Arbez, M. et al. 1988 Les ressources génétiques forestières en France. Tome 1. Les conifères. (INRA, 145, rue de l'Université, 75341 Paris Cédex 07, France). (236 pp.).
Bajaj, Y.P.S. (Ed.) 1986 Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 1. Trees I. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo. (513 pp.).
Becker, W.A. 1986 Manual de Genética Cuantitativa. (Academic Enterprises).
CTFT 1988 Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev. (synonyme: Acacia albida Del.) Monographie. (CTFT, Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, 45bis, Avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne, Cédex, France). (70 pp.).
Davis, D.S. et al. 1986 Plants in Danger. What do we know? IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K. 1986. (IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219 (C), Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 ODL, U.K.). (461 pp.).
Hattemer, H.H. & Bergman, F. 1987 Einführung in die Genetik für Studierende der Forstwissenschaft. J.D. Sauerländer's Verlag. Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany. (268 pp.).
Jacquard, P., Heim, G. & Antonovics J. (Eds). 1985 Genetic Differentiation and Dispersal in Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo. (453 pp.).
Montagni, F., Prevetti, L. & Thrupp, L.A. 1986 Sistemas agroforestales: Principios y Aplicaciones en los Trópicos (Coordinadora Academia, Organización para Estudios Tropicales, Universidad de Costa Rica, Apdo. 676–2050, San José, Costa Rica). (818 pp., USS 20,00).
Pernes, J. (Ed.) 1984 Gestion des Ressources Génétiques des Plantes. Tome 1: Monographies. Tome 2: Manuel. (Technique & Documentation - Lavoisier 11, rue Lavoisier, 75384 Paris, Cédex 08, France). (1:210 pp.; 2:346 pp.).
Plucknett, D.L. et al. 1987 Gene Banks and the World's Food. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey, USA. (246 pp.).
Soulé, M.E. (Ed.) 1986 Conservation Biology. The science of Scarcity and Diversity. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland, Massachusetts 01375, USA. (584 pp.).
Turnbull, J. et al. 1987 Multipurpose Australian Trees and Shrubs. Lesser-known Species for Fuelwood and Agroforestry. INKATA Press Pty Ltd., 4 Longbourne Avenue, North Clayton 3168, Australia. (314 pp., US$ 23,50 incl. postage by surface).
1 Individual papers included in Proceedings or books will not be listed under (iii) or (iv).
3 E = available in English
F = available in French
S = available in Spanish
A = available in Arabic
Anon. 1983 Florestas Plantadas nos Neotrópicos como Fonte de Energía. Anais do Simpósio Realizado em Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, de 6 a 13 de fevereiro de 1983; Univ. Fed. de Viçosa, Man and Biosphere/Unesco, IUFRO. (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa - MG - Brasil). (456 pp.).
Anon. 1986 Symposium on Establishment and Productivity of Tree Plantings in Semi-Arid Regions, 29 April–2 May 1985, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. (Forest Ecology and Management 16(1–4):1–444).
Anon. 1987 Palestras Preferidas No. II. Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Algaroba. Revista da Associaçao Brasileira de Algaroba, Vol. 1, No. 1. (Ed. B. Vasconcelos Mendes, ESAM, Cx Postal 137, 59600 Mossoró, RN, Brasil). (228 pp.).
Anon. 1987 Trabalhos Apresentados, No. II Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Algaroba. Revista da Associaçao Brasileira de Algaroba 1(2):1–251; and (3):1–197. (See above address).
Chalupka, W. (Ed.) 1987 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flowering and Seed-Bearing in Forest Seed Orchards, under the auspices of IUFRO, Section S2.01.00 Physiology; and Working Party S2.01.05 Reproductive Processes, 2–7 Sept. 1985, Kornik, Poland. Forest Ecology and Management 19(1–4):1–290.
CIEF 1987 Simposio sobre Silvicultura y Mejoramiento Genético. CIEF, Buenos Aires 6–10 de abril de 1987 (Centro de Investigaciones y Experiencias Forestales (Moreno 431, 1091 Buenos Aires, República Argentina). Tomos I-IV (894 pp.).
CONAF 1985 Simposio: Flora Nativa Arbórea y Arbustiva de Chile Amenazada de Extinción. Corporación Nacional Forestal (Ministerio de Agricultura, República de Chile). (80 pp.).
