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State of the World's Forests 2007Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
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ISBN 978-92-5-105586-1
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(Download complete document -
11.3 MB)
Foreword (Download-
151 KB)
Acknowledgements (Download-
151 KB)
Acronyms (Download-
151 KB)
Summary (Download-
151 KB)
Part I
Progress towards sustainable forest management (Download-
131 KB)
Africa (Download
- 1.4 MB)
Asia and the Pacific (Download
- 1 MB)
Europe (Download
- 849 KB)
Latin America and the Caribbean (Download
- 891 KB)
Near East (Download
- 1 MB)
North America (Download
- 1.2 MB)
The global view (Download
- 667 KB)
Part II
Selected issues in the forest sector (Download-
612 KB)
Climate change
Forest landscape restoration
Forestry and poverty reduction
Forestry sector outlook
Forest tenure
Invasive species
Monitoring, assessment and reporting
Mountain development
Payment for environmental services
Planted forests
Trade in forest products
Urban forestry
Voluntary tools
Wildlife management
Wood energy
Annex (Download-
561 KB)
Table 1
Basic data on countries and areas
Table 2
Forest area and area change
Table 3
Forest growing stock, biomass and carbon
Table 4
Production, trade and consumption of roundwood and sawnwood
Table 5
Production, trade and consumption of wood-based panels, pulp and paper
Table 6
Status of ratification of international conventions and agreements
References (Download-
217 KB)