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by Nuria Ruiz and Patrick Lavelle and Juan Jiménez Download full
Institut de la Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) |
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Table of Contents Part
1 Contents Part
Land management: food and agriculture Factors in soil formation and functioning and their effects at different levels2. Soil life and biodiversity Functional classification of soil macrofauna Exercise 1: is the soil a living thing? Exercise 2: soil life and biodiversity Part
Exercise 3: The health of a soil Exercise 4: the soil food-web 4. Introduction to soil macrofauna MacromixingDirect and indirect chemical effects of soil macrofauna Biological effects of soil macrofauna Part
Importance of management practices and trends in soil macrofauna composition Management practices with positive impacts on soil macrofauna Examples of positive impactsManagement practices with negative impacts on soil macrofauna Examples of mismanagement Part
Key indicator groups and their ecology EarthwormsExercise 5: Earthworms in actions TermitesExercise 6: Estimating soil macrofauna abundance and activities in soil Part
Biogenic structures created by soil macroinvertebrates Earthworm castsExercise 8: Identification of biogenic structures and calculation of soil moved by soil macrofauna Exercise 9: The card game Relationships between key indicator groups and other soil organisms Part
Key on soil macrofauna Glossary |
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