Note: the following
abbreviations are used below:
cf. - compare; e.g. - for example; i.e. - that
is; q.v. - which see.
The language from which a term is derived is given in parenthesis, as appropriate.
Acropetal |
Referring to the maturity of rattan flowers and fruits proceeding from the base to the apex. |
Adnate |
United with another part; with unlike parts fused; e.g. ovary and calyx tube. |
Albumen |
An old term used for the endosperm. |
Anatropous |
An ovule bent parallel to its stalk (stem) so that the micropyle is adjacent to the hilum. |
Ancistrophyllinae |
The palm subtribe that includes the rattan genera Eremospatha, Laccosperma and Oncocalamus. |
Ancistrophyllum |
A synonym of the rattan genus Laccosperma. |
Androecium |
Collective term for the stamens as a unit of the flower. |
Antepetalous |
Opposite the petals. |
Antesepalous |
Opposite the sepals. |
Anther |
The part of a stamen containing the pollen. |
Apocarpus |
With free carpels. |
Arecaceae |
Alternate name for the family Palmae. |
Arecoideae |
The palm subfamily which includes the tribe Cocoeae. |
Bactridinae |
The palm subtribe which includes the rattan-like genus Desmoncus. |
Basifixed |
Attached to the base. |
Bejaudia |
A synonym of the rattan genus Myrialepis. |
Bisexual |
Having both sexes present and functional in the same flower; cf. hermaphrodite. |
Bract |
A modified leaf associated with the inflorescence. |
Bracteole |
A small bract borne (growing) on a flower stalk (stem). |
Calameae |
The palm tribe that includes the rattan subtribes Calaminae, Korthalsiinae and Plectocomiinae, as well as the non-rattan subtribes Metroxylinae, Pigafettinae and Salaccinae. |
Calaminae |
The rattan palm subtribe that includes the rattan genera Calamus, Calospatha, Ceratolobus, Daemonorops, Pogonotium and Retispatha. |
Calamoid |
Referring to palms in the genus Calamus. |
Calamoideae |
The rattan palm subfamily that includes the rattan tribes Calameae and Lepidocaryeae, as well as the non-rattan tribe Eugeissoneae. |
Calamus |
A genus of rattans occurring in Southeast Asia, southern China, the western Pacific, Australia, South Asia and equatorial Africa; it consists of 370-400 species. |
Calospatha |
A genus of rattans occurring in Peninsular Malaysia; it consists of a single species. |
Calyx |
The outermost or lowermost whorl (circle) of floral organs, the sepals. |
Campanulate |
Bell-shaped. |
Carpel |
The single unit of the gynoecium. |
Carpellate |
Pertaining to the carpel. |
Chalaza |
The basal part of the ovule or seed where it is attached to the funiculus and the point at which vascular (vessel) tissues enter and spread into the ovule. |
Ceratolobus |
A genus of rattans occurring in Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java and Borneo; it consists of six species. |
Ciliate |
Bearing a fringe of hairs. |
Cocoeae |
The palm tribe that includes the subtribe Bactridinae. |
Cornera |
A synonym of the rattan genus Calamus. |
Corolla |
The second whorl (circle) of flower organs (parts), the petals, inside or above the calyx. |
Cucullate |
Bearing a flexible hood (covering) at the tip. |
Cymbospatha |
A section of the rattan genus Daemonorops having the inflorescence with its bracts all included within the prophyll; correctly this should be designated as section Daemonorops; cf. Piptospatha. |
Daemonorops |
A genus of rattans occurring in Southeast Asia and China; it consists of 115 species. |
Desmoncus |
A genus of rattan-like palms occurring in South America, Central America and Mexico; it includes about seven species. |
Diaspore |
Portion of the seed without sarcotesta. |
Didymous |
Of anthers, where the connective is almost absent. |
Embryo |
The rudimentary plant within a seed. |
Endocarp |
The innermost layer of the fruit wall; cf. epicarp, mesocarp, pericarp. |
Endosperm |
In palms, the nutritive body of a seed. |
Epicarp |
The outermost layer of the fruit wall; cf. endocarp, mesocarp, pericarp. |
Epipetalous |
United with and often appearing to be borne (growing) on the petals. |
Eremospatha |
A genus of rattans occurring in humid tropical Africa; it consists of 11 species. |
Exine |
The outer coat of a pollen grain. |
Extrorse |
Of anthers, opening away from the centre of the flower. |
Family |
A taxonomic (systematic) grouping of similar genera. |
Filament |
The stalk (stem) supporting the anther in the stamen. |
Fruit |
The ripened ovary with adnate (joined) parts. |
Funiculus |
The stalk (stem) attaching the ovule to the ovary wall. |
Gametophyte |
The pollen tube, its nuclei and the embryo sac. |
Genus (plural: genera) |
A taxonomic (systematic) grouping of species believed to be closely related to each other. |
Gynoecium |
The ovule bearing organ of the flower, consisting of an ovary, a style and one or several stigmas. |
Hermaphrodite |
Bisexual; in flowers, with stamens and pistil in the same flower. |
Hilum |
The scar left on the seed where it was attached. |
Holotype |
The actual specimen on which the name of a species is based; cf. isotype, syntype. |
Homogeneous |
Referring to the endosperm; not ruminate. |
Imbricate |
Overlapping such as in a flower bud when one sepal or petal is wholly external and one wholly internal and the others overlap at the edges only; cf. valvate. |
Inflorescence |
The branch that bears the flowers, including all its bracts and branches. |
Infructescence |
An inflorescence bearing fruit. |
Integument |
The covering of the seed, divisible into two layers, the outer of which becomes the sarcotesta. |
Introrse |
Of anthers, opening toward the centre of the flower. |
Involucrophorum |
A bract that holds both female and neuter flowers. |
Isotype |
A duplicate of the holotype; cf. syntype. |
Korthalsia |
A genus of rattans occurring in Southeast Asia; it consists of about 26 species. |
Korthalsiinae |
The rattan palm subtribe containing the rattan genus Korthalsia. |
Laccosperma |
A genus of rattans occurring in humid tropical Africa; it consists of six species. |
Latrorse |
Of anthers, opening lateral to the filament. |
Lepidocaryeae |
The palm subtribe that includes the rattan genera Eremospatha, Laccosperma and Oncocalamus. |
Lepidocaryoideae |
A synonym of the rattan palm subfamily Calamoideae. |
Locule |
The cavity in which the ovule is borne (growing). |
Loricate |
Covered with fruit scales, as in the Calamoid palms. |
Mesocarp |
The middle layer of the fruit wall; cf. endocarp, epicarp, pericarp. |
Micropyle |
An opening through the envelope enclosing the ovule. |
Myrialepis |
A genus of rattans occurring in Southeast Asia; it consists of a single species. |
Oncocalamus |
A genus of rattans occurring in humid tropical Africa; it consists of four species. |
Ovary |
The part of the pistil, usually the enlarged base, which contains the ovules and eventually becomes the fruit. |
Ovate |
Egg-shaped; a flat surface that is scarcely twice as long as broad with the widest portion below the middle. |
Ovoid |
A solid object that is ovate in section. |
Ovule |
The immature seeds in the ovary before fertilization. |
Palmae |
The palm family; alternate name Arecaceae. |
Partial inflorescence |
The first order branch of an inflorescence and the branches it carries. |
Pedicel |
The stalk (stem) of an individual flower of an inflorescence. |
Peduncular bracts |
Empty bracts borne (growing) on the peduncle (stem) between the prophyll and the first rachis bracts. |
Perianth |
A collective term for sepals and petals if both are present. |
Pericarp |
The wall of the ripened ovary of fruit whose layers may be fused into one, or may be more divisible into exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp. |
Petal |
One unit of the inner floral envelope or corolla. |
Phyllanthectus |
One of the sections into which the rattan genus Calamus is divided; the best quality commercial cane species belong to this section and to Podocephalus, q.v. |
Piptospatha |
A section of the rattan genus Daemonorops sharing the characteristic of having inflorescence bracts that split down their length and fall off at anthesis (flowering). |
Pistil |
The female part of a flower (gynoecium). |
Pistillate |
Bearing a pistil (gynoecium), the ovule-bearing organ of the flower. |
Pistillode |
A sterile gynoecium. |
Plectocomia |
A genus of rattans occurring in Southeast Asia; it consists of about 16 species. |
Plectocomiinae |
The rattan palm subtribe that includes the rattan genera Myrialepis, Plectocomia and Plectocomiopsis. |
Plectocomiopsis |
A genus of rattans occurring in Southeast Asia; it includes five species. |
Podocephalus |
One of the sections into which the rattan genus Calamus is divided; the best quality commercial cane species belong to this section and to Phyllanthectus, q.v. |
Pogonotium |
A genus of rattans occurring in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo; it consists of three species. |
Pollen |
Spores (reproductive units) borne by (growing on) the anthers containing the male element (gametophytes). |
Pollination |
The transfer of pollen from the dehiscing (splitting) anther to the receptive stigma. |
Prophyll |
The first bract borne on the inflorescence. |
Protandrous |
Stamens shedding pollen before the stigma is receptive. |
Protogynous |
Stigmas receptive before pollen is shed. |
Rachilla |
An ultimate flower-bearing branch of the inflorescence. |
Rattan |
A climbing palm belonging to the subfamily Calamoideae. |
Receptacle |
The central axis of a flower to which the floral organs are attached. |
Retispatha |
A genus of rattans occurring in Borneo; it consists of a single species. |
Ruminate |
Referring to the endosperm, darkly streaked due to infolding of the seed coats. |
Sarcotesta |
A fleshy layer developed from the outer seed coat; cf. testa. |
Schizospatha |
A synonym of the rattan genus Calamus. |
Section |
A taxonomic (systematic) grouping of species below the generic level; e.g. Cymbospatha, q.v. |
Seed |
The reproductive unit formed from a fertilized ovule. |
Sepal |
A single part of the outermost whorl (circle) of floral organs (parts), the calyx. |
Sessile |
Without a stalk, such as a stigma with no style. |
Spadix |
An inflorescence, which is now the preferred term. |
Spathe |
A large sheathing bract usually either the prophyll or peduncular bract; a term best not used. |
Species |
The fundamental taxonomic (systematic) unit. In palms, the most commonly applied species concept that is applied to palm taxonomy is the morphological species concept where discontinuities in morphological variation provide the means to separate species. |
Stamen |
The male organ of a flower; a filament (stem) bearing an anther containing pollen. |
Staminate |
A flower bearing stamens but no pistils. |
Staminode |
An abortive or rudimentary stamen without a perfect anther. |
Sterile |
Failing to complete fertilization and produce seed as a result of defective pollenor ovules; not producing seed capable of germination; lacking functional sexual organs. |
Stigma |
The portion of the pistil that receives the pollen. |
Style |
The part of the pistil connecting the ovary with the stigma. |
Subfamily |
A major taxonomic (systematic) division of a family. |
Subtribe |
A taxonomic (systematic) division of a tribe. |
Syntype |
One of several different specimens cited in the first description of a species where no single specimen was designated as the type. |
Testa |
The outer coat of the seed; cf. sarcotesta. |
Triad |
A special group of two lateral staminate and a central pistillate flower. |
Tribe |
A taxonomic (systematic) division of a subfamily. |
Triovulate |
A gynoecium with three ovules, one in the locule of each carpel. |
Unisexual |
Referring to flowers of one sex; i.e. bearing fertile stamens alone or bearing a fertile pistil alone. |
Valvate |
Meeting exactly without overlapping; cf. imbricate. |
Variety |
A taxonomic (systematic) division of a species. |
Abaxial |
The side of an organ that faces away from the axis that bears it; e.g. the under surface of a leaf; cf. adaxial. |
Abscission |
Separation; e.g. detachment of a leaf from a stem. |
Acanthophyll |
A spine, often large, derived from a leaflet. |
Acaulescent |
Lacking a visible stem; stemless. |
Acuminate |
Tapering to a point with concave sides; cf. acute. |
Acute |
Sharp; ending in a point with straight or slightly convex sides; cf. acuminate. |
Adaxial |
The side of an organ that faces toward the axis the bears it; e.g. the upper side of a leaf; cf. abaxial. |
Adventitious |
Not in the usual place; e.g. roots on stems. |
Ansa |
The stalk of a leaflet (in Korthalsia only). |
Ansate |
Bearing an ansa. |
Apex |
The growing point of a stem or root. |
Apical |
At the point of any structure. |
Apiculate |
Bearing a short, sharp but not stiff point. |
Armed |
Bearing some form of spines. |
Auricle |
An ear-like extension of the leaf sheath, usually paired, one on each side of the petiole. |
Axil |
The upper angle between the leaf and the stem. |
Axillary |