Contreras, A. & Esquinas-Alcázar, J. (Eds.) 1987 Anales del Simposio: Recursos Fitogenéticos. Valdivia, Chile, 20–22 de noviembre de 1984. Universidad Austral de Chile/International Board for Plant Genetic Resources. (Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile). (193 pp.).
CSSA 1984 Conservation of Crop Germplasm: An International Perspective. Proceedings of a symposium. Crop Science Society of America. Washington, D.C., 14–19 August 1983. CSSA Special Publication No. 8. (Crop Science Society of America, 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI53711, USA). (67 pp.).
Duryea, M.I. & Brown, G.N. (Eds.) 1984 Seedling physiology and reforestation success, Proceedings of the Physiology Working Group 16–20 Oct. 1983, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster). (326 pp.).
FAO/PNUMA 1985 Un sistema de áreas silvestres protegidas para el Gran Chaco. Basado en los resultados del Taller sobre un sistema de áreas silvestres protegidas para el Gran Chaco. Asunción (Paraguay), 20–27 de noviembre de 1985. (Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe, Casilla 10095, Santiago, Chile). (159 pp.).
FAO/PNUMA 1987 Informe del Taller sobre Conservación in-situ de Recursos Genéticos. Huaraz, Perú, 15–19 de junio de 1987. RLAC/87/85-FOR-24 (Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe, Casilla 10095, Santiago, Chile. (23 pp.).
Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe & the International Development Research Centre of Canada. 1986 Proceedings of a Workshop on Seed handling and Eucalypt Taxonomy. Regional Seed Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe, 8–12 July 1985. (IDRC, P.O. Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada, KIG 3H9). (291 pp.).
Gregorius, H.R. (Ed.) 1985 Population Genetics in Forestry. Proceedings of the meeting of IUFRO Working Party “Ecological and Population Genetics”, 21–24 Aug. 1984, Göttingen. Springer-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Vest Germany. (287 pp.; Soft cover DM 43).
Gregorius, H.R. 1986 The Importance of Genetic Multiplicity for Tolerance of Atmospheric Pollution. In: Proceedings of 18th IUFRO World Congress, 7–21 Sept. 1986, Ljubljana. Div. 2. Vol. I, pp. 295–305.
Hattemer, H.H. 1985 Genetics, breeding strategies and healthy forests. In: Impacts de l'Homme sur la Forêt, IUFRO Symposium, 12–22 Sept. 1984, Strasbourg, France. Les Colloques de l'INRA No. 30. pp. 356–373. (INRA, Paris).
Heybroek, H.M. 1985 Selection of provenances for a healthy and stable forest. In: Impacts de l'Homme sur la Forêt, IUFRO Symposium, 12–22 Sept. 1984, Strasbourg, France. Les Colloques de l'INRA No. 30. pp. 342–353. (INRA, Paris).
IUCN & UNEP 1986 Managing Protected Areas in the Tropics. Based on the Workshops on Managing Protected Areas in the Tropics and World Congress on National Parks, Oct. 1982. Bali, Indonesia. (IUCN, Gland, CH-1196 Switzerland). (295 pp.).
IUFRO 1987 Tree improvement and silvo-pastoral management in Sahelian and North Sudanian Africa, problems needs and research proposals. Eds. C. Cossalter, D.E. lyamabo, S.L. Krugman and O. Fugalli. (Workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya, February 1987; “Nairobi II”; IUFRO, Schönbrunn, 1131 Wien, Austria). (196 pp.).
IUFRO 1988 Actas del Taller IUFRO sobre Planificación de la Investigación Forestal en América Latina Tropical. “El Rol de las Especies Forestales de Uso Múltiple en la Vida de las Comunidades Campesinas”. (Huaraz, Perú, 1–10 de julio de 1987). (En prensa).
Kamra, S.K. & Ayling, R.D. (Eds.) 1987 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Seed Problems in Africa. 23 August – 2 September 1987, Harare, Zimbabwe. IUFRO Project Group P.2.04.00 on Seed Problems. Report No. 7. (Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S-90183 Umeaa, Sweden). (399 pp.).
