Good practices for biosecurity in the pig sector
Issues and options in developing and transition countries
FAO Animal Production
and Health Paper
No. 169
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Animal diseases that are known to spread primarily through human activities can be prevented and controlled through the application of biosecurity measures along the production and marketing chain, together with increased awareness and education. It is this notion that makes biosecurity so critically important in the prevention, control and elimination of transboundary animal diseases (TADs), with the focus on changing the habits and behaviours of people in such a way that the risk of disease transmission is decreased. A key aspect is to work with people to adopt biosecurity measures and to develop with them sets of safe practices in production that are seen as practical, cost-effective and sustainable.
Table of contents
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
SECTION 1 Defining biosecurity
SECTION 2 Swine diseases, routes of transmission and implications for biosecurity
SECTION 3 Structure of pig production and marketing chains
- Pig production systems
- Service providers, suppliers and marketing chains
SECTION 4 Biosecurity issues and good practices in the pig sector
- On-farm risks and related biosecurity measures
- Biosecurity measures for service providers and along marketing chains
- Challenges in the implementation of biosecurity measures
- Complementary tools: vaccination, traceability, compartmentalization
1. Characteristics of selected biosecurity measures
2. Potential for uptake of selected biosecurity measures
3. An overview of disinfection procedures
4. OFFLU strategy document for surveillance and monitoring of influenzas in animals
5. Glossary of definitions
6. Reports
7. Manuals
8. Selected articles
9. Selected websites
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FAO ISBN 978-92-5-106507-5
OIE ISBN 978-92-9044-809-9
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