Borne (growing) in an axil. |
Axis |
The main or central line of development of a plant or organ. |
Bifid |
Divided in two, usually equal, parts. |
Blade |
The extended part of a leaf or petal. |
Bristle |
A stiff hair. |
Caespitose |
Clustered, having multiple stems; cf. solitary. |
Central cylinder or corpus |
Inner to the stem cortex; comprised of scattered vascular bundles embedded in thin-walled parenchymatous ground tissue. |
Cirrate |
Bearing a cirrus, q.v. |
Cirrus |
An extension of the rattan leaf tip armed with grapnel hooks, enabling the rattan to climb into the forest canopy; cf. flagellum. |
Clustered |
Caespitose; having multiple stems; cf. solitary. |
Concolorous |
Upper leaflet surface the same colour as the lower; cf. discolorous. |
Connate |
United or joined. |
Connective |
The part of the stamen that connects the anther cells to the filament. |
Coriaceous |
Leathery. |
Cortex |
The ground tissue of the stem between the vascular cylinder and the epidermis. |
Cotyledon |
Single seed leaf in palms, part of the embryo. |
Crown |
The cluster of leaves borne at the tip of the stem. |
Culm |
A rattan stem or stalk; the term is also applied to the bamboo stem. |
Dimorphic |
Of two forms, as may occur with branches, etc. |
Discolorous |
Upper leaflet surface different in colour from the lower; cf. concolorous. |
Distal |
Situated farthest from the point of attachment. |
Distichous |
Regularly arranged in two opposite rows on either side of a stem. |
Dyad |
A pair. |
Ecirrate |
Without a cirrus, q.v. |
Eflagellate |
Without a flagellum, q.v. |
Entire |
An even margin without tooth-like or lobed (rounded) edges. |
Eophyll |
In a seedling, the first leaf having a blade. |
Epidermis |
The outermost layer of the rattan stem (the skin) consisting of a single row of mostly radially elongated cells. |
Fibre |
A relatively long sclerenchyma cell. |
Fibre sheath |
In the stem, the heavily lignified and thick-walled fibres mainly surrounding the vascular bundles. |
Flagellate |
Bearing a flagellum, q.v. |
Flagellum |
A whiplike climbing organ derived from an inflorescence and bearing reflexed spines; cf. cirrus. |
Grapnel |
A small anchor or hook with three or more flukes (barbed heads) used for the spine groups borne (growing) on the flagellum or cirrus. |
Ground tissue |
Parenchyma cells between the vascular bundles of the rattan stem. |
Hypodermis |
One or two layers of unlignified cells lying just below the epidermis of a rattan stem. |
Indument |
Any covering as hairs or scales. |
Induplicate |
Leaflets V-shaped in cross section; cf. reduplicate. |
Internode |
The space or part of a stem or branch between the attachments of two leaves; also referred to as a joint. |
Joint |
Common name for an internode. |
Knee |
A swelling on the leaf sheath at the base of the petiole, present in most rattans. |
Lamina |
The usually flattened bladelike portion of a leaf, as distinct from the leaf base and petiole. |
Lanceolate |
Narrow, tapering at both ends, the basal end often broader. |
Leaflet |
One part of a compound (having 2 or more leaflets) leaf. |
Linear |
Several times longer than wide, usually narrow. |
Meristem |
The apical growing point of the stem which is an area of active cell division. |
Metaxylem vessels |
In the stem, elongated cells forming the main part of the xylem; they transport water and appear round in cross-section. |
Midrib |
The main vein of a leaf which is a continuation of the petiole. |
Nerve |
A strand of strengthening and/or conducting tissue running through a leaf, which starts from the midrib and diverges or branches throughout the leaf. |
Node |
The point on the stem or branch at which a leaf or lateral is borne (growing). |
Ocrea |
An extension of the leaf sheath beyond the petiole insertion. |
Paraxylem |
In the stem, small vessels located in the para-position (alongside) of the xylem. |
Parenchyma |
Storage tissue in the rattan stem. |
Peduncle |
The lower unbranched part of an inflorescence. |
Pendulous |
Drooping; hanging down. |
Periphery |
The portion of the rattan stem consisting of the epidermis and a peripheral zone below. |
Petiolate |
Having a petiole, q.v. |
Petiole |
The stalk (stem) of a leaf. |
Phloem |
The cell system for transporting sugars and nutrients through the rattan stem; cf. vascular bundles. |
Pinna (plural: pinnae) |
Leaflet of a pinnate leaf. |
Pinnate |
Featherlike, lateral ribs or leaflets arising from a central axis. |
Praemorse |
Jaggedly toothed; referring to the jagged leaflet margins of Korthalsia, Eremospatha spp. and some species of Ceratolobus. |
Rachis |
The axis of a leaf beyond the petiole; or the axis of an inflorescence beyond the peduncle. |
Radicle |
The first root formed by the embryo. |
Recurved |
Bent or curved downward or backward. |
Reduplicate |
Leaflets A-shaped in cross-section; cf. induplicate. |
Rhizome |
An underground stem that is distinguished from the adjoining roots by the presence of nodes with buds and leaves or scales. |
Rhomboid |
Diamond-shaped; term used to describe leaflets. |
Scandant |
Climbing. |
Sclerenchyma |
In the stem, heavily lignified cells with thick walls that ensheath the vascular bundles, q.v. |
Sheath |
Basal part of the leaf that is usually tubular, but often splits. |
Shoot |
A young growing stem. |
Silica |
In the stem, silicon dioxide (Si02) occurs as isolated spherical bodies in unequally thickened cells (stegmata), characteristically disposed next to vascular and non-vascular fibre. |
Solitary |
Single stemmed, not clustering, q.v. |
Spine |
A short stiff straight sharp-pointed hard structure; armed, q.v. |
Spinule |
A very small spine. |
Stegmata |
Silica cells (bodies) present in the rattan stem as longitudinal files of cells adjacent to vascular or non-vascular fibre. |
Stem |
The part of the plant that is usually above ground and bears the branches, leaves and reproductive parts. |
Stemless |
Referring to rattans with very short, often subterranean stems; cf. acaulescent. |
Stolon |
A trailing stem usually above ground capable of producing roots and shoots at its nodes. |
Stomata |
Pores in the epidermis of aerial parts of the rattan plant. |
Subcirrate |
A type of leaf in which the terminal portion of the rachis bears very small widely separated leaflets, but does not develop into a true cirrus. |
Sucker |
A branch formed at the base of a rattan stem. |
Sympodial |
Of a stem in which the growing point either terminates in an inflorescence or dies, growth being continued by a subtending lateral growing point. |
Terrete |
Smooth, cylindrical and tapering. |
Tomentum |
A thick covering of hairs. |
Unarmed |
Without any spines. |
Vascular |
bundles Strands of phloem and xylem cells embedded in parenchymatous cells and sheathed by sclerenchyma cells. |
Vein |
A strand of vascular tissue in a flat organ such as a leaf. |
Venation |
The arrangement of the veins of a leaf. |
Verrucate |
Bearing broad, rather large, isodiametric excrescences (growths). |
Verticillate |
Arranged in whorls (circles) as in the spines on the stems of some Calamus species. |
Whip |
A climbing organ in some rattans; general term for cirrus and flagellum. |
Xylem |
The cell system transporting water through the rattan stem; cf. vascular bundles. |
Yellow cap |
Strands of non-lignified fibres, normally yellow in colour and not taking up stain, surrounded with large numbers of stegmata, found in species of Korthalsia, Plectocomia and Plectocomiopsis. |
Adjacent-ligular |
Type of germination in which the seedling shoot develops close to the seed. |
Anthesis |
The time when pollination takes place. |
Apogeotropic |
Growing upwards; cf. geotropic. |
Dioecious |
When female (staminate) and male (pistillate) flowers are borne (growing) on different plants; cf. monoecious. |
Geotropic |
Growing downward; cf. apogeotropic. |
Gibberellic acid |
A growth-promoting hormone which has shown positive effects on rattan seedlings. |
Hapaxanthic |
Describing shoots flowering then dying; cf. pleonanthic. |
Hypostomatous |
Stomata confined to the abaxial surface of the leaf. |
Lignified |
Impregnated with lignin, the major chemical constituent of wood; i.e. woody. |
Monocarpic |
Bearing fruit only once in its lifetime; cf. polycarpic. |
Monoecious |
When female (staminate) and male (pistallate) flowers are borne (grow) on the same plant; cf. dioecious. |
Phenology |
The study of the behaviour of plants in relation to environmental conditions. The major objective of phenological studies of rattans is to determine flowering and fruiting patterns. |
Phyllotaxy |
The arrangement of leaves on a stem. |
Pleonanthic |
Describing shoots flowering continuously, not dying after flowering; cf. hapaxanthic. |
Polycarpic |
Flowering over many years; cf. monocarpic. |
Relative Light Intensity, a standard measure of light intensity expressed as 1-100%. RLI is used to study rattan seed germination and growth in natural forests and nurseries. |
Root to shoot ratio |
A measure of the differential sensitivity of roots and shoots to water stress. Rattan root growth is less sensitive than shoot growth hence there are large increases in the ratio under conditions of water stress. |
Agroforestry |
A land-use system based on some combination of cultivated annual and perennial plants, natural forest and livestock, such that total production per unit area is maximized and risk minimized. |
Assisted natural regeneration |
A term used interchangeably with enrichment planting. |
Belukar |
(Malay) Young secondary forest. |
Bungor |
A support tree (Lagerstroemia speciosa) planted for cultivation of small-diameter canes in Kalimantan. |
Cluster sampling |
A technique that can be used to inventory rattans in virgin or secondary forest; a grid of the area to be surveyed is constructed and randomly selected clusters assessed in the field for the quantity and size-class of rattan species present. |
Enrichment planting |
Cultivation of a desirable rattan species within its native forest habitat to increase populations, using nursery stock or wildings; examples are group planting, line planting and strip planting. |
Establishment stage |
The initial growth period of a seedling derived from direct seeding or transplanting; critical factors are light, moisture and nutrients. |
Forest plantations |
Cultivation of different tree species underplanted with rattan. |
Group planting |
Rattan seedlings of large-diameter species planted with multiple seedlings per planting point, typically at least 1 m apart; some tree thinning is done to improve light conditions for seedling growth. |
Hardening off |
Removal of rattan seedlings from the nursery into direct sunlight a few days or a week before transplanting. |
Intercropping |
Cultivation of two or more perennial or annual species in rows or other complementary patterns such that production is maximized per unit area. |
Kampong (Malay) |
A cluster of houses and associated gardens; a compound. |
Ladang (Malay) |
Cultivated field; sometimes the site of rattan gardens. |
Line planting |
Rattan seedlings of large-diameter species planted singly per planting point along a planting line within a forest; some tree thinning is done to improve light conditions for seedling growth. Line planting is especially suitable in belukar or regenerating forest. |
Lining |
The marking of planting rows and planting points prior to transplanting rattan seedlings. |
Plantation owner/operator |
This term includes private tree plantation companies, village farmers and individuals under contract for reforestation programs. |
Planting materials |
Seeds, wildings, suckers or tissue cultured material for rattan propagation. |
Polybag nursery |
Germination of rattan seed in polythene bags filled with fertile topsoil. |
Processed seed |
Rattan seed from which the fruit scales (pericarp) and the fleshy sarcotesta are removed before sowing. |
Pruning |
Maintenance of young rattan plants by cutting of dried rattan leaves to allow better passage of workers and peeling off dried brittle leaf sheaths to discourage breeding of long horn beetles. |
Raised seed bed |
A bed for germinating seed which is elevated 10-13 cm above the ground and surrounded by boards to maintain the height. |
Ramet |
A sprout from a clustering rattan that may be separated and used for propagation. |
Rattan garden |
A shifting cultivation plot converted into growing rattans once food production has ceased and secondary succession is taking place. |
Rattan stock |
An inventory of the rattan populations in a given forest area, commonly to determine the density of commercial species by diameter classes. |
Replacement or supply planting |
The replacement of dead or unhealthy rattan seedlings. |
Rosette stage |
Said of rattan seedlings when the seedling leaves are fully expanded, at which time they may be transplanted. |
Selective felling and cutting |
Removal of forest canopy in an area of enrichment planting to allow sufficient light to reach transplanted rattan seedlings. |
