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In addition to the usual review of the recent world food and agricultural situation, each issue of this report since 1957 has included one or more special studies on problems of longer-term interest. Special chapters in earlier issues have covered the following subjects:
1957 | Factors influencing the trend of food consumption |
1958 | Food and agricultural developments in Africa south of the Sahara |
1959 | Agricultural incomes and levels of living in countries at different stages of economic development |
1960 | Programming for agricultural development |
1961 | Land reform and institutional change |
1962 | The role of forest industries in the attack on economic underdevelopment |
1963 | Basic factors affecting the growth of productivity in agriculture |
1964 | Protein nutrition: needs and prospects |
1966 | Agriculture and industrialization |
1967 | Incentives and disincentives for farmers in developing countries |
1968 | Raising agricultural productivity in developing countries through technological improvement |
1969 | Agricultural marketing improvement programmes: |
1970 | Agriculture at the threshold of the Second Development Decade |
1971 | Water pollution and its effects on living aquatic resources and fisheries |
1972 | Education and training for development |
1973 | Agricultural employment in developing countries |
1974 | Population, food supply and agricultural development |
1975 | The Second United Nations Development Decade: |
1976 | Energy and agriculture |
1977 | The state of natural resources and the human environment for food and agriculture |
1978 | Problems and strategies in developing regions |
1979 | Forestry and rural development |
1980 | Marine fisheries in the new era of national jurisdiction |
1981 | Rural poverty in developing countries and means of poverty alleviation |
1982 | Livestock production: a world perspective |
1983 | Women in developing agriculture |
1984 | Urbanization, agriculture and food systems |
1985 | Energy use in agricultural production |
1986 | Financing agricultural development |
1987-88 | Changing priorities for agricultural science and technology in developing countries |
1989 | Sustainable development and natural resource management |
1990 | Structural adjustment and agriculture |
1991 | Agricultural policies and issues: lessons from the 1980s and prospects for the 1990s |
1992 | Marine fisheries and the law of the sea: a decade of change |
1993 | Water policies and agriculture |
1994 | Forest development and policy dilemmas |
1995 | Agricultural trade: entering a new era? |
1996 | Food security: some macroeconomic dimensions |
1997 | The agroprocessing industry and economic development |
1998 | Rural non-farm income in developing countries |
2000 | World food and agriculture: lessons from the past 50 years |
2001 | Economic impacts of transboundary plant pests and animal diseases |
2002 | Agriculture and global public goods ten years after the Earth Summit |
2003-04 | Agricultural biotechnology: meeting the needs of the poor? |
(available at
The State of Food and Agriculture
The State of Agricultural Commodities
The State of Food Insecurity in the World
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
State of the World's Forests
(available at
Moving away from poverty: a spatial analysis of poverty and migration in Albania Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 7(2): 175-193(A. Zezza, G. Carletto and B. Davis, August 2005)
Agricultural biotechnology for developing countries: an FAO perspective Farm Policy Journal, 1(2): 4-12 (T. Raney, August 2004)
The state of global food insecurity and the benefits of hunger reduction Fome Zero: políticas públicas e cidadania. Cadernos do CEAM, Vol. 4, No. 14(Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia)(H. de Haen and B. Davis, 2004)
Hogares, pobreza y políticas en épocas de crisis. México, 1992-1996 Revista de la CEPAL, 82: 191-212(B. Davis, S. Handa, and H. Soto, April, 2004)
Sustaining food security in the developing world: the top five policy challenges Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 42(3): 261-272(P. Pingali, 2003)
Agricultural biodiversity and biotechnology in economic development(New York, USA: Springer)(J. Cooper, L.M. Lipper and D. Zilberman)
05-06 | Measuring technical efficiency of wheat farmers in Egypt (A. Croppenstedt) |
05-05 | Food aid: a primer(S. Lowder and T. Raney) |
05-04 | Transaction costs, institutions and smallholder market integration: potato producers in Peru (I. Maltsoglou and A. Tanyeri-Abur) |
