Forestry Policy and Institutions Working Paper 2

Miombo woodlands and HIV/AIDS interactions - Mozambique Country Report


Forestry Policy and Institutions Service
Forestry Policy and Information Division
Forestry Department

Rome, 2005

1. Introduction

2. Background to miombo woodlands in Mozambique

2.1 Distribution and occurrence

2.2 Climate

2.4 Vegetation

2.5 Fauna

2.6 Fire impacts

2.7 Land tenure and forest management

2.8 Local use of woodland products and household livelihood strategies

3. General situation of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique

3.1 General statistics

3.2 Institutional involvement

3.3 The forestry/agricultural sector

3.4 Local and indigenous knowledge institutions

3.5 Impacts on household and community

4. Research methodology

4.1 Site selection

4.2 Community social profile

4.3 Woodland transect

4.4 Mapping

4.5 Focus groups

4.6 Household interviews

4.7 Traditional healer interviews

4.8 Key informant interviews

4.9 SWOT analysis

4.10 Inventory

5. Case study findings

5.1 Site description

5.1.1 Mucombedzi

5.1.2 Zangua

5.2 Forest resources

5.2.1 Distribution of forests

5.3 Livelihoods and forest resources

5.3.1 Collection and use of forest/tree products

5.3.2 Species collected

5.4 Forests in the livelihood/coping strategies of households afflicted by HIV/AIDS

5.4.1 Characteristics of the interviewed households and the group of respondents


5.4.2 Relative importance of woodland activities as livelihood strategy

5.4.3 Woodland activities as coping strategy

5.5 Coping strategy in the event of illness and death

5.6 Woodland resource access

5.7 Impacts of HIV/AIDS on species, or forests in general

5.8 Impacts on community institutions managing natural resources

6. Conclusions and recommendations


Annex. List of plant species used by the households of the Mucombedzi and Zangua communities