Shade/Support trees |
Naturally-occurring or cultivated trees providing support and shade for cultivated rattans. |
Shifting cultivation or swidden agriculture |
A traditional food cropping system on forest lands; rattan planting of small-diameter species has been incorporated into the system in Borneo. |
Stem training |
Assisting the first (or mother) rattan stem to gain tree support as early as possible. |
Strip planting |
Strips of forest are cleared and an optimum of two planting lines of rattan seedlings established per strip; strip planting is recommended in old secondary forest. |
Strip sampling |
A technique that can be used to inventory rattans in virgin or secondary forest; predetermined strips, 10 m or more in width and a sampling intensity of 20-25 percent can provide an adequate measure of rattan stock. |
Sunscorch |
Scorching of rattan seedling leaves because of excessive sunlight; it can result in seedling death. |
Swidden |
Shifting cultivation, q.v. |
Thinning |
In multiple-stemmed rattan species, reduction of the number of stems within the clump to allow remaining stems to grow more vigorously. |
Transplanting |
Removal of wildings or nursery seedlings from their original location to a planting site in the forest. |
Underbrushing |
Slashing of all undergrowth as close to the ground as possible to prepare for enrichment planting or group planting of rattan seedlings. |
Underplanting |
Planting any desirable economic species such as rattan beneath the forest canopy. |
Vegetative propagation |
Propagation of rattan by suckers, whole rhizomes and by tissue culture. |
Wilding |
a self-sown seedling collected from the wild for planting. |
Bundling |
Gathering and tying cut lengths of canes into bundles for transport to a collection point. About 10 large-diameter canes make up a bundle; small-diameter canes are doubled over and bundled, the number of pieces being determined by the cane diameter. A typical bundle of canes weighs about 60 kg. |
Coiling |
Forming slender canes into coils for transport from the forest, rather than cutting them into lengths. |
Collecting permit |
Legal authorization issued to individuals, cooperatives or companies to harvest wild rattans in a defined area for a specified period of time; cf. royalty. |
Collectors |
Local people, often forest-dwellers, who harvest wild canes. |
Cross-cutting |
Cutting harvested canes into desired lengths; large-diameter canes are usually cut into 3 m lengths; small-diameter canes into 9 m lengths. |
Cutting cycle |
The interval between harvests of wild or cultivated canes to allow them to regenerate naturally; a 5-12 year cycle is suggested, varying in accordance with species. |
Dragging |
cf. pulling. |
Felling |
Severing the rattan cane near the base with a parang. |
Freeing |
If a cut rattan stem cannot be pulled free manually from the ground, it is necessary to cut branches or trees from the canopy to release the cane. |
Fungicide application |
In the Philippines, rattan harvesters carry fungicide in a plastic container and dip the ends of rattans in the solution immediately after they are cut into lengths; this is a desirable practice and should be done if possible. |
Hauling |
Transport of bundles of canes from the cutting site to a collection point. |
Lopping |
Cutting away the soft useless uppermost 2-3 m of the rattan stem. |
Mature stems |
Distinguished from immature ones by the following criteria: |
(a) exposed stem or leaf-sheath brownish, dry and brittle, | |
(b) spines blackish, | |
(c) leaves dry or yellowish green, | |
(d) stem with leaf-sheath bright yellow in colour, | |
(e) average stem length above 24 m (not applicable to all species). | |
Orang Asli (Malay) |
Aboriginal people of Malaysia who traditionally engage in rattan harvesting. |
Parang (Malay) |
A broad slightly curved knife, sharpened on the incurved portion, used to cut rattans off at the base; also known as a machete. |
Picul |
A Malaysian unit of measure equal to 60 kg; it is a common weight designation for a bundle of small-diameter canes ready for transport from the forest. |
Pole |
a general term applied to cut lengths of rattan canes. |
Pulling or dragging |
The practice of dislodging a whole cut rattan cane from the forest canopy by manually tugging on the severed end; some mechanical means of pulling have been employed. |
Royalty |
A payment made to the landowner, in the case of rattan most commonly the government, for the right to harvest canes; the royalty amount is determined by the cane type and quantity harvested; cf. collecting permit. |
Selective felling |
In India, rules adopted for the extraction of canes: |
(a) only mature canes should be removed from a clump, leaving undisturbed and undamaged the immature or tender canes, | |
(b) digging of rhizomes or roots is prohibited, | |
(c) canes shall not be extracted from outside the specified harvest blocks, | |
(d) all one-year-old culms and six culms of the second year shall be left in a clump, | |
(e) clumps consisting of less than six culms will not be harvested, | |
(f) felling should be done as near the base as possible. | |
Sorting |
The selection in the field of rattans acceptable in the trade, often done when cutting lengths and prior to bundling. |
Trifore and lier |
A mechanical process for pulling rattans, consisting of the trifore, which is a unit consisting of a pulley and tackle and the lier or winch, consisting of a drum where the rattan is pulled and coiled. The process is probably suitable only for small-diameter canes. |
Bend |
A cane defect; a deviation from straightness as measured by the chord that the curvature makes between the extreme edges of deviation and by the depth at the middle portion. |
Bending tolerance |
Refers to the smallest circle that can be made with a rattan cane without any splitting or cracking. |
Bleached rattan |
Canes lightened in colour by chemical agents to improve surface brightness. |
Blemish |
A cane defect; any feature marring the surface appearance of a cane; e.g. fungal blemishes. Whether a particular feature is classed as a blemish depends upon the relevant grading rule and on the end-use of the cane. |
Bondot |
Term used in Indonesia for unpeeled small-diameter canes applied to rattan furniture frames. |
Break |
A cane defect; a separation of fibres extending through a cane from one surface to the other, usually perpendicular to the direction of the grain. |
Bruise |
A cane defect; an injury on the cane surface caused by harvesting operations or improper processing. |
Cane |
Any piece or stem of round rattan, of any diameter; the term may also be used to refer to pieces of bamboo. |
Cane webbing |
Chair cane that has been machine-woven into a coarse fabric that is used for chair seats and backs. |
Chair cane |
Finely split rattan used to weave chair backs, seats etc. |
Check |
A cane defect; a longitudinal fissure indicating separation of fibres along the cane length, but not extending through the piece from one surface to another. |
China peel |
Term used in Indonesia for rattan peel or skin. |
Core |
The central part of the rattan cane after the removal of skin, usually marketed as strips of uniform diameter, often called “wicker”. |
Cured rattan or canes |
Geen rattan that has undergone boiling, washing and scrubbing; also called partially processed cane. |
Defect |
An abnormality or irregularity in cane which lowers its technical quality or commercial value by decreasing strength or adversely affecting its appearance and use; cf. permissible defects; prohibited defects. |
Density |
Relationship of weight of rattan over volume at a given moisture content, expressed in g/cm3 or kg/m3. |
Diameter class |
a method of classification of rattan canes; in grading, diameter is measured in the mid-internode of the small end; cf. large-diameter rattans, small-diameter rattans, split rattan canes. |
Dimensional specifications for split rattan |
Grading based upon: (a) length, q.v. (b) diameter class, q.v. (c) width, q.v. (d) thickness, q.v. |
Dimensional specifications for unsplit large-diameter canes |
Grading based upon: (a) length, q.v. (b) diameter class, q.v. (c) taper, q.v. (d) internodal length, q.v. |
Dimensional specifications for unsplit small-diameter canes |
Grading based upon: (a) length, q.v. (b) diameter class, q.v. (c) taper, q.v. (d) internodal length, q.v. |
End-use class |
Categories of end-uses recognized for assessing utilization potential of a particular grade: (a) furniture frames, (b) furniture seats/backs, (c) walking sticks, umbrella handles, sporting goods, etc.; (d) handicrafts/novelty items; (e) baskets. |
Flat core |
Material derived from split cores or canes with flat surfaces on both sides; also referred to as ropes and binds; cf. flat oval core, hollow oval core. |
Flat oval core |
Material derived from split cores or canes 2-10 mm in width, with one concave and one flat surface. This material is normally used for weaving and binding; cf. flat core, hollow oval core. |
Fumigated rattan |
Canes which have been exposed to sulphur dioxide fumes to improve their surface appearance and kill any organisms in the cane. |
General requirements of entire (unsplit) large-diameter processed canes |
(a) Canes shall have authentic identity when the species is specified by the buyer. (b) Canes shall be straight, round, mature and seasoned. (c) Canes shall not break or develop checks and other defects in bending or any other processing stage. (d) Canes shall be either oil-cured or chemically treated with anti-staining fungicide, bleached or fumigated as specified by the buyer. (e) Plugging of covering of visible defects is not permitted in any form. |
General requirements of entire (unsplit) small-diameter processed canes |
(a) Canes shall have authentic botanical identity when specified by the buyer. (b) Canes shall be mature and seasoned. (c) Canes shall not break on bending or in any other processing stage. (d) Canes shall be either oil-cured or chemically treated with anti-staining fungicide, bleached or fumigated as specified by the buyer. (e) plugging or covering of visible defects is not permitted in any form. |
General requirements of split rattans (cane derivatives) |
(a) Cane derivatives shall be obtained from mature and seasoned canes and be pliable. (b) Split rattan shall be derived from canes which are either oil-cured, fumigated, bleached or chemically treated with anti-staining fungicides as specified by the buyer. (c) Plugging or covering of visible defects is not permitted in any form. The surface shall be smooth. (d) Diameter of round cores or width of flat and oval cores and peels shall be uniform throughout the length. |
Grading of large-diameter processed canes |
Four standardized grades are proposed by Bhat (1996): |
Grade |
Specifications |
Super quality |
Entirely (100% of specified length), free from defects. Ivory- white, cream or yellowish in colour. Uniformly bright or lustrous surfaces. Internodal length >100 mm. |
I |
Extent of permissible defects not exceeding 15% of the specified length. Ivory-white, cream or yellowish in colour. Uniformly bright surfaces. Internodal length >100 mm. |
II |
Extent of permissible defects not exceeding 50% of the specified length. Ivory-white, cream or brownish in colour. Internodal length >100 mm. |
Extent of permissible defects not exceeding 75% of the specified length. Whitish, yellowish, brown or dark brown in colour. Internodal length >50 mm. |
Grading of rattan cores
Three standardized grades are proposed by Bhat (1996):
Grade |
Specifications |
I |
Whitish in colour. Hard and not easily broken. No or few defects. |
II |
White to yellowish in colour. Hard. Less than 15% of surfaces defective. |
Brownish to reddish in colour. Soft. More than 15% of surfaces defective. |
Grading of ropes and binds
Three standardized grades are proposed by Bhat (1996):
Grade |
Specifications |
I |
Yellowish white in colour. Hard and pliable. No or few defective surfaces. |
II |
Creamy in colour. Intermediate hardness. Less than 25% of surfaces defective. |
Brownish in colour. Soft and easily broken. More than 25% of surfaces defective. |
Grading of small-diameter processed canes
Four standardized grades are proposed by Bhat (1996):
Grade |
Specifications |
Super quality |
Entirely, 100% of standard length. Free from defects. Ivory- white, cream or yellowish in colour. Uniformly bright or lustrous. Easily pliable. Internodal length >100 mm. |
I |
Extent of permissible defects not exceeding 15% of the specified length. Ivory-white, cream or yellowish in colour. Easily pliable. Internodal length >100 mm. |
II |
Extent of permissible defects not exceeding 50% of the specified length. Ivory-white, cream or brownish in colour. Internodal length >100 mm. |
Extent of permissible defects not exceeding 50% of the specified length. Whitish, yellowish, brown or dark brown in colour. Internodal length >50 mm. |
