Chapter I – Michael B. Jones - 468kb
Potential for carbon sequestration in temperate grassland soils
Chapter II – Monica Petri, Caterina Batello, Ricardo Villani and Freddy Nachtergaele - 138kb
Carbon status and carbon sequestration potential in the world’s grasslands
Chapter III – Roger M. Gifford - 165kb
Carbon sequestration in Australian grasslands: policy and technical issues
Chapter IV – A.J. Fynn, P. Alvarez, J.R. Brown, M.R. George, C. Kustin, E.A. Laca, J.T. Oldfield, T. Schohr, C.L. Neely and C.P. Wong - 249kb
Soil carbon sequestration in United States rangelands
Chapter V – E. Milne, M. Sessay, K. Paustian, M. Easter, N. H. Batjes, C.E.P. Cerri, P. Kamoni, P. Gicheru, E.O. Oladipo, Ma Minxia, M. Stocking, M. Hartman,
B. McKeown, K. Peterson, D. Selby, A. Swan, S. Williams and P.J. Lopez - 129kb
Towards a standardized system for the reporting of carbon benefits in sustainable land management projects
Chapter VI – J.F. Soussana, T. Tallec and V. Blanfort - 204kb
Mitigating the greenhouse gas balance of ruminant production systems through carbon sequestration in grasslands
Chapter VII – María Cristina Amézquita, Enrique Murgueitio, Muhammad Ibrahim and Bertha Ramírez - 108kb
Carbon sequestration in pasture and silvopastoral systems compared with native forests in ecosystems of tropical America
Chapter VIII – Alan J. Franzluebbers - 129kb
Soil organic carbon in managed pastures of the southeastern United States of America
Chapter IX – Michael Abberton - 131kb
Enhancing the role of legumes: potential and obstacles
Chapter X – Muhammad Ibrahim , Leonardo Guerra , Francisco Casasola and Constance Neely - 108kb
Importance of silvopastoral systems for mitigation of climate change and harnessing of environmental benefits
Chapter XI – Dominic Moran and Kimberly Pratt - 136kb
Greenhouse gas mitigation in land use – measuring economic potential
Chapter XII – Andreas Wilkes and Timm Tennigkeit - 167kb
Carbon finance in extensively managed rangelands: issues in project, programmatic and sectoral approaches
Chapter XIII – Constance Neely, Sally Bunning and Andreas Wilkes - 191kb
Managing dryland pastoral systems: implications for mitigation and adaptation to climate change
Chapter XIV – Rich Conant, Constance Neely and Caterina Batello - 78kb
Chapter XV - 97kb
About the authors
Maps - 320kb
Tables - 353kb
- 1.426kb