Lindgren, D. (Ed.) 1986 Provenances and Forest Tree Breeding for High Latitudes. Proceedings of the Frans Kempe Symposium, 10–11 June 1986, Umeaa, Sweden. Report No. 6 (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, S-90183 Umeaa, Sweden). (287 pp.).
Müller-Starck, G. & Gregorius, H.R. 1986 Monitoring genetic variation in forest tree populations. In: Proceedings of 18th IUFRO World Congress, 7–21 Sept. 1986, Ljubljana. Div. 2. Vol. II, pp. 589–599.
Nater, J. (Ed.) 1986 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Seed Problems under Stressful Conditions, 3–8 June 1985, Vienna and Gmunden, Austria. IUFRO Project Group P2.04.00. FBVA Berichte No. 12. (Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt, A-1131 Wien, Austria). (300 pp.).
NFTA 1987 Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.: Management and Improvement. Proceedings of a Workshop held at CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, June 1987. NFTA Special Publication 87-01. (Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association, P.O. Box 680, Waimanalo, HI 96795, U.S.A.). (225 pp.). (Abstracts in E and S).
Palmberg, C. 1987 Conservation of Genetic Resources of Woody Species. Simposic sobre Silvicultura y Mejoramiento Genético, Paper prepared for CIEF, Buenos Aires (available in E and S from FAO, Rome). 20 pp.
Palmberg, C. & Esquinas A., J.T. 1988 The role of international organizations in the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources, with special reference to forestry and the UN-system. Paper prepared for the Symposium on Conservation of Genetic Diversity, Davis, California, July 1988. FAO, Rome.
Patiño Valera, F. 1987 Los Inventarios Forestales y la Conservación In-Situ de los Bosques Tropicales. Land Evaluation Conference, Chetumal, México, January 1987. (Centro de Investigaciones Forestales del Trópico Húmedo del INIFAP-SARH, Apdo. Postal 600, Campeche 24000, Camp., México).
Siren, G. & Mitchell, C.P. (Eds.) 1985 Forest Energy and the Fuelwood Crisis. Proceedings of IUFRO Project Group P1.09.00, 8–9 June 1984, Uppsala, Sweden. Report No. 41. (Dep. of Ecology and Environmental Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden). (93 pp.).
Turnbull, J.W. (Ed.) 1987 Australian Acacias in Developing Countries. Proceedings of an international Workshop, 4–7 Aug. 1986, Gympie, Qld., Australia. ACIAR Proceedings No. 16. (ACIAR, G.P.O. Box 1571, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia). (192 pp.).
Unesco 1987 Rapport final de la Conférence régionale “Conservation de la nature et utilisation des ressources végétales en Afriques du nord”. Rabat (Maroc), 22–24 avril 1987. (Place de Fontenoy 7, 75700 Paris, France).
AFOCEL- ARMEF 1987 Le bouturage des cyprès. Informations-Forêt, No. 1, Fascicule 313. pp. 41–50. (AFOCEL, Domaine de l'Etançon, F-77370 Nangis, France).
Arora, R.K. 1985 Genetic Resources of Less Known Cultivated Food Plants. NBPGR Sci. Monogr. No. 9. (National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi 110012, India). (126 pp.).
Bhumibhamon, S. 1986 The Status of Multipurpose Trees in Thailand. (Subcommittee on the Research and Development on Multipurpose Trees, National Research Council, Bangkok, Thailand). (138 pp.).
Brewbaker, J.L. 1985 The genetic vulnerability of single variety plantations of Leucaena. Leucaena Research Reports 6. (NFTA, P.O. Box 680, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795, USA). (81 pp.).
Canet, G. 1985 Características de sistema silvopastoril jaúl (Alnus acuminata) con lecheria de altura en Costa Rica (CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica). (8 pp.).
CATIE 1986 Crecimiento de especies para leña en áreas secas y húmedas de América Central. Vol. 2. Serie Técnica. Informe Técnico No. 79. (CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica). (724 pp.).
Chopra, V.L. & Khoshoo, T.N. (Eds.) 1986 Conservation for Productive Agriculture. (Publications and Information Division, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India). (172 pp.).
Dulin, P.A. 1984 Areas climáticas análogas para especies productoras de leña en los países centroamericanos. (Serie Técnica, Informe Técnico No. 50). (CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica). (41 pp. + 5 mapas, 24 refs.). (700 ej.).