Grading of split rattans
Two standardized grades are proposed by Bhat (1996):
Grade |
Criteria |
I |
Free from defects and whitish in colour. |
II |
Extent of permissible defects (q.v.). Not to exceed 15% of standard length (q.v.). White, yellowish or brown in colour. |
Green rattans or canes |
Raw, freshly cut rattans which have not undergone any treatment. |
Hagkal peel |
Term used in Philippines for rattan peel or skin. |
Hardness |
In grading raw canes, three categories are recognized:(a) hard rattan: when bent by hand and released, it springs back and regains its original form quickly: (b) moderately hard rattan: when bent by hand and released, regains its original form rather slowly and not fully: (c) soft rattan: when bent, it cracks at the end or breaks, and if the bent rattan is released before it cracks or breaks, it regains its original form completely. |
Hole |
A cane defect; a cavity caused by worms, insects or mechanical means. |
Hollow oval core |
Material derived from split cores or canes with both surfaces curved in parallel; i.e. concave and convex; cf. flat core, flat oval core. |
Internodal length |
In cane grading, a measure of the shortest distance from one node to another expressed in mm. The minimum length is 50 mm for grading large- and small-diameter canes. |
Large-diameter rattans |
A class of unsplit canes 18-40> mm in diameter; cf. small-diameter rattans. In trade the following large-diameter classes may be used: > 40 mm, 35-40 mm, 30-35 mm, 25-30 mm, 20-25 mm and 18-20 mm. |
Length |
In grading, the shortest distance in meters from one extreme end of a cane (large or small diameter and split rattans) to the other, usually rounded off to the nearest lower 0.05 m. Length is specified by the buyer. |
Loonty |
Term used in Indonesia for small-diameter canes used to weave rattan mats; cf. lampit, tatami. |
Lustrous cane |
Canes in which the surface is bright and exhibits a sheen or glossiness. |
Mature cane |
The part of a stem which has attained full structural development and does not show any deformation or fracture during drying and bending. |
Modules of elasticity; a mechanical test of rattan cane strength. |
Modules of rupture; a mechanical test of rattan cane strength; cf. strength class. |
Natural cane |
Green or cured rattan in natural form; i.e. with skin. |
Oil-cured rattan |
Green canes that have been cured in hot oil to impart desired surface colour and appearance, and to prevent biological degradation. |
Palembang |
Term used in Philippines for unpeeled small-diameter canes applied to rattan furniture frames. |
Partially processed cane |
Cured rattan, q.v. |
Peel |
Rattan peel, q.v. |
Peeled cane |
Rattan canes in which the skin has been removed. |
Permissible defects |
In cane grading, defects such as blemishes, scars, pin holes, checks and bruises are permissible to the extent specified for a particular grade; cf. grading rules for large-diameter canes, grading rules for small-diameter canes, grading rules for split rattan (cane derivatives). |
Pole |
General term for a length of rattan; the term may also be used to refer to a piece of bamboo. |
Polished cane |
Peeled cane which has undergone polishing (sanding). |
Prohibited defects |
In cane grading, defects such as decay, pin and worm holes, breakage and shakes. |
Rattan |
From rotan (Malay), reed, cane or stick. |
Rattan derivatives |
Products or parts of cane resulting from rattan conversion; i.e. splitting and peeling; cf. split rattan. |
Rattan peel |
Flat or semicircular material 2-10 mm in width obtained from the peripheral portion of the cane including the skin, normally used for weaving and binding; cf. flat oval core. Also called “rattan skin”. |
Rattan pole |
Round rattan, green or treated, of any convenient length. |
Rattan waste |
Remnants of rattan, either in strips, splinters or slivers resulting from processing; or in cylindrical shape with less than 50 mm in length. |
Rattan wool |
Fine waste produced from splitting and coring; unsuitable for any use except as stuffing or packing material. |
Raw cane |
Freshly cut rattans that have not undergone any treatment; also called green rattan. |
Reed |
Synonym for (rattan) core, q.v. |
Ropes and binds |
Material derived from splitting rattans, which has been sized and thinned; used for weaving and binding purposes. |
Rough cores |
A by-product of split rattans, which has undergone further splitting. |
Round core |
Round material consisting of the cores of rattan stems, 2-10 mm in diameter, obtained by peeling and splitting, normally used for basket frames. |
Round rods |
Scraped poles, q.v. |
Scar |
A cane defect; a depression or any marking on the surface other than fungal discoloration. |
Scraped poles |
Canes from which the rattan skin has been removed either by scraping or by a round-rod making machine. |
Seasoned rattan |
Canes whose moisture content has been reduced to a maximum level under more or less controlled drying processes. |
Shake |
A cane defect; a partial or complete separation between adjoining layers of tissues, as seen in end surfaces, caused by stresses developed in cutting and collecting, or in unequal drying of immature stems. |
Small-diameter rattans |
A class of unsplit canes below 18 mm in diameter; cf.large-diameter canes. In trade the following small-diameter classes may be used: 2-6 mm; >6-11 mm and >11-17 mm. |
Split rattan |
By-products of the splitting process, such as ropes, binds and cores; cf. rattan derivatives. In grading, the diameter of round cores is 2-10 mm with a tolerance of 0.5 mm. |
Square core |
Rattan split with a square end shape. |
Sticks |
Term referring to larger-diameter rattans collected and sold as straight lengths in Indonesia. |
Strand cane |
Synonym for chair cane, q.v. |
Strength class |
A classification of unsplit rattan canes into three classes: (a) strong to very strong: static bending MOR and/or tensile strength UTS above 70 N/mm2; (b) moderately strong: MOR or UTS 45-70 N/mm2 ; (c) weak: MOR or UTS below 45 N/mm2 . |
Taper |
In cane grading, a measure determined by the difference between diameters measured at the two extreme ends of a cane. In large-diameter canes, the maximum taper should not exceed 5 mm for a length of 3.5 m; in small-diameter canes, the maximum taper should not exceed 3 mm for a length of 4.5 m. |
Tensile strength |
The greatest longitudinal stress a rattan cane can bear without tearing apart, expressed as N/mm2. Tensile strength decreases when strong bleaching agents are used and long bleaching periods are applied. |
Thickness |
In grading split rattans, thickness of flat or oval cores is 1-6 mm. |
Treated rattan |
Canes that have been treated with chemicals to prevent biological degradation. |
Unsplit rattan or canes |
Round canes, scarped or unscraped, that have not been peeled or split. |
Utility class |
A simplified method to classify cut canes on the basis of stem diameter groups when information as to the species of the canes is unknown. |
Ultimate tensile stress, a mechanical test of rattan cane strength; strength class, q.v. |
Water sega |
Term used in Indonesia for small-diameter canes to weave rattan mats; of lesser quality than loonty, q.v. |
Width |
In grading split rattan canes, the width of flat or oval core and peels is 2-10 mm; flat/oval core, q.v. |
Zambales peel |
Term used in Philippines for rattan peel or skin. |
Artificial drying |
The use of a closed, heated chamber to reduce the moisture content of deglazed and washed canes. Artificial drying has been successful but is not often used. |
Bleaching |
Immersion of canes in a chemical solution to remove or reduce blemishes; sodium hypochlorite (1 percent solution for about 1 hour) or hydrogen peroxide are used. |
Cooking |
General term for boiling raw canes in hot oil; curing q.v. |
Curing |
Immersion of canes in a hot oil mixture (diesel, kerosine or coconut oil at 100-250 °C for 10 minutes or more) to prevent deterioration. This should be done within 1-2 days of harvesting and is said to make the canes durable by removing gums, resins and water, and denaturation of starch. |
Deglazing |
The first step following harvesting consisting of the removal of the spiny leaf sheaths adhering to the stem and the silicified epidermis. Various procedures are employed: wrapping the rattan around a tree trunk and rubbing it back and forth; rubbing the stem with sand or some other abrasive material; striking the cane with a piece of plaited wood; or cutting with a parang. |
Drying |
Reduction of the water content of cured and scrubbed canes. Typically canes are dried in the sun; placed upright against wooden frames or bundled and loosely tied at one end and stood upright with the untied basal ends spread out to form a cone. Drying time can vary from 1-3 weeks, depending upon the cane diameter and weather conditions. |
End-racking |
Open-air drying of oil cured and cleaned rattans by leaning them on wooden frames. |
Fumigation |
Exposing dried canes to sulphur dioxide to kill insects and their larvae and to give a greater uniformity of colour; usually only good quality large-diameter canes undergo the process. |
Layang (Malay) |
Term in Peninsular Malaysia for curing of Calamus manan. The raw rattans are soaked for some time in diesel oil, then bundled and heated slowly over a fire during which the surfaces are rubbed with coconut or diesel oil to remove any gummy materials. The process also reduces the content of the canes. Layang achieves a very even colour and glossy texture, enhancing the quality of the cane. |
Oil-curing |
Term used as a synonym for curing, q.v. |
Primary processing |
A collective term that generally includes curing, scrubbing, drying, and fumigating (if applicable) of canes. |
Runti or lunti (Malay) |
Deglazing, q.v. |
Scraping |
Removal of the nodes and rinds of fresh canes along with the siliceous epidermis to hasten drying and to minimize staining fungal growth; scraping can be done manually with a knife or sharp-edged tool or mechanically. |
Scrubbing or rinsing |
Cleaning cured canes using sawdust or gunny sacking to remove oil from the surface. |
Sorting |
After primary processing canes may be sorted by diameter and other criteria and bundled again for storage. |
Godown (Malay) |
A warehouse; the term is used in reference to rattan storage. |
Underwater storage |
Submergence of small-diameter canes in water before undergoing primary processing; the anaerobic conditions prevent deterioration and attack by organisms. |
Warehousing |
After primary processing, bundled canes are stored horizontally on racks and kept in a covered warehouse until sold. |
Ayer (Malay) |
One of four main groups of cane in trade, according to Burkill (1966); this group includes non-siliceous canes not included elsewhere; cf. lunti, sega, sticks. |
Bet (Hindi) |
A general term used in India to refer to rattan of any type; the name probably originated from the Sanskrit word betas, meaning climber. |
Demere (Twi) |
Trade name for Calamus deërratus canes in Ghana. |
Lunti (Malay) |
One of four main groups of cane in trade, according to Burkill (1966); this group includes the same kinds as sega (q.v.) except that the silica layer has been removed; cf. ayer, sticks. |
Makak |
Trade name for Laccosperma secundiflorum & L. robustum canes in West Africa. |
Palasan (Tagalog) |
Philippine trade name group that includes true palasan (Calamus merrillii) and other canes with a diameter over 2.5 cm and internodes of 25 cm or more; cf. panlis, sika and tumalin. |
Panlis (Tagalog) |
Philippine trade name group for canes with a diameter of less than 1.5 cm, but which are rather light in colour and therefore not included in the sika group, q.v.; cf. palasan and tumalin. |
Rotan manau (Malay) |
Trade name for Calamus manan canes in Southeast Asia. |
Rotan merah (Malay) |
Trade name for Korthalsia spp. canes in Southeast Asia. |
Rotan sega (Malay) |
Trade name for Calamus caesius canes in Southeast Asia. |
Rotan semambu (Malay) |
Trade name for Calamus scipionum canes in Southeast Asia. |
Samarinda |
East Kalimantan river port important in the rattan trade. |
Sega (Malay) |
One of four main groups of cane in trade, according to Burkill (1966); this group includes all canes with a siliceous outer layer that cracks and springs off when the cane is bent; cf. ayer, lunti, sticks. |
Sika (Tagalog ) |
Philippine trade name group that includes Palawan sika (Calamus caesius) and other rattan species that are glossy, flexible, bright yellow when dry and less than 1.5 cm in diameter; cf. palasan, panlis and tumalin. |
Sticks |
One of four main groups of cane in trade, according to Burkill (1966); this group includes canes which are straight and stiff and suitable for walking sticks and furniture frames; cf. ayer, lunti, sega. |
Tumalin or tumalim (Tagalog) |
