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Sustainability of the seed fairs

As promoters of local community learning, seed exchange and seed selling, the seed fairs had varied success, with one village in the central zone (Misughaa) achieving far more than the other. There was also more sharing of knowledge and experience in this village, mainly because the setting of the seed fair there was more conducive to discussion. All the displays were arranged on well-constructed tables in temporary huts, so everything was open and easy to see, with no overlapping of the samples displayed.

It was recommended that seed fairs be conducted once a year after harvest, when all the farmers have collected their produce into their backyards and have not yet used much of it. Farmers stated that seed fairs were a good way for them to find seed varieties that they had lost or been looking for without success. Rather than being held at the same site every year, seed fairs could rotate among villages and wards as a way of spreading their influence further.

It was decided that, as well as the District Council, villages can consult community-based and non-governmental organizations - including the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, which is already operating in one of the villages - to seek sponsoring for seed fairs in the future. In order to reduce costs, seed fairs could by combined with other festivals, such as Nanenane.

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