which they demonstrated in achieving this task. It is hoped that the valuable information and lessons contained in this report will be of benefit to the rest of the world, particularly developing countries as they strive to develop aquaculture as a part of their efforts to achieve food security and economic growth.

Ulf Wijkström
Chief, Fishery Development Planning Service
FAO Fisheries Department
Jiansan Jia
Chief, Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service
FAO Fisheries Department

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