Philippine trade name group that includes true tumalin (Calamus mindorensis) and other rattan species with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm; cf. palasan, panlis and sika. |
Animal power |
The use of buffalo, horses or elephants to carry (or drag) bundles of rattan from the cutting sites to a forest road collection point or waterway. |
Carrying |
Manual carrying of bundles of rattan from the forest along footpaths to a collection point; some dragging of the canes may occur when going downhill. |
Dragging or sliding |
Moving bundles of rattan along the ground from the forest to a collection point; the practice causes some damage to the canes that come in contact with the ground. |
Rafting |
Tying together bundles of rattan to form a raft, which is then towed by a boat to a collection point on land; the rattans are dried immediately after being taken out of the water. |
Trucking |
Trucks are a common means in Malaysia of transporting rattans from the collection point on a forest road to the sales site or factory. |
Blow torch bending |
Application of heat to rattan canes to permit bending them in moulds into various shapes for making furniture and other artisanal products; this method of bending causes scorching; steam bending is preferable but not feasible for the typical backyard operation. |
Dyeing |
Colouring split canes used in making baskets, mats, etc. |
Plaiting |
Interweaving strands of rattan peel or split rattan at approximately right angles. |
Smoking |
A finishing process typically used for artisanal baskets, containers and other products woven from split canes. The object is held over a pot containing a slow smoky fire and produces an intensification of colour in dyed canes; the term also is used to refer to fumigation, q.v. |
Splitting |
Dividing lengthwise rattan canes to produce split rattan and cores; in artisanal work this process typically is done manually with a knife. |
Weaving |
The intertwining of rattan canes or split rattan in a variety of different directions and patterns to make baskets, mats and an assortment of other hand-woven products. |
Assembly |
Joining together the different components of a piece of furniture, using nails, screws, staple, adhesives or strips of rattan (binding); cf. final assembly, subassembly. |
Bending |
The forming of rattan canes into various shapes. Canes softened and made pliable with steam are forced into moulds and left there for 12-24 hours to ensure that the desired shape is permanently formed. |
Binding |
Wrapping of rattan furniture joints with rattan peel; leather strips or other materials may also be used. |
Bleaching |
Removal of stains on rattan poles by subjecting them to a bleaching solution and an elevated temperature (60 °C for two hours). A recommended bleaching solution is 1 percent hydrogen peroxide and a 1:4 ratio of sodium hydroxide to sodium silicate. |
Buffing |
The sanding of moulded and bent rattan components on a buffing machine using pneumatic cylinders and brush heads. |
Caning |
Using split rattan or other material to weave the seats of chairs and/or sides of rattan furniture. |
Coping |
Synonym for scribing, q.v. |
Coring |
Splitting of rattan canes to produce rattan cores and rattan peel. |
Debarking |
Synonym for peeling, q.v. |
Decorticating |
Synonym for peeling, q.v. |
Dipstaining |
A staining process in which the component or assembled furniture piece is dipped into a straining solution, rather than having the stain applied by spraying or brush; cf. finishing. |
Dowelling |
A rattan furniture construction technique for connecting components by drilling holes and inserting dowels and glue. |
Drilling |
Boring holes in subassembly components in preparation for final furniture assembly when screws are used. |
End-coping |
Coping, q.v. |
Final assembly |
Joining together of basic frame structures into a finished piece of furniture; this may be done in the factory or after shipment of knock-down components; cf. assembly, sub-assembly. |
Finishing |
Application of surface finishes to rattan furniture to lighten or darken the surface; finishes can be clear lacquers, stains or pigmented lacquers. |
Grinding machine |
Peeling machine, q.v. |
Grooving |
Cutting an indentation and drilling a series of holes in a rattan chair frame so that it can be caned with rattan strips or some other material. |
Jointing |
The attachment of component parts of rattan frames and seats; common structural joints are: chucking and boring (mortise and tenon); scribing or coping; cross lap joint; end half-lap joint or splicing; mitre joint; dowel joint (for seat frames). |
Peeling |
Removal of the outer portion of the rattan cane by either manual or mechanical means; also called debarking, decorticating. |
Peeling machine |
An industrial machine used to peel rattan canes; also called a grinding machine. |
Personal protective equipment (PPE) |
Protective gear worn by workers engaged in activities such as rattan furniture finishing where spray guns are used. |
Plastic coating |
The practice of applying a coating of plastic to poor quality rattan skin before it is used for weaving. |
Polishing |
Term used to refer to the sanding (q.v.) of peeled rattan poles. |
Rattan cooker |
The term for a simple cylindrical metal structure with one end closed and the other with a swing door, within which rattan canes are placed for steaming. |
Rattan set |
A matching group of furniture pieces having the same design patterns and finish; a typical rattan parlour set consists of a sofa, one or two chairs, an end table and coffee table. |
Rattan splitting machine |
An industrial machine used to split rattan canes to produce core and/or peel. |
Rounding machine |
An industrial machine used to peel rattan canes; cf. peeling. |
Sanding |
The passing of straight poles through a profile sanding machine. At least three profile sanders are used (coarse, medium and fine) so that components can be finished in one pass. |
Scribing |
The most common jointing system for rattan furniture. The round section of rattan is scribed to create a perfect fit during assembly; scribing is done manually with a gouge chisel or a specially designed cutting bit on an electric drill. |
Splitting |
Longitudinally dividing canes to produce material weaving (caning) and binding by peeling away the hard outer skin; the core produced is rounded to make round core, or resplit into smaller sections by hand or machine. |
Staining |
changing the colour of rattan canes through the use of stains or pigmented lacquers; cf. finishing. |
Standard Specifications for Rattan Furniture |
Details in Appendix VI, q.v. |
Steaming |
The process of heating rattan canes in water vapour at 100 °C for 20-30 minutes to permit bending to virtually any curvature. |
Straightening |
The use of improvised tools or a hydraulic machine to straighten bent canes before they are cut into lengths for furniture components. |
Subassembly |
Formation of the basic frame structures of a piece of furniture, which may constitute knock-down components for shipping and final assembly by a wholesaler; cf. assembly, final assembly. |
Weaving |
A synonym for caning. |
Atmospheric damage |
Damage to packaged rattan furniture by moisture, fumes, dust, dirt and sunlight. This type of damage can be minimized by lining export crates or boxes with bituminized paper or polyethlene film, leaving the bottom open to help avoid condensation. |
Complete construction |
Furniture that is fully constructed and does not need any assembly before being sold on the retail market; cf. completely knock-down; knock-down. |
Completely knock-down (CKD) |
A method of furniture construction of flat and straight components intended to be assembled in a factory before retail sale. Advantages of CKD furniture are convenience of packaging and reduced freight charges through more efficient use of container space. CKD construction does not reduce the strength or performance of the furniture; cf. knock-down. |
Compression damage |
Damage to packaged rattan furniture caused by stacking pallets too high resulting in excessive compression forces on the bottom pallets. This type of damage can be avoided by using sturdy crates that are adequately braced and supported inside and can support up to 10 tonnes. The best protection is to ship in a freight container. |
Containerized shipment |
Export of rattan furniture in a large metal container that minimizes handling, loss and damage; containers can be loaded at the furniture factory and transported by truck to a port for sea shipment. |
Impact damage |
Damage to packaged rattan furniture caused by crates being dropped. This type of damage can be reduced by holding furniture away from the sides and edges of the crate by using corrugated board and padding the furniture. |
Knock-down (KD) |
A method of furniture construction between completely knock down and complete construction; components are made so that they can be assembled by the retail customer. KD affords some efficiency in terms of packaging and freight charge savings. |
Lampit |
A type of floor mat made in Indonesia from rattan splits which are threaded together; exported to Japan where it is known as tatami, q.v. |
Middleman |
Trader, q.v. |
Semi-processors |
Generally small-scale operators who buy raw rattan from collectors and produce washed and sulphured rattan and a variety of semi-processed products; cf. trader. |
Tatami |
Japanese term for floor mats made of rattan splits joined together with strings pierced through them; lampit, q.v. |
Thick-reed furniture |
Term for furniture made of rattan core; not considered rattan furniture in the strict sense. |
Tikar |
A fine floor mat made in Indonesia from rattan splits which are threaded together; an export item. |
Trader |
A town-based, provincial or city-based individual who purchases rattan from cutters and sells it to buyers who are generally semi-processors or manufacturers. Traders typically operate under either informal or formal business arrangements with the cutters and buyers, and may deal in raw or partially processed canes. |
Vibration damage |
Damage to packaged rattan furniture caused by rubbing of furniture parts against each other or against the inside of the package. This type of damage can be eliminated by immobilizing the furniture in its container and allowing as little movement as possible between the finish and any surface that contacts it. |
Atap |
(Malay) Thatch made (usually in panels) by bending palm leaflets over a lath or the leaf-rachis; certain species of Calamus and Daemonorops are so used. |
Bamboo and Rattan Science and Technology Links - Products and Applications. A bamboo and rattan technical advisory group on products and applications issues, initiated by INBAR. Web site: |
Bentwood |
A general term referring to furniture with major components that are bent and not cut into shape; sometimes applied to rattan furniture. |
Buri |
Common name for the palm Corypha utan and the split petioles from it used in the Philippines to make rattan-like furniture. |
Chicks |
Slatted blinds sometimes made with rattan petioles from which the spines have been removed. |
Dragon's blood |
A dark-red resin exuded from fruit of a few species of Daemonorops; e.g. D. draco, D. didymophylla and others. Not to be confused with a similar product from the dragon tree, Dracaena draco, which is not a palm. |
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan. Established in 1993 with headquarters in New Delhi, India; headquarters moved to Beijing, China in 1998. Supports research and publishes books, studies and a news magazine. Web site: |
Jernang (Malay) |
dragon's blood, q.v. |
Lawyer cane |
A variable common name applied to four different species of Calamus in Australia: C. australis, lawyer cane; C. caryotoides, fishtail lawyer cane; C. moti, yellow lawyer cane; and C. muelleri, southern lawyer cane. |
Malacca cane |
A walking stick made from the stem of Calamus scipionum, esteemed because of its long internodes; sticks made from a single internode command the highest prices; named after the export port. |
A production to consumption system analysis; in the case of rattans it consists of an analysis of the stock and flow of rattan from the harvesting of the raw material to the final product and market. Each point of product transformation or processing is examined with regard to the stakeholders involved, the functions performed and the market linkages. |
Rattan Business, News & Community |
. Web site: |
Rattan Information Centre. Founded in 1982 and located at Forest Research Institute Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia. Supported research and published books, studies and the RIC Bulletin until 1993. The RIC Bulletin is scheduled to be resuscitated as an e-bulletin in 2002 and published twice per year. Web site: |
Sepak raga (Malay) |
A game played in Southeast Asia using a flexible ball made of split rattan. |
Shoot |
