This Report is based on the upstream work led by the Policy Assistance Branch, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO/RAP) under UNDP RAS/95/01T, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Asia and the Pacific: Issues and Challenges. D. B. Antiporta, Chief, and S. L. Kang, Policy Officer, Policy Assistance Branch, provided the overall technical supervision of the activity. The contributions of those who ably prepared background material for this Report are hereby gratefully acknowledged, in particular: Arsenio M. Balisacan (for the preparation of the Main Report), V.S. Vyas (South Asia and Southeast Asia), Jikun Huang (China) and Vo Tong Xuan (IndoChina).
Companion volumes of this Report have also been prepared in selected agriculture sub-sectors under the respective technical guidance of concerned FAO/RAP Officers, as follows: P. C. Choudhury, Senior Aquaculture Officer, for The Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security in Asia and the Pacific by M. Hatta, Yong-Ja Cho, Song Zhiwen, R. Gillet and K. Sivasubramaniam; F.J. Dent, Senior Soil Management and Fertilizer Use Officer, for Land Resources by M.G. Douglas; P. Durst, Senior Forestry Officer, for Enhancing Forestry and Agroforestry Contributions to Food Security in Asia and the Pacific by Chun K. Lai and Napoleon T. Vergara; D. Hoffmann, Senior Animal Production and Health Officer, for The Role of Livestock in Food Security in the Region by Gavin Ramsay and Leith Andrews; and M.K. Papademetriou, Senior Plant Production and Protection Officer, for Crop Production in Asia by R.B. Singh and Edward M. Herath. Their technical contributions are likewise greatly appreciated.