All jobs used as exercises and the techniques explained and illustrated have been well tried and tested. This material is intended as a guide to assist instructors training blacksmiths and general metal workers who, after training, are likely to practise their skills in rural development areas.
Sizes of material given and sizes of various jobs indicated need not be slavishly followed but rather should serve as guides. Alternative jobs can be undertaken provided that the graduated-skill content of the jobs is followed. The techniques illustrated are designed to facilitate successful completion of each job and mastery of the skills required. As a trainee gains in experience, quicker methods of achieving the same results will, in some cases, become obvious.
With conscientious effort on the part of the instructor and trainee, all the practical work in this course can be covered in 160 to 200 hours. However, in that period, it is unlikely that all skills will be perfected. Only continued practice will bring out the trainee's full potential. On the other hand, after only one month's training a person is capable of performing many useful tasks with only the minimum of tools and equipment. The techniques shown here should be mastered before more advanced and ambitious techniques are attempted.
With the exception of the first lesson, all exercise jobs have a practical value that is obvious to the trainee. This awareness is very important in maintaining a high degree of motivation. Motivation is further generated and maintained by careful explanation and step-by-step demonstrations leading to successful completion of each job.
The instructor must ensure safe working practices and the care and maintenance of tools throughout the course.
All techniques should be practised until the trainee has developed a reasonable speed in the application of each technique. Good fire management and speed of working should be constantly emphasized throughout the training period.
J. B. Stokes