Eyog Matig, O. 1987 Etude Monographique du Caïlcedrat: Khaya senegalensis (Desr.). A. Juss., Meliaceae. (IRA/Centre de Recherches Forestières, B.P. 222 -Maroua, Cameroun; available also from Forest Resources Division, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy). (26 pp.).
Eyog Matig, O. 1987 Etude de Dalbergia sissoo (Roxburg) au Nord-Cameroun. (See above address). (25 pp.).
Fowler, D.P. 1986 Strategies for the genetic improvement of important tree species in the Maritimes. Information Report M-X-156 (Canadian Forestry Service, Maritimes, P.O. Box 4000, Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 5P7). (E, F).
Frankel, O.H. 1987 Characterization and Evaluation - What, Why, How and By Whom? In: Tenth Anniversary of IBPGR/SEAN June 19777–June 1987. Special Issue on Characterization and Preliminary Evaluation of Crop Genetic Resources. IBPGR/SEAN Newsletter Special Issue, June 1987. pp. 9–14. (IBPGR/SEAP Regional Coordinator, FAO Reg. Office, Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand).
IBPGR 1986 IBPGR Advisory Committee on In Vitro Storage. Report of the Third Meeting. (IBPGR Headquarters, c/o FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy). (30 pp.).
INDERENA 1986 Manual General sobre Uso de Semillas Forestales. Banco Nacional de Semillas Forestales. (Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovables y del Medio Ambiente, División Forestal Estación La Florida, Apartado Aéreo 13458, Bogotá, Colombia). (55 pp.).
INRF 1986 Amélioration Forestière, Peuplements à graines, récolte, conservation des semences. Bulletin technique forestier, Número Spécial (juillet). (Institut National de Recherche Forestière, Arboretum de Bainem. B.P. 37 Cheraga, Alger). (92 pp.).
Lauridsen, E.B. & Stubsgaard, F. 1987 Longevity of Hardcoated Seed After Scarification. Tech. Note No. 32 (May). (DFSC, Krogerupvej 3A, DK-3050 Humlebaek, Denmark).
Lauridsen, E.B., Wellendorf, H. & Keiding, H. 1987 Evaluation of an International Series of Gmelina Provenance Trials. (DANIDA Forest Seed Centre, (DFSC), Krogerupvej 3A, DK-3050 Humlebaek, Denmark). (110 pp.).
Mustafa, A.R.F. 1986 The Performance of Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stunz Seedlings of Various Ages and Sizes Grown in the Field under Various Soil Working Methods. Pamphlet No. 5. (Ed. A. El Houri Ahmed - Project leader, FRC, P.O. Box 658, Khartoum, Sudan). (16 pp.).
NFTA 1985 Leucaena Forage Production and use. (NFTA, P.O. Box 680, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795, USA). (39 pp.).
NFTA Leucaena Research Reports Vol. 7 (Aug.). (NFTA, P.O. Box 680, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795, USA).
Owens, J.N. & Blake, M.D. 1985 Forest Tree Seed Production. A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Future Research. Information Report PI-X-53. (Tech. Inf. and Distr. Centre, Petawawa National Forestry Inst., Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, KOJ IJO). (86 pp. + 8 app.). (E, F).
Renuka, C., Bhat, K.M. & Nambiar, V.P.K. Morphological, Anatomical and Physical Properties of Calamus Species of Kerala Forests. KFRI Research Rep. No. 46. (Div. of Botany, KFRI, Peechi 680 653 Kerala, India). (57 pp.).
Salazar, F.R. 1985 Genetic variation in seeds and seedlings of ten provenances of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Stend. (CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica). (18 pp., 6 refs.).
Sánchez G., J.J. y Ordaz S., L. 1987 El Teocintle en México. Distribución y situación actual de las poblaciones. In: Systematic and Ecographic Studies on Crop Genepools: 2. (IBPGR, Rome). (50 pp.).
Sheikh, M.I. 1985 Poplars and Willows in Pakistan. (Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar, Pakistan). (97 pp.).
Sheikh, M.I. 1986 Afforestation of Arid and Semi-Arid Areas in Pakistan. (Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar, Pakistan). (154 pp.).
