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Aquaculture first started in 1956 in the form of growing-out stations for imported oyster seed, south of Casablanca. This strictly private activity limited to the Atlantic coast, only concerned its direct promoters and was the object of any state intervention.

In 1985, aquaculture sector was limited to four oyster farms. The seed was imported and the were dependent on foreign technology.

Three of the farms are located on the Atlantic coast (Oualidia) and they produce a total of 200 t of oyster (MEDRAP - TD/86/06).

The fourth farm (MAROST) is the only one located on the Mediterranean coast in the lagoon of Nador (about 11 000 ha).

It was first exploited for shellfish culture in 1982 by a group of Breton oyster farmers who were put in charge of installing oyster beds. The initial results were encouraging and therefore inspired a more ambitious project of complementing the oyster with clam, shrimp, sea-bass, sea-bream and grey mullet farming (following the study of TCP/MOR/2308). The Government saw this as a source of local employment (1 000 employments are scheduled) and a creation of new resources.


2.1 Marine aquaculture

Since MAROST seems currently synonomous with Maroccan aquaculture (Review of the Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project - GCP/REM/049/ITA) most of this chapter will deal with it. The construction of the station started in November 1985, utilizing an old hydroplane base and all the structures scheduled, in the first programme, are now achieved. At present MAROST has almost full control on the lagoon and 250 people are employed in the project. MAROST activities can be summarized as follows:

  1. Shellfish department

    The hatchery, built in 1986, is in a position to produce 150 million spat of flat oyster (O. edulis) and 50 million spat of clam (Tapes decussatus). Prefattening of oyster is carried out in the lagoon or in open sea.

    The scheduled production of oyster for 1987 is 15–20 t.

    Fattening is carried out in the lagoon.

    Prefattening of clam is carried out by means of special sieves or in “beds” in the lagoon.

    Fattening is carried out in the lagoon. To date (March 1987) 2 ha have been planted.

  2. Shrimp department

    The activity started in 1985 with the realization of a 1 ha pond for P. kerathurus rearing. In 1986, post-larvae of P. japonicus were introduced and results showed a better growth than P. kerathurus (25 gr in 3–4 months).

    30 ha of ponds (1/2 ha each) are presently (March 1987) at disposal for shrimp rearing.

    MAROST schedules a hatchery which will produce 10 million post-larvae/month for 7 months/year. A temporary unit for artificial reproduction has been carried out. MAROST has now about 300 broodstock.

  3. Fish department

    Fry supply (sea bass and sea bream) is now assured by fish collection.

    Prefattening is carried out in raceways and fattening in cages (fixed and floating).

    A fish hatchery with a capacity of 2.5 million fry/year and a fattening unit in intensive and semi-intensive ponds are scheduled.

  4. Research department

    It assures the follow-up of the production and the development of research in different sectors: control of the production, anatomy, hystology, parasitology, bacteriology and virology. The studies currently undertaken concern: gonads development in natural stock of clam, identification of local pathogens, preparation of vaccines.

    I.S.P.M. (Institute Scientifique de Pêche Maritime), counterpart agency nominated in the MEDRAP project document, has a laboratory in MAROST facilities and it is carried on the hydrobiological study of the lagoon and the follow-up of the lagoon in relation with the production activity (PAP/RAC-MEDRAP-TR/87/03).

2.2 Freshwater aquaculture

The Ministry of Agriculture has a fresh-water hatchery at Azrou for restocking purposes. There exists a development project in Oum-er-tbia springs for trout farming aiming at a yearly production level of 300 t, located at 200 km from Marrakech.


The MAROST programme includes:

3.1 Shellfish

Construction of a depuration station following OMS recommendations. This will enable the society to sell the product in foreign countries.

-   Trials of oyster rearing in open sea

-   Enlargement of the zone of production

-   Verification of the viability of the ‘bed methods’ for clam rearing.

3.2 Shrimp

-   Carrying out the construction of the hatchery

-   Rearing of 500 000 P. japonicus post-larva in 1987

3.3 Fish

-   Improvement of the techniques of fry collection

-   Identification of new areas of exploitation on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts

-   Improvements of the fishing techniques in the lagoon by means of new instruments

-   Study of a floating cage adapted to the local environment conditions

-   Eel rearing

-   Introduction of new species

-   Construction of the fish hatchery

-   Construction of a feed manufactory for fish and shrimp (20 t/day capacity)

-   Training activities in connexion with the University programme.