The edible apical meristem, growing point or palm heart. At least three commercial rattan species are exploited for this product: Calamus simplicifolius; C. tenuis and Daemonorops jenkinsiana. |
Takraw (Thai) |
Sepak raga, q.v. |
Umbut (Malay) |
General term in Southeast Asia for the soft, edible shoot of a rattan; shoot, q.v. |
Wicker |
A general term applied to woven furniture and baskets. Among the pliant raw materials used to make wicker ware are rattan, bamboo, willow, reeds, etc. |
Vernacular name |
Genus/Species |
Country/Region |
Language (L), Geographic area (G), Notes | |||
Abuan |
Calamus diepenhorstii |
Philippines |
Ain |
Korthalsia ferox |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Air |
Calamus erinaceusDaemonorops angustifoliaD. fissa |
MalaysiaMalaysiaBorneo |
Ambalua |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Malaysia |
Kedazan (L), Sabah (G) | |||
Apas |
Calamus reyesianus |
Philippines |
Arichural |
Calamus travancoricus |
India |
Malayalam (L), Kerala (G) | |||
Arorog |
Calamus javensis |
Philippines |
Arugda |
Calamus arugda |
Philippines |
Ibanag (L) | |||
Arurug |
Calamus javensis |
Philippines |
Palawan (G) | |||
Babuyan |
Calamus usitatus |
Philippines |
Sambal (L) | |||
Baiteng |
Calamus tetradactylus |
China |
Bala mata |
Daemonorops fissa |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Balala |
Calamus multinervis |
Philippines |
Banakbo |
Calamus megaphyllus |
Philippines |
Manobo (L) | |||
Bara bet |
Calamus viminalis |
Bangladesh |
Chittagong (G) | |||
Barahuasca |
Desmoncus mitis |
Peru |
Batang |
See: rotan batang |
Batang merah |
Daemonorops robusta |
Indonesia |
Central Sulawesi (G) | |||
Batu |
See: rotan batu |
Bayabong |
Calamus manillensis |
Philippines |
Manobo (L) | |||
Be'ang |
Korthalsia echinometra |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Bioengan |
Daemonorops sabut |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Borangan |
Calamus ornatus |
Philippines |
Mindanao (G) | |||
Boro bet |
Calamus viminalis |
India |
Botet |
Korthalsia furtadoanaK. rostrata |
BorneoBorneo |
(both) Samarinda trade | |||
Boyukng |
Calamus optimus |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Butarak |
Calamus vidalianus |
Philippines |
Ilokano (L) | |||
Cekolo |
Myrialepis paradoxa |
Indonesia |
Sumatra (G) | |||
Charab |
Calamus andamanicus |
India |
Andaman Islands (G) | |||
China bet |
Calamus pseudorivalis |
India |
Nicobar Islands (G) | |||
Chowdah |
Calamus andamanicus |
India |
Andaman Islands (G) | |||
Coo cemee |
Calamus blumei |
Malaysia |
Coon cemees |
Calamus blumei |
Malaysia |
Coonk stook |
Calamus javensis |
Malaysia |
Perak (G) | |||
Da-teng |
Calamus wailong |
China |
Dagdag |
Calamus siphonospathus |
Philippines |
Ilokano (L) | |||
Dahan |
See: rotan dahan |
Dalimban |
Calamus melanorhynchus |
Philippines |
Bagobo (L) | |||
Danan |
Korthalsia ferox |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Danye shengteng |
Calamus simplicifolius |
China |
Hainan Island (G) | |||
Dara panda |
Calamus scabridulus |
Indonesia |
Datu |
Calamus minahassae |
Indonesia |
Sulawesi (G) | |||
Demenai |
Calamus gonospermus |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Demere |
Calamus deërratus |
Ghana |
Twi (L) and trade name | |||
Dhangri bet |
Calamus leptospadix |
India |
Ditaan |
Daemonorops ochrolepis |
Philippines |
Dok |
See: rotan dok |
Douung-douung |
Calamus cumingianus |
Philippines |
Manobo (L) | |||
Dre sekam |
Daemonorops micracantha |
Malaysia |
Pahang (G) | |||
Duanye shengteng |
Calamus egregius |
China |
Golak bet |
Daemonorops jenkinsiana |
India |
Gonot pipit |
Daemonorops fissa |
Malaysia |
Hamlis |
Calamus discolor |
Philippines |
Hanapas |
Calamus usitatus |
Philippines |
Bikol (L) | |||
Hoe cacing |
Calamus ciliaris |
Indonesia |
Sundanese (L) | |||
Hongteng |
Daemonorops jenkinsiana |
China |
Howe belukbuk |
Calamus burckianus |
Indonesia |
Western Java (G) | |||
Howe cacing |
Calamus heteroideusC. javensis |
IndonesiaIndonesia |
Western Java (G) | |||
Howe gelang |
Calamus polystachys |
Indonesia |
Western Java (G) | |||
Howe seel |
Daemonorops melanochaetes |
Indonesia |
Western Java (G) | |||
Huangteng |
Daemonorops jenkinsiana |
China |
Huwi pantis |
Calamus luridus |
Indonesia |
Sumatra (G) | |||
Ilem |
Calamus pilosellus |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Inai |
Ceratolobus subangulatus |
Borneo |
Bentian Dayak (L) | |||
Irit |
See: rotan irit |
Jacitara |
Desmoncus giganteusD. mitisD. orthacanthosD. polyacanthos |
BrazilBrazilBrazilBrazil |
Jaoei |
Calamus tomentosus |
Borneo |
Kenya Dayak (L) | |||
Jarmasi |
Calamus leiocaulis |
Indonesia |
Sulawesi (G) | |||
Jati bet |
Calamus tenuis |
India |
Jehab |
Calamus trachycoleus |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L), Samarinda trade | |||
Jelayan |
Calamus ornatus |
Borneo |
Jepung |
Daemonorops crinita |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L), Samarinda trade | |||
Jungan |
Daemonorops sabut |
Indonesia |
East Kalimantan (G) | |||
Kalapit |
Calamus microcarpus |
Philippines |
Bikol (L) | |||
Keb |
Korthalsia cheb |
Malaysia |
Keerah |
Calamus densiflorus |
Thailand |
Kehes |
Calamus pandanosmusCalamus rhytidomus |
BorneoBorneo |
(both) Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L), Samarinda trade | |||
Kehes murah |
Calamus pilosellus |
Borneo |
Samarinda trade | |||
Keplar |
Daemonorops ingens |
Malaysia |
Kesoleg |
Calamus ornatus |
Borneo |
Bentian Dayak (L) | |||
Kodi |
Eremospatha macrocarpa |
DR Congo |
Luba (L) | |||
Kokop |
Calamus bacularis |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Korak bet |
Calamus latifolius |
India |
Kotok |
See: rotan kotok |
Kulakling |
Calamus microsphaerion |
Philippines |
Kumaboy |
Calamus discolor |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Kurakling |
Calamus spinifolius |
Philippines |
Pampanga (L), Tagalog (L) | |||
Labit |
Calamus microsphaerion |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Lalun |
Korthalsia furtadoana |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Lalun djengan |
Korthalsia rostrata |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Lambutan |
Calamus halconensis var. dimorphacanthusC. microcarpus |
PhilippinesPhilippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Lapa |
Daemonorops lamprolepis |
Indonesia |
Laru |
Calamus symphysipus |
Indonesia |
Central Sulawesi (G) | |||
Lasas |
Korthalsia robusta |
Malaysia |
Lasi |
Calamus bicolor |
Philippines |
Latea |
Daemonorops lamprolepis |
Indonesia |
Southern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Lauro sura |
Calamus didymocarpus |
Indonesia |
Southern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Lembulu |
Calamus hispidulus |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Leme |
Calamus longisetus |
Myanmar |
Lempinit landang |
Daemonorops micracantha |
Malaysia |
Sandakan (G) | |||
Lempinit pahetan |
Daemonorops elongata |
Malaysia |
Lempinit tingkau |
Calamus paspalanthus |
Malaysia |
Lempinit ular-ular |
Calamus javensis |
Malaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Leutik |
Calamus caesius |
Sarawak |
Limuran |
Calamus ornatus |
Philippines |
Luzon (G) | |||
Lintokan |
Calamus manillensis |
Philippines |
Bagobo (L) | |||
Liteng |
Calamus egregius |
China |
Hainan Island (G) | |||
Litoko |
Calamus manillensis |
Philippines |
Ifugao (L) | |||
Lukuan |
Calamus reyesianus |
Philippines |
Lumpit |
Daemonorops calicarpa |
Malaysia |
Ma wewel |
Calamus ovoideus |
Sri Lanka |
Sinhala (L) | |||
Mai lepe |
Calamus conirostris |
Malaysia |
Makak |
Laccosperma secundiflorum |
West Africa |
Trade name | |||
Manau |
See: rotan manau |
Manau riang |
Calamus oxleyanus |
Indonesia |
Palembang (G) | |||
Manau tikus |
Calamus manan |
Malaysia |
Small diameter only; see: rotan manau tikus | |||
Mangkawayan |
Calamus subinermis |
Borneo |
Kadazan/Dusun (L) | |||
Mantang |
Calamus ornatusPlectocomia elongata |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Matakito |
Calamus leptostachys |
Indonesia |
Buton (G) | |||
Matamba |
Desmoncus cirrhiferus |
Colombia |
Matkong |
Calamus mitis |
Philippines |
Ilokano (L) | |||
Me'a |
Korthalsia echinometra |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Moa |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Malaysia |
Bidayuh (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Nag betta |
Calamus nagbettai |
India |
Karnataka (G) | |||
Nat |
Calamus andamanicus |
India |
Nicobars (G) | |||
Ngenau |
Calamus manan |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Nguay |
Calamus peregrinus |
Thailand |
Nkan |
Laccosperma robustumL. secundiflorum |
Cameroon,Equatorial Guinea,Gabon |
Fang (L) | |||
Nlong |
Eremospatha macrocarpa |
Cameroon,Equatorial Guinea,Gabon |
Bulu (L), Fang (L) | |||
Nue waatang |
Calamus didymocarpus |
Indonesia |
Padao |
Calamus viminalis |
Cambodia |
Pakoe |
Calamus pilosellus |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Palaklakanin sumulid |
Daemonorops ochrolepis |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Palanog |
Calamus symphysipus |
Philippines |
Luzon (G) | |||
Palasan |
Calamus merrillii |
Philippines |
Biko (L), Marobo (L), Tagalog (L) | |||
Palem paris |
Calamus ciliaris |
Indonesia |
Horticulture | |||
Palimanok |
Calamus siphonospathus |
Philippines |
Pampanga (L) | |||
Panlis |
Calamus ramulosus |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Pannichural |
Calamus thwaitesii |
India |
Malayalam (L) | |||
Parasan |
Calamus merrillii |
Philippines |
Bisaya (L) | |||
Pelus |
Calamus javensis |
Borneo |
Bentian Dayak (L) | |||
Pelus belang |
Ceratolobus subangulatus |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Pelus djengan |
Ceratolobus subangulatus |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Pelus lintung |
Calamus flabellatus |
Borneo |
Bentian Dayak (L) | |||
Pelus mingay |
Calamus javensis |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Pelus susu |
Calamus javensis |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Pelus tulukn |
Ceratolobus concolor |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Penjalin cacing |
Calamus viminalis |
Indonesia |
Bali (G) | |||
Perambu |
Calamus rotang |
India |
Pitpit |
Daemonorops curranii |
Philippines |
Pondos alus |
Calamus minahassae |
Indonesia |
Northern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Pondos batang |
Calamus zollingeri |
Indonesia |
Sulawesi (G) | |||
Pondos embel |
Calamus symphysipus |
Indonesia |
Northern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Pulut merah |
Ceratolobus concolorC. subangulatusDaemonorops crinita |
BorneoBorneoBorneo |
(all) Samarinda trade | |||
Pulut putih |
Calamus flabellatusC. javensis |
BorneoBorneo |
(both) Samarinda trade | |||
Rasi |
Calamus bicolor |
Philippines |
Red rattan |
Daemonorops jenkinsiana |
China |
Rimoran |
Calamus ornatus |
Philippines |
Palawan (G) | |||
Rong |
Calamus inermis |
India |
Ronti |
Calamus leptostachys |
Indonesia |
Rotan air |
Calamus blumeiC. tomentosusC. zollingeri |
BorneoBorneoIndonesia |
Samarinda tradeSamarinda tradeMoluccas (G), Seram (G) | |||
Rotan asas |
Korthalsia robusta |
Malaysia |
Rotan bacap |
Daemonorops leptopus |
Malaysia |
Rotan bakul |
Daemonorops micracantha |
Malaysia |
Negri Sembilan (G) | |||
Rotan bangkorn |
Daemonorops elongata |
Malaysia |
Sandakan (G) | |||
Rotan batang |
Calamus zollingeri |
Indonesia |
Rotan batu |
Calamus convalliumC. diepenhorstiiC. flabellatusC. insignisC. subinermis |
BorneoIndonesiaMalaysiaMalaysiaMalaysia |
Kenyah Dayak (L)Except Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan bejungan |
Daemonorops fissa |
Indonesia |
Central Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan belubu |
Daemonorops periacantha |
Malaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Rotan bembangin |
Calamus marginatus |
Malaysia |
Sandakan (G) | |||
Rotan berman |
Calamus flabellatus |
Indonesia |
Rotan besi |
Calamus marginatus |
Indonesia |
Palembang (L) | |||
Rotan boga |
Calamus koordersianus |
Indonesia |
Central Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan buku dalam |
Calamus ornatus |
Indonesia |
Northern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan buku hitam |
Calamus palustris |
Malaysia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan bulu |
Calamus hispidulus |
Indonesia |
Rotan bulu rusa |
Daemonorops robusta |
Indonesia |
Western Seram (G), Ambon (G) | |||
Rotan cacing |
Calamus heteroideusC. javensisC. unifariusC. viminalis |
IndonesiaPhilippinesIndonesiaIndonesia |
Western Java (G)Wrongly appliedSumatra (G), Java (G) | |||
Rotan cucor |
Calamus castaneus |
Malaysia |
Rotan dago kancil |
Calamus conirostris |
Indonesia |
Rotan dahan |
Korthalsia echinometraK. flagellarisK. laciniosaK. rigida |
MalaysiaMalaysiaMalaysiaMalaysia |
Rotan dalem buku |
Calamus conirostris |
Indonesia |
Rotan damp |
Daemonorops fissa |
Malaysia |
Sandakan (G) | |||
Rotan demuk |
Calospatha scortechinii |
Malaysia |
Rotan dok |
