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FAO FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE TECHNICAL PAPER No. 523 Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gearby Graeme Macfadyen Tim Huntington and Rod Cappell FAO Consultants Lymington, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
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© FAO and UNEP 2009
Macfadyen, G.; Huntington, T.; Cappell, R. Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No.185; FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, No. 523. Rome, UNEP/FAO. 2009. 115p. Abstract Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is a problem that is |
Preparation of this document (Download 205 kb)
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
1. Introduction and context (Download 107 kb)
International recognition of the ALDFG problem
Regional recognition of the problem
Identification of stakeholders
Structure of the report
2. Magnitude and composition of ALDFG (Download 233 kb)
Overview of efforts to assess the magnitude of ALDFG
Review of ALDFG from gillnet and trap fisheries by regional sea
Global review of ALDFG originating from other fisheries and
Ocean circulation, movement and accumulation of ALDFG
Summary of magnitude and composition of ALDFG
3. Impacts of ALDFG (Download 215 kb)
Continued catching of target and non-target species
Interactions with threatened/endangered species
Physical impacts of ALDFG on the benthic environment
Fate of ALDFG in the marine environment
Navigational hazards
Costs of ALDFG
Summary of the impact of ALDFG
4. Reasons why fishing gear is abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded (Download 146 kb)
Gear conflicts
Operational factors and the natural environment
Shoreside disposal of unwanted gear
Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing
Vandalism and theft
Summary of why fishing gear is abandoned, lost or discarded
5. Review of existing measures to reduce ALDFG (Download 405kb)
Addressing the problem
Preventative measures
Mitigating (reducing impact) measures
Ex-post clean-up/curative measures
Awareness raising
Effectiveness of measures
Cost-effectiveness of measures
Summary of existing measures to reduce ALDFG
6. Conclusions and recommendations (Download 107kb)
Cross-cutting recommendations
Recommendations relating to preventative measures
Recommendations relating to mitigating measures
Recommendations relating to curative measures
Potential international actions
Summary of recommendations and potential actions
References (Download 148 kb)
A – United Nations General Assembly Resolutions related to ALDFG
B – Survey and personal contacts made during this study
C – Summary of survey results
D – Breakdown of gear retrieval programme costs