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Surveying and monitoring FAO ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND HEALTH 7
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome 2011 |
Abstract |
The Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources, adopted in 2007, is the first internationally agreed framework for the management of biodiversity in the livestock sector. It calls for the development of technical guidelines to support countries in their implementation efforts. Guidelines on the Preparation of national strategies and action plans for animal genetic resources were published by FAO in 2009 and are being complemented by a series of guideline publications addressing specific technical subjects. These guidelines on Surveying and monitoring of animal genetic resources address Strategic Priority Area 1 of the Global Plan of Action – “Characterization, inventory and monitoring of trends and associated risks”. They complement, in particular, the guidelines on phenotypic characterization and on molecular genetic characterization. They have been endorsed by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Knowledge of animal genetic resources is fundamental to their sustainable use, development and conservation. These guidelines provide advice on how to draw up a strategy for meeting national needs for data and information on animal genetic resources. They also offer practical advice on how to plan and implement an animal genetic resources survey – covering the whole process from planning the survey to disseminating the outputs and taking the first steps in translating results into action. A range of surveying tools are presented, and advice is offered on how they can be combined and integrated within an effective strategy that addresses both the task of acquiring a baseline of data on animal genetic resources and the subsequent task of monitoring changes over time. |
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