Rome, 2006
Planted Forests and Trees Working Papers report on issues and activities in the planted forests sector. These working papers do not reflect any official position of FAO. Please refer to the FAO website ( for official information.
The purpose of these papers is to provide early release of information on ongoing activities and programmes and to stimulate discussion.
Comments and feedback are welcome.
For further information, please contact:
Peter Holmgren, Chief
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Management Division, Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Jim Carle, Senior Forestry Officer (Plantations and Protection)
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Management Division,
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Bibliographic citation:
FAO. 2006. Responsible management of planted forests: voluntary guidelines. Planted Forests and Trees Working Paper 37/E. Rome (also available at
Photo credit: Planted forests landscape, Bahia, Brazil, courtesy Veracel Company, Brazil.
© FAO 2006
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Planted forests
1.2 About the voluntary guidelines
Chapter 2. Framework of the voluntary guidelines
2.1 International context
2.2 National and subnational contexts
3.3 Social and cultural principles
3.5 Landscape approach principles
Chapter 4. Implementation considerations
4.1. Institutional roles
4.2 Strategic and economic planning
4.3 Stakeholder relations
4.4 Learning and research
4.5 Operational planning and management
Annex 1: Origin of the voluntary guidelines
Annex 2: Classification of naturally regenerating and planted forests and trees outside forests
Annex 4: International commitments
Legally binding instruments
Non-legally binding instruments, arrangements and processes
Notable international milestones
Annex 5: Bibliography
Sustainable forest management
Policy and legislation
Feasibility assessment
Planted forest establishment
Post-establishment management
Spatial information systems, forest systems, forest systems analysis
Fire management