GENDER AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Gender and land compendium of country studies |
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is the specialized agency responsible for agriculture, forestry and fishery worldwide. FAO has the mandate to promote sustainable agriculture and rural development, as well as food security, for the whole population. It extends the mission to assure that women - together with men - have access to necessary resources and receive support to obtain sustainable means of sustenance and improved life quality.
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© FAO 2005
Introduction: gender equity and land rights - Zoraida García Frías
Notes on selected cases of proposed tenure reform
Sample cases of the impact of land laws on gender issuesTanzania: losses and gains
The case of Uganda
South Africa: a promising start
Land tenure systems in Senegal and Burkina Faso
Forces of change on land tenure systems
Traditional marriage institutions and social securityLand rights as human rights
Final remarks
Appendix 1. Data from Senegal questionnaires
Appendix 2. Data from Burkina Faso questionnaires
The legal status of women in the context of agrarian reform - Leila Barsted
Gender as a concept and political instrument
Women's rights in the international context of human rights and sustainable development
Agriculture, legislation and gender in the Latin American context
Current gender and social movements in Brazil
Citizenship and social practicesCitizenship and rights
Citizenship and the empowerment of womenGender in the context of Brazilian legislation
Civil and political rights
The Civil Code and the Constitution of 1988Gender, rights and land ownership
Obstacles faced by rural women in claiming their rightsAccess to land
Access to credit
Access to technical assistance and training
Women's participation in organizations and decision-making
Customary law and cultural impediments to gender equalityLegislative proposals and legal strategies for effecting change
Appendix 1. Abbreviations
Appendix 2. National and international legislation consulted
Appendix 3. Glossary
Women's access to land in Nicaragua - Sara Ceci
Determining factors: legislation, institutions and customary lawLegislative context for women's right to land
Aspects of customary law relating to women's right to land
Other institutional factorsWomen and the rural context in Nicaragua: general profile
Agrarian context, gender and right to land in Nicaragua over the past 30 years
Constitutional rights and their impact on Nicaraguan women
The agrarian reform programme in the 1960s and 1970s, and its gender implications
Mechanisms enabling women to gain access to land
Women's access to land during the period 1990 to 1997The land market - the present-day challenge
The future of land access for women in NicaraguaProgress in gender equity in the issue of agrarian title deeds
Lack of access to credit and insecurity of legal land tenure: factors preventing access to land
Strengthening women's organizations
Land, gender, and powerGender equity, efficiency and welfare issues
The many meanings of land
Land and resource tenure and genderInstitutions and land tenure systems
State institutions
Return to patriarchy in Uzbekistan
Market economy institutions
Socio-cultural institutionsCultural constraints to gender equity in land rights
Final remarks: some relevant regional features for women's rights to land