Izmit, Turkey, 27-31
July 2009
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Comments and feedback are welcome.
Contact information:
Alberto Del Lungo, Forestry Officer, IPC Secretariat
Forest Resources Development Service, FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39) 06 570 53889
Fax: (39) 06 570 55137
E-mail: [email protected]
Opening Session (PDF - 119KB)
Nomination of the Chair (PDF - 119KB)
Approval of the Agenda (PDF - 119KB)
The International Poplar Commission (IPC), and Objectives of the Workshop
Italy-FAO Poplar and Willow Project to enhance the contribution of Poplars and Willows
towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Land-use in the Eastern Mediterranean and Central Asian countries (PDF - 119KB)
Statements by representatives of Poplar Growers and Sawmll iOwners (PDF - 119KB)
Country reports and discussion (PDF - 119KB)
Guidelines for working sessions and introduction to the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) (PDF - 119KB)
Working sessions (PDF - 119KB)
Field Trip (PDF - 119KB)
Debriefing after the field trip on relevant issues for finalization of project proposals, including
technical, policy and institutional issues relating to provision of wood and non-wood products
and social and environmental services (PDF - 119KB)
Revise logical Framework of project proposals, including impacts, outcomes, outputs,
activities, key actors, indicators and risks (PDF - 119KB)
Final Plenary Session (PDF - 119KB)
Closing remarks (PDF - 119KB)
Appendix A – Concept Note (PDF - 21KB)
Appendix B - Agenda (PDF - 53KB)
Appendix C – List of Participants (PDF - 47KB)
Appendix D - Guidelines (PDF - 176KB)
Appendix E – Logical Framework Approach (PDF - 77KB)
Appendix F - Problem Identification and Logical Framework by Working Groups (PDF - 101KB)
Eastern Mediterranean Countries: Problem Identification
Eastern Mediterranean Countries: Logical Framework
Central Asian Countries: Problem Identification
Central Asian Countries: Logical Framework
Georgia – Egypt - Turkey: Problem Identification
Georgia – Egypt - Turkey: Logical Framework
Appendix G - Field Trip Handbook (PDF - 679KB)
Appendix H- Funding mechanisms (PDF - 985KB)
EU funding mechanisms (Presented by Corpo Forestale dello Stato)
Appendix I (PDF - 887KB)
International Poplar Commission
International Poplar Symposium
Appendix J – FAO Opening and Country Presentations
Jim Carle: International Poplar Commission, and Objectives of the Workshop (PDF - 1.4MB)
Alberto Del Lungo: Italy-FAO Poplar and Willow Project (PDF - 245KB)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (PDF - 653KB)
Croatia (PDF - 527KB)
Egypt (PDF - 488KB)
Estonia (PDF - 358KB)
Georgia (PDF - 557KB)
Kazakhstan (PDF - 362KB)
Kyrgyzstan (PDF - 243KB)
Romania (PDF - 266KB)
Tajikistan (PDF - 378KB)
Uzbekistan (PDF - 401KB)
Summary of Country Reports by Jim Carle (PDF - 488KB)