Rebuilding West Africa's Food Potential:Policies and market incentives for smallholder-inclusive food value chains

Rebuilding West Africa's Food Potential:

Policies and market incentives for smallholder-inclusive food value chains

Edited by Aziz Elbehri

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 2013


This book offers an in-depth analyses of value chain policies, past and present in West Africa. The book contains a large number of in-depth case studies of food value chains in particular countries, including traditional export commodities (cocoa, cotton), high value exports (mangoes, horticulture) and the most important staple food value chains (oil palm, rice, maize, sorghum and millet and cassava) in the region. It also contains a large number of private and public initiatives, and thematic analyses relating to the role of the private agro-industry and producer organisations and their role as market agents.

Table of Contents

Executive summary




Chapter 1. West Africa food systems: An overview of trends and indicators of demand, supply, and competitiveness of staple food value chains
Aziz ELBEHRI, Jonathan KAMINSKI, Suffyan KOROMA, Massimo IAFRATE, and Marwan BENALI


Chapter 2. A historical comparative analysis of commodity development models in West Africa and implications for staple food value chains
Aziz ELBEHRI and Marwan BENALI


Chapter 3. Analytical review of national investment strategies and agricultural policies for the promotion of staple food value chains in West Africa
Bio Goura SOULE


Chapter 4. Review and analysis of national investment strategies and agricultural policies in central Africa: the Case of Cameroun
Valantine ACHANCHO


Chapter 5. Impact of Mali's food and agricultural policies: an assessment of public expenditure and incentives to production from 2005 to 2010
Alban Mas APARISI , Jean BALIE, Fatoumata DIALLO, Joanna KOMOROWSKA, Naman KEITA


Chapter 6. The role of the private sector and the Engagement of Smallholder Farmers in food value chains: Initiatives and successful cases from Nigeria, Senegal, and Ghana


Chapter 7. GAIN methodology to enhance producers organisations capacity for market integration: Applications to West Africa
Aziz ELBEHRI, Maria LEE, Carina HIRSCH, and Marwan BENALI




Chapter 8. Cocoa and cotton commodity chains in West Africa: Policy and institutional roles for smallholder market participation


Chapter 9. Constraints to smallholder participation in high-value agriculture in West Africa
Johan F.M. SWINNEN, Liesbeth COLEN and Miet MAERTENS


Chapter 10. Comparative analysis of Mango Value Chain models in Benin, Burkina Faso and Ghana
Cathelijne VAB MELLE and Sönke BUSCHMANN


Chapter 11. Oil palm industry growth in Africa: A value chain and smallholders study for Ghana
K. OFOSU-BUDU and Daniel Bruce SARPONG


Chapter 12. Smallholder participation in value chains: The case of domestic rice in Senegal
Liesbeth COLEN, Matty DEMONT and Jo SWINNEN


Chapter 13. Rice in Mali : Enhancing competitiveness and promoting policies for inclusive value chain development
Adam-Yaboua N'KRUMAH, Aziz ELBEHRI, and Bogui LEGRET


Chapter 14. An analysis of Maize value chain and competitiveness in Burkina Faso: Implications for smallholder-inclusive policies and initiatives
Jonathan KAMINSKI, Aziz ELBEHRI, Jean-Baptiste ZOMA


Chapter 15. An assessment of sorghum and millet in Mali and implications for competitive and inclusive value chains
Jonathan KAMINSKI, Aziz ELBEHRI, and Michel SAMAKE


Chapter 16. Enhancing Cassava Marketing and Processing in Cameroon: Drivers, Constraints, and Prospects of the Value Chain


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ISBN 978-92-5-107530-2
E-ISBN 978-92-5-107531-9 (PDF)

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