Siddig, M. 1986 Phenology, Pod Production and Seed Treatment of Mesquite Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stunz in the Sudan. Pamphlet No. 6. (Ed. A. El Houri Ahmed - Project Leader, FRC, P.O. Box 658, Khartoum, Sudan). (24 pp.).
Stein, I.W. et al. 1986 Users Guide for Seeds of Western Trees and Shrubs. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-193. (U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 319 S.W. Pine Street, P.O. Box 3890, Portland, Oregon 97208, USA). (45 pp.).
Stubsgaard, F. 1987 Climbing into the Crown Directly, 4. A Light-Weight Catapult for use in connection with the advanced line system. Techn. Note No. 31. (DFSC, Krogerupvej 3A, DK-3050 Humlebaek, Denmark).
USDA Forest Service, Southern Region. 1985 Handbook on Seeds of Browse - Shrubs and Forbs. Tech. Publication R8-TP8. (USDA Forest Service, Southern Region, 1720 Peachtree Rd. NW. Atlanta, Ga 30367, USA). (246 pp.).
Vigneron, P.H. 1986 Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. Synthese des essais de provenances realisés par le CTFT-Congo. (Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, B.P. 764, Pointe Noire, Rep. populaire du Congo). (22 pp.).
Ahuja, M.R. 1986 Mikrovegetativvermehrung bei Forstbäumen. Allg. Forst Zeitschrift 51/52: 1303–1307.
Ahuja, M.R. 1986 Was Kann die Biotechnologie des Forst Planzenzüchtung bieten? Allg. Forst Zeitschrift 51/52: 1307–1309.
Anonym 1987 Entschliessung des Bundesrates über Massnahmen zur Erhaltung der genetischen Vielfalt der Waldbaumarten. Der Forst-und Holzwirt 8:202–208.
Atta-Krah, A.N. & Sumberg, J.E. 1988 Studies with Gliricidia sepium for crop/livestock production systems in West Africa. Agroforestry Systems 6:97–118.
Boomsma, D. & Sedgley, J. 1987 Clonal Forestry in Australia. Australian Forest Grower, Summer: 11–18.
Booth, T.H., Nix, H.A. & Hutchinson, F. 1987 Grid Matching: A New Method for Homoclime Analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 39:241–255.
Burley, J. 1987 Problems of Tree Seed Certification in Developing Countries. Commonw. For. Rev. 66(2):151–160.
Camacho Morfin, F. 1985 Identificación del mecanismo que inhibe la germinación en Schinus molle L. y forma de eliminarlo. Ciencia Forestal 10(55):35–49.
Carlowitz, P.G. 1986 Multipurpose tree yield data - their relevance to agroforestry research and development and the current state of knowledge. Agroforestry Systems 4:291–314.
Cavanagh, A.K. 1986 The Germination of Acacias - A Bibliography. Bull. of the Intern. Group for the Study of Mimosoideae 14:68–76. (Dr. J. Vassal, I.G.S.M. Secretariat & Edition, Lab. de Botanique et Biogéographie, Université Paul Sabatier, 39 Allées J. Guesde, 31062 Toulouse Cédex, France).
Copes, D.L. 1985 Fertility of Douglas-Fir Pollen after One Year of Storage in Liquid Nitrogen. For. Sci. 31(3): 569–574.
Coughenour, M.B. & Detling, J.K. 1986 Acacia tortilis seed germination responses to water potential nutrients. African J. of Ecology 24(3): 203–205.
Dogra, P.D. Natural Variability, Genetic Control Tree Breeding and Reproductive Potential of Wood Producing Species of India. Aspect of Plant Sciences 9: 101–135. (Today & Tomorrow Printers & Publishers, New Delhi, India).
Dogra, P.D. 1986 Species Diversity and Gene Conservation in Indian Tree Species in relation to Forestry. Indian Forester 112(7): 596–607.
El-Kassaby, Y.A., Fashler, A.M.K. & Sziklai, O. 1987 Effect on Family Size and Number on the Accuracy and Precision of the Estimates of Genetic Parameters in the IUFRO Douglas-fir Provenance - Progeny Trial. For. Ecol. & Management 18: 35–48.
