FAO watershed management field manual

Gully control


M. P. Geyik



ROME, 1986

Table of Contents




Principles of gully control

Basic gully treatment measures

Specific treatment measures





Chapter I.

1   A short squat catchment, left, and a long narrow catchment, right. (Source: Hiller, 1979)

2   Waterfall erosion at gully head and advancement of the gully to the upper edge of the watershed. (Source: Weidelt, 1976)

3   Gully classes based on shape of gully cross-section. (Source: Weidelt, 1976)

4   A gully network (gully system).

Chapter II.

5   Gully control with small diversions and earth plugs. (Source: US Forest Service, 1958)

6   Cross-section of a small diversion ditch. Depth varies from 0.3 to 0.8 m. (Source: US Forest Service, 1958)

7   Measuring the gradient of a gully bed. 

8   Measuring the compensation gradient between check dams.

9   Common spillway forms used for check dams. Top,  trapezoidal spillway for loose stone, boulder, gabion and cement masonry check dams. Centre, rectangular spillway for brushwood, log(pole), gabion and cement masonry check dams. Bottom, concave spillway for brushwood and loose stone check dams.

10 Levelling frame

11 Stability test of a gravity or bulk dam by graphical method. Pressure curve (R) passes precisely through the middle third of the base. (Source: Gulcur, 1980)

Chapter III.

12 Cross-section of an earth plug for gullies 2 m deep or less. (Source: US Forest Service, 1958)

13 Crescent-shaped woven-wire check dam. (Source: US Forest Service, 1958)

14A Front view of brushwood check dam. 

14B A-A cross-section of brushwood check dam.

14C Top view of the first brushwood check dam including the counter-dam.

15A Front view of the first log check dam.

15B A-A cross-section of the first log check dam and counter-dam.

15C Top view of the first check dam including the counter-dam.

16A Front view of the first loose stone check dam

16B A-A cross-section of the first loose stone check dam and counter-dam.

16C Top view of the first loose stone check dam including counter-dam.

17A Front view of the first boulder check dam, with trapezoidal spillway.

17B A-A cross-section of the first boulder check dam and counter-dam.

17C Top view of the first boulder check dam including counter-dam.

18A Front view of the first gabion check dam.

18B A-A cross-section of the first gabion check dam and counter-dam.

18C Top view of the first gabion check dam including the counter-dam.

19 Stabilization of a box gabion.

20 Assembly of a box gabion with a central diaphram. 

21A Front view of the first masonry check dam.

21B A-A cross-section of the first masonry check dam and counter-dam.

21C Top view of the first masonry check dam including the counter-dam.


Al Field survey book

A2 Longitudinal profile of a gully 

A3 Surveying rods

A4 Surveying the cross-section of a gully with surveying rods

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