Agriculture, trade negotiations and gender

Prepared by
Zoraida García

with contributions from
Jennifer Nyberg and
Shayma Owaise Saadat

FAO Gender and Population Division
Sustainable Development Department

A contribution of the FAO Gender and Population Division to the UN interagency publication on Gender and Trade: Challenges and Opportunities, 2004.
In collaboration with the FAO Trade and Commodities Division.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2006


Table of Contents

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© FAO 2006


Abbreviations and acronyms


Women’s contribution to agriculture

Impact of international agricultural trade and gender equity: selected country case studies

Labour conditions in non-traditional agricultural exports in Ghana: banana production
Reduction of agricultural work in banana production in the Windward Islands
Expansion of non-traditional agricultural exports and changes in land use in the Philippines
Participation of women farmers in non-traditional agricultural exports in Uganda
Sugar-cane production and new non-farm activities for women in Fiji
The transformation of agriculture and implications for women's employment in China

Multilateral trade agreements on agriculture and commodities

Market integration through regional and bilateral trade agreements
Important commodities in developing countries agricultural trade

A gendered analysis of agricultural trade

Global market integration and its implications for small-scale farming and gender inequalities
New economic opportunities for women in agriculture?
Two omissions in agricultural trade policies and negotiations: women's participations and social reproduction

