Many individuals have contributed to the successful completion of this report and the associated fieldwork. We are grateful to each of them. The work was dependent upon the high level of cooperation given the research team by the officers and staff of FAO (Malawi) Office, National AIDS Commission, UNAIDS Commission, Kaluluma Health Clinic in Kasungu and the Forestry Department. In particular, we would like to thank Mr Kenneth Nyasulu, Director of Forestry, who provided advice and assistance in allowing the Forestry Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM) staff to participate in the fieldwork and data processing. Of the FRIM staff, we would like to particularly thank the research assistants, Mrs V. Thanganyika and Mr U. Nthenda, who worked diligently in data collection and processing. We would also like to acknowledge the cooperation of the local herbalists, the traditional chiefs and their Village Natural Resources Committees in Kasungu and Machinga who willingly provided information and arranged for the fieldwork to take place at the village level.
The Forest Policy and Institutions Service (FONP), Forest Conservation Service (FORC), and the Population and Development Service (SDWP) of FAO provided technical guidance and financed this work. We are also grateful for the logistical and coordination support provided by FAO sub-regional office for Africa (SAFR), Harare, Zimbabwe.