Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals

Unasylva No. 241
Vol. 64, 2013/2

Forests for food security and nutrition

Rome, 2013

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Editor: A. Sarre
Editorial Advisory Board:
P. Csoka, L. Flejzor, T. Hofer, F. Kafeero, W. Kollert, E. Rametsteiner, S. Rose, A. Sarre, J. Tissari, P. van Lierop, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie
Emeritus Advisers:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo
Regional Advisers:
F. Bojang, P. Durst, M. Saket


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Managing landscapes for greater food security and improved livelihoods
C. Padoch and T. Sunderland
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The role of ecosystems in food security
J.C. Mohamed-Katerere and M. Smith
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Agroforestry for food and nutritional security
R. Jamnadass, F. Place, E. Torquebiau, E. Malézieux, M. Iiyama, G.W. Sileshi, K. Kehlenbeck, E. Masters, S. McMullin and I.K. Dawson
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Urbanization and forest foods in Benin
A. Bertrand, G.A. Agbahungba and S. Fandohan
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Forests, food security and gender
L. Stloukal, C. Holding, S. Kaaria, F. Guarascio and N. Gunewardena
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Forests, trees and resilient households
P. Dewees

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The contributions of forest foods to sustainable diets
B. Vinceti, A. Ickowitz, B. Powell, K. Kehlenbeck, C. Termote, B. Cogill and D. Hunter

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Forests and trees outside forests are essential for global food security and nutrition
Summary of the International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition

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FAO Forestry
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World of Forestry
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Cover photo:Two farmers stand in their agroforestry plot in Kenya, the woman holding a papaya fruit. Forests and trees outside forests are increasingly recognized as essential for global food security.
This image by Alana Holmberg won the UN-REDD Programme photo contest, “REDD+ for food security&rdquo.