The fruits of the cocoa tree are called .....
Cocoa and chocolate are made from the ..... of the beans.
The young cocoa tree needs to be protected by .....
The soil must be ..... with cut weeds or palm fronds.
The most dangerous insects for the cocoa tree are .....
Pods must be picked only when they are quite .....
A badly ..... bean is of poor quality.
Of what parts does the cocoa bean consist?
Why should you make a nursery bed?
Why should you cover the soil in the plantation?
How should cocoa trees be pruned?
What do your people do at home to protect cocoa trees
against insects and diseases?
How should you clear the land before making a cocoa
What must you do to get cocoa of very good quality?
Algeria | Société nationale d'édition et de diffusion, 92, rue Didouche Mourad, Algiers. |
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Other countries | Requests from countries where sales agents have not yet been appointed may be sent to: Distribution and Sales Section, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. |