05-03 | Familiar faces, familiar places: the role of family networks and previous experience for Albanian migrants(G. Carletto, B. Davis and M. Stampini) |
05-02 | Moving away from poverty: a spatial analysis of poverty and migration in Albania(A. Zezza, G. Carletto and B. Davis) |
05-01 | Monitoring poverty without consumption data: an application using the Albania panel survey(C. Azzarri, G. Carletto, B. Davis and A. Zezza) |
04-22 | Investing in agriculture for growth and food security in the ACP countries(J. Skoet, K. Stamoulis and A. Deuss) |
04-21 | Estimating poverty over time and space: construction of a time-variant poverty index for Costa Rica(R. Cavatassi, B. Davis and L. Lipper) |
04-20 | Will buying tropical forest carbon benefit the poor? Evidence from Costa Rica (S. Kerr, A. Pfaff, R. Cavatassi, B. Davis, L. Lipper, A. Sanchez and J. Hendy) |
04-19 | Effects of poverty on deforestation: distinguishing behaviour from location (S. Kerr, A. Pfaff, R. Cavatassi, B. Davis, L. Lipper, A. Sanchez and J. Timmins) |
04-18 | Understanding vulnerability to food insecurity: lessons from vulnerable livelihood profiling (C. Løvendal, M. Knowles and N. Horii) |
04-17 | Westernization of Asian diets and the transformation of food systems: implications for research and policy (P. Pingali) |
04-16 | Identifying the factors that influence small-scale farmers' transaction costs in relation to seed acquisition (L.B. Badstue) |
04-15 | Poverty, livestock and household typologies in Nepal (I. Maltsoglou and K. Taniguchi) |
04-14 | National agricultural biotechnology research capacity in developing countries(J. Cohen, J. Komen and J. Falck Zepeda) |
04-13 | Internal mobility and international migration in Albania(G. Carletto, B. Davis, M. Stampini, S. Trento and A. Zezza) |
04-12 | Being poor, feeling poorer: combining objective and subjective measures of welfare in Albania(G. Carletto and A. Zezza) |
04-11 | Food insecurity and vulnerability in Viet Nam: profiles of four vulnerable groups(FAO Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Service) |
04-10 | Food insecurity and vulnerability in Nepal: profiles of seven vulnerable groups(FAO Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Service) |
04-09 | Public attitudes towards agricultural biotechnology(T. J. Hoban) |
04-08 | The economic impacts of biotechnology-based technological innovations(G. Traxler) |
04-07 | Private research and public goods: implications of biotechnology for biodiversity(T. Raney and P. Pingali) |
04-06 | Interactions between the agricultural sector and the HIV/AIDS pandemic: implications for agricultural policy(T. S. Jayne, M. Villarreal, P. Pingali and G. Hemrich) |
04-05 | Globalization of Indian diets and the transformation of food supply systems(P. Pingali and Y. Khwaja) |
04-04 | Agricultural policy indicators (T. Josling and A. Valdés) |
04-03 | Resource abundance, poverty and development (E.H. Bulte, R. Damania and R.T. Deacon) |
04-02 | Conflicts, rural development and food security in West Africa (M. Flores) |
04-01 | Valuation methods for environmental benefits in forestry and watershed investment projects(R. Cavatassi) |
03-22 | Linkages and rural non-farm employment creation: changing challenges and policies in Indonesia (S. Kristiansen) |
03-21 | Information asymmetry and economic concentration: the case of hens and eggs in eastern Indonesia (S. Kristiansen) |
03-20 | Do futures benefit farmers who adopt them? (S.H. Lence) |
03-19 | The economics of food safety in developing countries (S. Henson) |
03-18 | Food security and agriculture in the low income food deficit countries: 10 years after the Uruguay Round (P. Pingali and R. Stringer) |
03-17 | A conceptual framework for national agricultural, rural development, and food security strategies and policies (K.G. Stamoulis and A. Zezza) |
03-16 | Can public transfers reduce Mexican migration? A study based on randomized experimental data (G. Stecklov, P. Winters, M. Stampini and B. Davis) |
03-15 | Diversification in South Asian agriculture: trends and constraints(K. Dorjee, S. Broca and P. Pingali) |
03-14 | Determinants of cereal diversity in communities and on household farms of the northern Ethiopian Highlands(S. Benin, B. Gebremedhin, M. Smale, J. Pender and S. Ehui) |
03-13 | Land use change, carbon sequestration and poverty alleviation (L. Lipper and R. Cavatassi) |
03-12 | Social capital and poverty lessons from case studies in Mexico and Central America (M. Flores and F. Rello) |