Calamus ornatus |
Malaysia |
Selangor (G) | |||
Rotan dudok |
Calamus perakensisC. sedens |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Rotan getah |
Daemonorops angustifoliaD. melanochaetes |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan gunung |
Calamus exilis |
Indonesia |
Rotan irit |
Calamus trachycoleus |
Indonesia |
Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan jergang |
Daemonorops draco |
Indonesia |
Sumatra (G) | |||
Rotan jermasi |
Calamus leiocaulis |
Indonesia |
Rotan jernang |
Daemonorops dracoD. micracanthaD. propinqua |
IndonesiaMalaysiaMalaysia |
Sumatra (G)Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan kerai |
Calamus conirostrisC. luridusC. scabridulus |
MalaysiaMalaysiaMalaysia |
Rotan kerai gunung |
Calamus simplex |
Malaysia |
Rotan kerai hitam |
Calamus diepenhorstii |
Malaysia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan kertong |
Myrialepis paradoxa |
Malaysia |
Rotan kesup |
Calamus ornatus |
Indonesia |
Bengkulu (G) | |||
Rotan kikir |
Calamus scabridulus |
Malaysia |
Rotan koman |
Calamus diepenhorstii |
Malaysia |
Rotan kotok |
Daemonorops fissa |
Indonesia |
East Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan kunyung |
Calamus longispathus |
Malaysia |
Rotan lambang |
Calamus ornatus |
Indonesia |
Central Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan legi |
Daemonorops melanochaetes |
Indonesia |
Eastern Java (G) | |||
Rotan lelo |
Daemonorops melanochaetes |
Indonesia |
Sumatra (G), Bengkulu (G) | |||
Rotan liah |
Calamus laevigatus |
Brunei |
Rotan lilin |
Calamus exilisC. flabellatusC. javensis |
MalaysiaIndonesiaIndonesia |
Southern Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan lintang |
Calamus pilosellus |
Indonesia |
Rotan manau |
Calamus manan |
General throughout the region and trade | ||||
Rotan manau buku hitam |
Calamus tumidus |
Malaysia |
Northern Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan manau padi |
Calamus marginatus |
Indonesia |
Bangka (G) | |||
Rotan manau telur |
Calamus manan |
Malaysia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan manau tikus |
Calamus tumidus |
MalaysiaIndonesia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G), Sumatra (G) | |||
Rotan maran |
Calamus mattanensis |
Indonesia |
Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan meiya |
Korthalsia echinometra |
Indonesia |
Rotan melukut |
Calamus muricatus |
Indonesia |
Rotan merah |
Korthalsia cheb K. echinometraK. feroxK. flagellarisK. rigida |
(all) Borneo |
(all) Samarinda trade | |||
Rotan minyak |
Calamus oxleyanusDaemonorops angustifolia |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Rotan murah |
Calamus pogonocanthusDaemonorops sabut |
BorneoBorneo |
Samarinda tradeSamarinda trade | |||
Rotan ombol |
Calamus symphysipus |
Indonesia |
Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan opot |
Calamus javensis |
Indonesia |
Sumatra (G), Bengkulu (G) | |||
Rotan pahit |
Calamus densiflorus |
Malaysia |
Rotan paku |
Calamus exilis |
Malaysia |
Rotan pasir |
Calamus palustris |
Malaysia |
Perak (G) | |||
Rotan patani |
Calamus minahassae |
Indonesia |
Central Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan patis |
Calamus unifarius |
Indonesia |
Western Java (G) | |||
Rotan pehekan |
Calamus marginatus |
Indonesia |
Southern Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan pipit |
Daemonorops elongata |
Malaysia |
Rotan pitik |
Daemonorops oblonga |
Indonesia |
Rotan poprok |
Daemonorops oblonga |
Indonesia |
Eastern Java (G) | |||
Rotan putih |
Calamus diepenhorstii |
IndonesiaMalaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Rotan rilang |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Malaysia |
Malay (L) | |||
Rotan riman |
Calamus blumei |
Malaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Rotan rua |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Indonesia |
Rotan sabong |
Calamus polystachys |
Malaysia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan sabung |
Calamus polystachys |
Malaysia |
Rotan sabut |
Calamus conirostris Daemonorops sabut |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Temuan (L) | |||
Rotan sakat |
Calamus muricatus |
Indonesia |
Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan sega“Rotan sega”in error |
Calamus caesiusC. rhytidomus |
Indonesia |
General throughout region and in tradeNunukan, East Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan sega air |
Calamus axillaris |
IndonesiaMalaysia |
Rotan sega batu |
Calamus diepenhorstii |
Indonesia |
Except Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan sega beruang |
Calamus palustris |
Malaysia |
Pahang (G) | |||
Rotan sego |
Calamus caesiusC. optimus |
IndonesiaIndonesia |
Sumatra (G)Bengkulu (G) | |||
Rotan semambu |
Calamus scipionum |
General throughout region and in trade | ||||
Rotan semampun |
Calamus laevigatus |
Malaysia |
Name also used for C. praetermissusJ. Dransf. | |||
Rotan semut |
Korthalsia rostrata |
Malaysia |
Rotan sendang |
Daemonorops grandis |
Singapore |
Rotan sepet |
Daemonorops hystrix |
Indonesia |
Rotan sirikis |
Calamus paspalanthus |
Malaysia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan sotong |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Indonesia |
Sumatra (G) | |||
Rotan susu |
Daemonorops robusta |
Indonesia |
Northern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Rotan tahi ayam |
Calamus tomentosus |
Malaysia |
Rotan tahi landak |
Daemonorops hystrix |
Malaysia |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Rotan taman |
Calamus caesiusC. optimus |
IndonesiaIndonesia |
Southern and central Kalimantan (G)Central Kalimantan (G) | |||
Rotan teling |
Calamus palustris |
Malaysia |
Kedah/Perlis (L) | |||
Rotan tohiti |
Calamus inopsC. subinermis |
Indonesia |
Rotan tukas |
Calamus blumeiC. tomentosus |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Perak (G) | |||
Rotan tunggal |
Calamus laevigatusC. occidentalisC. subinermisDaemonorops didymophylla |
MalaysiaJavaMalaysiaIndonesia |
Selangor (G)Malay (L) | |||
Rotan udang |
Korthalsia rostrata |
Malaysia |
Rotan wi jerenang |
Daemonorops micracantha |
Malaysia |
Rotan wuluh |
Calamus unifarius |
Indonesia |
Eastern Java (G) | |||
Rotan yuk |
Calamus muricatus |
Malaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Rote batu |
Calamus javensis |
Thailand |
Runti |
Calamus leptostachys |
Indonesia |
Sulawesi (G) | |||
Sababai |
Calamus elmerianus |
Philippines |
Manobo (L) | |||
Saba-ong |
Calamus grandifolius |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Samanid |
Calamus elmerianus |
Philippines |
Bagobo (L) | |||
Sambonotan |
Calamus bicolor |
Philippines |
Bagobo (L) | |||
Samole |
Calamus pedicellatus |
Indonesia |
Bugis (G) | |||
Samulid |
Calamus reyesianus |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Sanam |
Korthalsia cheb |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Sanka beth |
Daemonorops kurzianus |
India |
Andaman Islands (G) | |||
Saput |
Calamus laevigatus |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Sarani |
Calamus moseleyanus |
Philippines |
Bagobo (L) | |||
Saranoi |
Daemonorops curranii |
Philippines |
Tagbanva (L) | |||
Savit asaq |
Daemonorops sparsiflora |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Savit payah |
Daemonorops longispatha |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Sega |
See: rotan sega |
Sega batu |
Calamus marginatus |
Borneo |
Samarinda trade | |||
Sek batang |
Calamus ornatus |
Malaysia |
Pahang (G) | |||
Seka |
Calamus caesius |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Sekei udang |
Daemonorops melanochaetes |
Indonesia |
Riau (G) | |||
Selutup |
Calamus optimus |
Borneo |
Samarinda trade | |||
Semambu |
See: rotan semambu |
Semoleh membatong |
Calamus pogonocanthus |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Semoleh timaitong |
Calamus pogonocanthus |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Seringan |
Daemonorops sabut |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Si'it |
Calamus marginatus |
Borneo |
Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Si'it batu |
Calamus marginatus |
Borneo |
Bentian Dayak (L) | |||
Sika |
Calamus caesius |
Philippines |
Sika-sika |
Calamus microsphaerion |
Philippines |
Silau-silau |
Calamus gibbsianus |
Malaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Sintang |
Daemonorops hystrix |
Indonesia |
Palembang (L) | |||
Sokag |
Calamus caesius |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Sudu wewel |
Calamus ovoideus |
Sri Lanka |
Sinhala (L) | |||
Suko |
Calamus optimus |
Indonesia |
South Kalimantan (G) | |||
Sundi bet |
Calamus guruba |
India |
Takathong |
Calamus caesius |
Thailand |
Rangea District, Narathiva Province (G) | |||
Talola |
Calamus siphonospathus |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Taman |
See: rotan taman |
Tandulang-glubat |
Calamus microcarpus |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Tandulang-parang |
Calamus usitatus |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Tebdas |
Calamus mitis |
Philippines |
Ivatan (L) | |||
Tebungan |
Calamus ornatus |
Borneo |
Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Tehri bet |
Plectocomia himalayana |
India |
Teland |
Calamus leptostachys |
Indonesia |
South Sulawesi (G) | |||
Teretes |
Daemonorops rubra |
Indonesia |
Western Java (G) | |||
Thuda rena |
Calamus ovoideus |
Sri Lanka |
Sinhala (L) | |||
Timai |
Calamus javensisCeratolobus concolor |
BorneoBorneo |
(both) Kenyah Dayak (L) | |||
Toan pekat |
Daemonorops sabut |
Malaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Tohiti |
See: rotan tohiti |
Tohiti siombo |
Calamus didymocarpus |
Indonesia |
Central Sulawesi (G) | |||
Tomani |
Calamus boniensis |
Indonesia |
Southern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Tumalim |
Calamus mindorensis |
Philippines |
Tagalog (L) | |||
Tumaram |
Calamus mindorensis |
Philippines |
Bikol (L) | |||
Tuwu |
Calamus scipionum |
Borneo |
Bentian & Benuaq Dayak (L) | |||
Ubanon |
Calamus discolor |
Philippines |
Cebu Bisaya (L) | |||
Ubli |
Calamus multinervis |
Philippines |
Ilokano (L) | |||
Udat |
Daemonorops didymophylla |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Udom bet |
Calamus longisetus |
Bangladesh |
Cox's Bazar (G) | |||
Ue puti |
Calamus albus |
Indonesia |
Uwai belalong |
Retispatha dumetosa |
Brunei |
Uwai kiton |
Calamus ornatus |
Brunei |
Uwai lambat |
Daemonorops periacantha |
Brunei |
Uwai pagit |
Calamus marginatus |
Brunei |
Uwai pegit |
Calamus conirostris |
Brunei |
Uwai peladas |
Calamus javensis |
Brunei |
Uwai podos |
Calamus javensis |
Brunei |
Uwai taut |
Calamus axillarisC. pogonacanthus |
BruneiBrunei |
Uwai telong |
Calamus optimus |
Malaysia |
Uwau paya |
Calamus marginatus |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Uwe ahun tain |
Calamus albus |
Indonesia |
Ambon (G) | |||
Uwe rence |
Calamus minahassae |
Indonesia |
Southern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Uwe sangkayu-kayu |
Calamus symphysipus |
Indonesia |
Southern Sulawesi (G) | |||
Uwi hurang |
Korthalsia echinometra |
Indonesia |
Uwi jernang kecil |
Daemonorops didymophylla |
Indonesia |
Palembang (G) | |||
Uwi kalang |
Daemonorops hystrix |
Indonesia |
Uwi pahe |
Calamus exilis |
Indonesia |
Palembang (G) | |||
Vara casha |
Desmoncus giganteus |
Peru |
Velichural |
Calamus hookerianus |
India |
Malayalam (L) | |||
Waai chaang |
Calamus ornatus |
Thailand |
Pattani (G) | |||
Waai khring |
Calamus palustris |
Thailand |
Trang (G) | |||
Waai kung |
Myrialepis paradoxa |
Thailand |
Trang (G) | |||
Waai maithao |
Calamus scipionum |
Thailand |
Peninsular Malaysia (G) | |||
Waai phon khon non |
Daemonorops sabut |
Thailand |
Wae dangah |
Daemonorops hystrix |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wae saput |
Calamus laevigatus |
Malaysia |
Sabah (G) | |||
Wae sawit usen |
Calamus muricatus |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wai boun |
Calamus rudentum |
Lao PDR |
Wai-chak |
Daemonorops grandis |
Thailand |
Wai-chakkao |
Calamus castaneus |
Thailand |
Wai-dam |
Calamus oxleyanus |
Thailand |
Wai-hin |
Calamus insignis |
Thailand |
Wain hom |
Calamus acanthospathusC. gracilis |
Lao PDRLao PDR |
Wai kaepung |
Calamus blumei |
Thailand |
Surattani (G) | |||
Wai-kamphuan |
Calamus longisetus |
Thailand |
Wai-khao |
Calamus castaneus |
Thailand |
Wai-khipet |
Daemonorops didymophylla |
Thailand |
Wai-khom |
Calamus diepenhorstiiC. siamensis |
ThailandLao PDR |
Wai kuan |
Calamus javensis |
Thailand |
Pattani (G) | |||
Wai-kungnampharai |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Thailand |
Wai kunun |
Calamus blumei |
Thailand |
Trang (G) | |||
Wai lau cincin |
Calamus polystachys |
Indonesia |
Sumatra (G) | |||
Wai mon |
Calamus viminalis |
Thailand |
Wai-nam |
Daemonorops angustifolia |
Thailand |
Wai namleuang |
Calamus platycanthus |
Lao PDR |
Wai nwn |
Calamus nambariensis |