To date there are no data on the MAROST production. Small quantities of eels have been collected and sold to foreign countries (Italy). General data on Moroccan production show: lagoonal production: 15 kg/ha/year (fish); a total of 200 t of shellfish (MEDRAP - FD/85/11).


In terms of fish trade balance Morocco shows a positive figure (see Fig. 1). Morocco is, in fact, the largest exporter along with France and Spain; Their combined share of total exports amounts to about 70%. Data on per caput fish consumption as at 1978 report 5.2 kg/year (ADCP/MR/79/5). On the whole, Morocco is self-sufficient in sea products.

The new production will, therefore, be oriented toward export markets. In particular, fish culture production at Nador, with the exception of grey mullet, is oriented toward the Spanish market or more generally towards western Europe (shrimp).

Both present and planned oyster production is aimed at the Casablanca and Oualidia (restaurant) markets.


In the last Five-Year National Plan (1981–85) the Moroccan Government established priorities for aquaculture development, favouring investments both from the private and public sector (MEDRAP - FD/5/11). However, marine aquaculture is not governed by a specific administrative body (MEDRAP - TD/86/06). At national level the infrastructure consists of very limited human and material resources provided by I.S.P.M. (Institut Scientifique de Pêche Maritime) which is now transferred to MAROST facilities in Nador. No data on the new five-year national plan are available.


MEDRAP - TD/86/06 - Seminar - Socio-economic aspects of aquaculture development in the Mediterranean countries - Djerba (Tunisia) 14–24 November 1985.

ADCP/MR/79 - Development of coastal aquaculture in the Mediterranean region

ADCP/REP/87/29 - The market for the prime mediterranean species, sea bass, sea bream, mullets and eel - and their links with investments.

Review of the Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project, GCP/REM/049/ITA, July 1987

MEDRAWP - TR/87/03, Nador, Project MAROST d'Aquaculture intégré. Etat du développement actuel. Mars 1987

MEDRAP - FD/85/11. Développement de l'aquaculture marine et de la pêche lagunaire dans la lagune de Nador - Projet pilote. Phase 1, Novembre 1985


FD/86/04 - Développement du projet intégré de la lagune de Nador, Mars 1986.

Contents: Work-plan for 1986. Calendar of MEDRAP consultancies. Proposal for a pilot-project for artificial fish reproduction. Proposal for a pilot project for shrimp artificial reproduction and shrimp rearing. Proposal for a study of fishing activities in Nador.

TR/86/04. Rapport de mission sur un programme d'alimentation Mai 1986.

Contents: First evaluation on the availability of raw material for fish feeding in Nador. Evaluation of the equipment required for fish feed processing.

TR/86/05. Rapport de mission. Lagune de Nador. mai 1986.

Contents: Setting up of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) culture for the artificial reproduction of shrimp (P. japonicus. Programme for artificial reproduction of shrimp. Control of the equipment furnished by MEDRAP.

TR/86/06. La reproduction de Tapes decussatus à Nador. Mars 1986.

Contents. Proposition for the artificial reproduction of T. decussatus. Work plan.

TR/86/08. Rapport de mission, Nador. Juillet 1986.

Contents: Assistance to the fish feeding programme of Marost. Advertisement on feed processing equipment.

TR/86/09. Rapport de mission, Nador. Juillet 1986.

Contents: Follow-up of the programme on shrimp.

TR/86/17. Rapport de mission à Nador. Hydrobiologie. Novembre 1986.

Contents: Evolution of the lagoon in Nador since 1983. Proposition of an environmental programme.

TR/86/05. Conchyliculture à Nador - Maroc. Mars. 1987.

Contents: Present status of oyster culture in Nador.

TR/87/09. Nador: Rapport de mission. Hydraulique et travaux maritimes. Mai 1987.

Contents: Study on the construction of a permanent communication between the sea and Nador lagoon. Study on the possibility of opening a second communication in Beni-Enzar.

TR/87/10. Rapport de la mission effectuée à Nador du 27 avril au 7 mai. Juin 1987.

Contents: Analysis of fry collection methods in Nador and suggestions. Study on the identification of new sites on the Atlantic coast of Morocco.

TR/87/12. Report on visit to Marost, Nador - Sanitary aspects, June 1987.

Contents: Assessment of the progress on the prevention and treatment of fish disease in the Marost facilities. Discussion on the research proposals of the staff and developments in the area of pathology/microbiology.

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