Lao PDR |
Wai sam bai taw |
Calamus viminalis |
Thailand |
Wai sideken |
Calamus unifarius |
Indonesia |
Western Sumatra (G) | |||
Wai som |
Calamus viminalis |
Thailand |
Wai-somm |
Daemonorops jenkinsiana |
Thailand |
Wai ta kha thong |
Calamus caesius |
Thailand |
Wai tek |
Calamus javensis |
Thailand |
Southern Thailand (G) | |||
Wai thoon |
Calamus poilanei |
Lao PDR |
Wai thork |
Calamus solitarius |
Lao PDR |
Wai wan |
Calamus rhabdocladus |
Lao PDR |
Wailong |
Calamus wailong |
China |
We maliang |
Calamus ornatus |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wee jematang tengan |
Korthalsia cheb |
Malaysia |
Wee ligur |
Calamus conirostris |
Malaysia |
Kayan (L) | |||
Wee lumbak |
Calamus ruvidus |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wei dangh |
Calamus myriacanthus |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wei saput |
Calamus mattanensis |
Malaysia |
Penan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
White rattan |
Calamus tetradactylus |
China |
Wi anak |
Calamus javensisC. laevigatus |
BruneiBrunei |
Wi babut |
Calamus bacularis |
Malaysia |
Bidayuh (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi batu |
Calamus diepenhorstii |
Malaysia |
Iban (L) | |||
Wi belubu |
Daemonorops longispatha |
Brunei |
Wi buluh |
Calamus erioacanthus |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi danum |
Calamus conirostris |
Brunei |
Wi darum |
Daemonorops didymophyllaD. ingens |
BruneiMalaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi dudok |
Calamus myriacanthusDaemonorops ruptilis |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi duduk |
Daemonorops hystrix |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi embalua |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Brunei |
Wi empunoh |
Daemonorops periacantha |
Malaysia |
Wi empunok |
Daemonorops periacantha |
BruneiMalaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi empunok ruai |
Daemonorops scapigera |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi gemaing |
Calamus axillaris |
Brunei |
Wi jerenang |
Daemonorops didymophylla |
Brunei |
Wi labu |
Calamus pilosellus |
Brunei |
Wi laleh |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi lantak patong |
Calamus mattanensis |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi lemaing |
Calamus axillaris |
Brunei |
Wi lepoh |
Daemonorops sabut |
BruneiMalaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi lohong |
Calamus paspalanthus |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi matahari |
Calamus marginatus |
Brunei |
Wi natahari |
Calamus marginatus |
Malaysia |
Wi ondo |
Daemonorops draco |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi pale |
Calamus pogonacanthus |
Malaysia |
Kayan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi peladas |
Calamus javensis |
Brunei |
Wi ruah air |
Daemonorops sparsiflora |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi ruak ai |
Daemonorops fissa |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi sego |
Calamus optimus |
BruneiMalaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi semoi |
Calamus semoi |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi seruing |
Daemonorops ingens |
Malaysia |
Kayan (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi singkau |
Calamus paspalanthus |
BruneiMalaysia |
Wi sugi |
Calamus laevigatus |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi takong |
Calamus flabellatus |
BruneiMalaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi tapah |
Calamus pseudoulur |
Malaysia |
Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi tautuk |
Calamus flabellatus |
Malaysia |
Bidayuh (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi tedong |
Calamus marginatus |
Malaysia |
Wi tibu |
Daemonorops longispatha |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi tulang |
Calamus bacularisC. myriacanthus |
MalaysiaMalaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G)Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi tunggal |
Calamus muricatus |
Brunei |
Wi tunjung |
Calamus muricatus |
Malaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Wi tut |
Calamus pogonacanthusC. semoi |
BruneiMalaysiaBruneiMalaysia |
Iban (L), Sarawak (G) | |||
Yellow rattan |
Daemonorops jenkinsiana |
China |
Genus/Species |
Vernacular names | |
Calamus acanthospathus |
Wai hom | |
C. andamanicus |
Charab, Chowdah, Nat | |
C. arugda |
Arugda | |
C. axillaris |
Rotan sega air, Uwai taut, Wi gemaing, Wi lemaing | |
C. bacularis |
Kokop, Wi babut, Wi tulang | |
C. bicolor |
Lasi, Rasi, Sambonotan | |
C. blumei |
Coo cemee, Coon cemees, Rotan air, Rotan riman, Rotan tukas, Wai kaepung, Wai kunun | |
C. boniensis |
Tomani | |
C. burckianus |
Howe belukbuk | |
C. caesius |
Leutik, Rotan sega, Rotan sego, Rotan taman, Seka, Sika, Sokag, Takathong, Wai ta kha thong | |
C. casteneus |
Rotan cucor, Wai-chakkao, Wai-khao | |
C. ciliaris |
Hoe cacing, Palem paris | |
C. conirostris |
Mai lepe, Rotan dago kancil, Rotan dalem buku, Rotan kerai, Rotan sabut, Uwai pegit, Wee ligur, Wi danum | |
C. convallium |
Batu | |
C. cumingianus |
Douung-douung | |
C. deërratus |
Demmere | |
C. densiflorus |
Keerah, Rotan pahit | |
C. didymocarpus |
Lauro sura, Nue waatang, Tohiti siombo | |
C. diepenhorstii |
Abuan, Rotan batu, Rotan kerai hitam, Rotan koman, Rotan putih, Rotan sega batu, Wai-khom, Wi batu | |
C. discolor |
Hamlis, Kumaboy, Ubanon | |
C. egregius |
Duanye shengteng, Liteng | |
C. elmerianus |
Sababai, Samanid | |
C. erinaceus |
Air | |
C. erioacanthus |
Wi buluh | |
C. exilis |
Rotan gunung, Rotan lilin, Rotan paku, Uwi pahe | |
C. flabellatus |
Pelus litung, Pulut putih, Rotan batu, Rotan berman, Rotan lilin, Wi takong, Wi tautuk | |
C. gibbsianus |
Silau-silau | |
C. gonospermus |
Demenai | |
C. gracilis |
Wai hom | |
C. grandifolius |
Saba-ong | |
C. guruba |
Sundi bet | |
C. halconensis var. dimorphacanthus |
Lambutan | |
C. heteroideus |
Howe cacing, Rotan cacing | |
C. hispidulus |
Lembulu, Rotan bulu | |
C. hookerianus |
Velichural | |
C. inermis |
Rong | |
C. inops |
Rotan tohiti | |
C. insignis |
Rotan batu, Wai-hin | |
C. javensis |
Arorog, Arurug, Coonk stook, Howe cacing, Lempinit ular-ular, Pelus, Pelus mingay, Pelus susu, Pulut putih, Rotan cacing, Rotan lilin, Rotan opot, Rote batu, Timai, Uwai peladas, Uwai podos, Wai kuan, Wai tek, Wi anak, Wi peladas | |
C. koordersianus |
Rotan boga | |
C. laevigatus |
Rotan liah, Rotan semampun, Rotan tunggal, Saput, Wae saput, Wi anak, Wi sugi | |
C. latifolius |
Korak bet | |
C. leiocaulis |
Jarmasi, Rotan jermasi | |
C. leptospadix |
Dhangri bet | |
C. leptostachys |
Matakito, Ronti, Runti, Teland | |
C. longisetus |
Leme, Udom bet, Wai-kamphuan | |
C. longispathus |
Rotan kunyung | |
C. luridus |
Huwi pantis, Rotan kerai | |
C. manan |
Manau tikus, Ngenau, Rotan manau, Rotan manau telur | |
C. manillensis |
Bayabong, Lintokan, Litoko | |
C. marginatus |
Rotan bembangin, Rotan besi, Rotan manau padi, Rotan pehekan, Sega batu, Si'it, Si'it batu, Uwai pagit, Uwau paya, Wi matahari, Wi natahari, Wi tedong | |
C. mattanensis |
Rotan maran, Wei saput, Wi lantak patong | |
C. megaphyllus |
Banakbo | |
C. melanorhynchus |
Dalimban | |
C. merrillii |
Palasan, Parasan | |
C. microcarpus |
Kalapit, Lambutan, Tandulang-glubat | |
C. microsphaerion |
Kulakling, Labit, Sika-sika | |
C. minahassae |
Datu, Pondos alus, Rotan patani, Uwerence | |
C. mindorensis |
Tumalim, Tumaram | |
C. mitis |
Matkong, Tebdas | |
C. moseleyanus |
Sarani | |
C. multinervis |
Balala, Ubli | |
C. muricatus |
Rotan melukut, Rotan sakat, Rotan yuk, Wae sawit usen, Wi tunggal, Wi tunjung | |
C. myriacanthus |
Wei dangh, Wi dudok, Wi tulang | |
C. nagbettai |
Nag betta | |
C. nambariensis |
Wai nwn | |
C. optimus |
Boyukng, Rotan sego, Rotan taman, Selutup, Suko, Uwai telong, Wi sego | |
C. ornatus |
Borangan, Jelayan, Kesoleg, Limuran, Mantang, Rimoran, Rotan buku dalam, Rotan dok, Rotan kesup, Rotan lambang, Sek batang, Tebungan, Uwai kiton, Waai chaang, We maliang | |
C. ovoideus |
Ma wewel, Sudu wewel, Thuda rena | |
C. oxleyanus |
Manau riang, Rotan minyak, Wai-dam | |
C. palustris |
Rotan buku hitam, Rotan pasir, Rotan sega beruang, Rotan teling, Waai khring | |
C. pandanosmus |
Kehes | |
C. paspalanthus |
Lempinit tingkau, Rotan sirikis, Wi lohong, Wi singkau | |
C. pedicellatus |
Samole | |
C. perakensis |
Rotan dudok | |
C. peregrinus |
Nguay | |
C. pilosellus |
Ilem, Kehes murah, Pakoe, Rotan lintang, Wi labu | |
C. platyacanthus |
Wai namleuang | |
C. pogonocanthus |
Rotan murah, Semoleh membatong, Semoleh timaitong, Uwai taut, Wi pale, Wi tut | |
C. poilanei |
Wai thoon | |
C. polystachys |
Howe gelang, Rotan sabong, Rotan sabung, Wai lau cincin | |
C. pseudorivalis |
China bet | |
C. pseudoulur |
Wi tapah | |
C. ramulosus |
Panlis | |
C. reyesianus |
Apas, Lukuan, Samulid | |
C. rhabdocladus |
Wai wan | |
C. rhytidomus |
Kehes, Rotan sega | |
C. rotang |
Perambu | |
C. rudentum |
Wai boun | |
C. ruvidus |
Wee lumbak | |
C. scabridulus |
Dara panda, Rotan kerai, Rotan kikir | |
C. scipionum |
Rotan semambu, Tuwu, Waai maithao | |
C. sedens |
Rotan dudok | |
C. semoi |
Wi semoi, Wi tut | |
C. siamensis |
Wai khom | |
C. simplex |
Rotan kerai gunung | |
C. simplicifolius |
Danye shengteng | |
C. siphonospathus |
Dagdag, Palimanok, Talola | |
C. solitarius |
Wai thork | |
C. spinifolius |
Kurakling | |
C. subinermis |
Mangkawayan, Rotan batu, Rotan tunggal | |
C. symphysipus |
Laru, Palanog, Pondos embel, Rotan ombol, Uwe sangkayu-kayu | |
C. tenuis |
Jati bet | |
C. tetradactylus |
Baiteng, White rattan | |
C. thwaitesii |
Pannichural | |
C. tomentosus |
Rotan air, Rotan tahi ayam, Rotan tukas | |
C. trachycoleus |
Jehab, Rotan irit | |
C. travancoricus |
Arichural | |
C. tumidus |
Rotan manau buku hitam, Rotan manau tikus | |
C. unifarius |
Rotan cacing, Rotan patis, Rotan wuluh, Wai sideken | |
C. usitatus |
Babuyan, Hanapas, Tandulang-parang | |
C. vidalianus |
Butarak | |
C. viminalis |
Bara bet, Boro bet, Padao, Penjalin cacing, Rotan cacing, Wai mon, Wai sam bai taw, Wai som | |
C. wailong |
Da-teng, Wailong | |
C. zollingeri |
Pondos batang, Rotan air, Rotan batang | |
Calospatha scortechinii |
Rotan demuk | |
Ceratolobus concolor |
Pelus tulukn, Pulut merah, Timai | |
C. subangulatus |
Inai, Pelus beland, Pelus djengan, Pulut merah | |
Daemonorops angustifolia |
Air, Rotan getah, Rotan minyak, Wai-nam | |
D. calicarpa |
Lumpit | |
D. crinita |
Jepung, Pulut merah | |
D. curranii |
Pitpit, Saranoi | |
D. didymophylla |
Rotan tunggal, Udat, Uwi jernang kecil, Wai-khipet, Wi darum, Wi jerenang | |
D. draco |
Rotan jergang, Rotan jernang, Wi ondo | |
D. elongata |
Lempinit pahetan, Rotan bangkorn, Rotan pipit | |
D. fissa |
Air, Bala mata, Gonot pipit, Rotan bejungan, Rotan damp, Rotan kotok, Wi ruak ai | |
D. grandis |
Rotan sendang, Wai-chak | |
D. hystrix |
Rotan sepet, Rotan tahi landak, Sintang, Uwi kalang, Wae dangah, Wi duduk | |
D. ingens |
Keplar, Wi darum, Wi seruing | |
D. jenkinsiana |
Golak bet, Hongteng, Huangteng, Red rattan, Yellow rattan | |
D. kurzianus |
Sanka beth | |
D. lamprolepis |
Lapa, Latea | |
D. leptopus |
Rotan bacap | |
D. longispatha |
Savit payah, Wi belubu, Wi tibu | |
D. melanochaetes |
Howe seel, Rotan getah, Rotan legi, Rotan lelo, Sekei udang | |
D. micracantha |
Dre sekam, Lempinit landang, Rotan bakul, Rotan jernang, Rotan wi jerenang | |
D. oblonga |
Rotan pitik, Rotan poprok | |
D. ochrolepis |
Ditaan, Palaklakanin sumulid | |
D. periacantha |
Rotan belubu, Uwai lambat, Wi empunoh, Wi empunok | |
D. propinqua |
Rotan jernang | |
D. robusta |
Batang merah, Rotan bulu rusa, Rotan susu | |
D. rubra |
Teretes | |
D. ruptilis |
Wi dudok | |
D. sabut |
Bioengan, Jungan, Rotan murah, Rotan sabut, Seringan, Toan pekat, Waai phon khon non, Wi lepoh | |
D. scapigera |
Wi empunok ruai | |
D. schmidtiana |
Wai-somm | |
D. sparsiflora |
Savit asaq, Wi ruah air | |
Desmoncus cirrhiferus |
Matamba | |
D. giganteus |
Jacitara, Vara casha | |
D. mitis |
Barahuasca, Jacitara | |
D. orthacanthos |
Jacitara | |
D. polyacanthos |
Jacitara | |
Eremospatha macrocarpa |
Kodi, Nlong | |
Korthalsia cheb |
Keb, Sanam, Rotan merah, Wee jematang tengan | |
K. echinometra |
Be'ang, Me'a, Rotan dahan, Rotan meiya, Rotan merah, Uwi hurang | |
K. ferox |
Ain, Danan, Rotan merah | |
K. flagellaris |
Rotan dahan, Rotan merah | |
K. furtadoana |
Botet, Lalun | |
K. laciniosa |
Rotan dahan | |
K. rigida |
Rotan dahan, Rotan merah | |
K. robusta |
Lasas, Rotan asas | |
K. rostrata |
Botet, Lalun djengan, Rotan semut, Rotan udang | |
Laccosperma robustum |
Nkan | |
L. secundiflorum |
Makak, Nkan | |
Myrialepis paradoxa |
Cekolo, Rotan kertong, Waai kung | |
Plectocomia elongata |
Mantang | |
P. himalayana |
Tehri bet | |
Plectocomiopsis geminiflora |
Ambalua, Moa, Rotan rilang, Rotan rua, Rotan sotong, Wai-kungnampharai, Wi embalua, Wi laleh | |
Retispatha dumetosa |
Uwai belalong |