Ezumah, B.S. 1986 Germination of storage of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed. Seed Sci. & Technology 14: 593–600.
Felker, P. (Ed.) 1986 Establishment and Productivity of Tree Plantings in Semi-Arid Regions. For. Ecol. & Management 16(V-VII): 1–444.
Gregorius, H.R. & Roberds, J.H. 1986 Measurement of genetical differentiation among subpopulations. Theor. Appl. Genet. 71: 826–834.
Hattemer, H.H. 1987 Are the EEC Directives on Forest Reproductive Material Genetically Adequate? Silvae Genetica 36(2): 83–91.
Hewett, P.D. 1987 Pathogen viability on seed in deep freeze storage. Seed Sci. & Technol. 15: 73–77.
Huehn, M. 1987 Clonal Mixtures, Juvenile-Mature Correlations and Necessary Number of Clones. Silvae Genetica 36(2): 83–91.
Huc, R. & Bariteau, M. 1987 Tabebuia heterophylla (DC) Britton; données nouvelles sur la reproduction sexuée et végétative. Ann. Sci. For. 44(3): 359–364.
Hughes, C.E. 1987 Biological Considerations in Designing a Seed Collection Strategy for Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. (Leguminosae). Commonw. For. Rev. 66(1).
Kageyama, P.Y. 1987 Conservaçao “In Situ” de Recursos Genéticos de Plantas. Inst. de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais, Piracicaba 35(Abril): 7–40. (P, summary in English).
Kushalappa, K.A. 1986 Tree Improvement Works in Karnataka. Myforest 22(4): 201–210. (D.K. Agencies (P) Ltd., H-12, Bali Nagar, New Delhi 110015).
Leakey, R.R.B. 1987 Clonal Forestry in the Tropics - A Review of Developments, Strategies and Opportunities. Commonw. For. Rev. 66(1): 61–75.
Liu, G.M., Lu, Y.F. & Zhang, S.F. 1985 Development of a simple germinator for forest seeds. For. Sci. & Technol. 8: 4–5 (E, Chinese).
Loehle, C. & Namkoong, G. 1987 Constraints on Tree Breeding: Growth Tradeoffs, Growth Strategies and Defensive Investments. Forest Science 33(4): 1089–1097.
Lubrano, L. 1988 Micropropagazione di Eucalyptus x trabutii, E. viminalis ed E. gunnii. Linea Ecologica (1): 48–53.
Martin, B. 1986 Conservation et gestion des ressources génétiques. Revue Forestière Française 38: 240–246.
Martin, B. 1987 Amélioration Génétique des Eucalyptus Tropicaux. Contribution Majeure à la Forestière Clonale. Thèse soutenue le 26 mai 1987 à l'Université de Paris-Sud (Centre d'Orsay), No. d'ordre: 250. Résumé de la Thèse en: Revue Forestière Française 40, No. 1, 1988.
Mastenbroek, C. 1988 Plant Breeders' rights, an equitable legal system for new plant cultivars. Expl. Agric. 24: 15–30. (Printed in Great Britain).
Matheson, A.C. & Raymond, C.A. 1986 A Review of Provenance × Environment Interaction: Its Practical Importance and Use with Particular Reference to the Tropics. Commonw. For. Rev. 65(4).
Moezel, P.G. & Bell, D.T. 1987 The effect of salinity on the germination of some Western Australian Eucalyptus and Melaleuca species. Seed Sci. & Technol. 15: 239–246.
Moran, G.F. & Bell, J.C. 1987 The origin and genetic diversity of Pinus radiata in Australia. Theor. Appl. Genet. 73: 616–622.
Morton, J.F. & Voss, G.L. 1987 The Argan Tree (Argania sideroxylon, Sapotaceae), A Desert Source of Edible Oil. Economic Botany 41(2): 221–233.
Namkoong, G. 1986 Genes et milieux, modes d'action et réponses. Revue Forestière Française 38: 201–203.
Napier, I.A. & Robbins, A.M.J. 1987 Seed storage in the nursery (Prunus, Alnus and Pinus spp.). Banko Janakari 1(1): 13–20. (Nepal-UK For. Research Project, British Embassy, P.O. Box 106, Kathmandu, Nepal).
Ngulube, M. 1986 Preliminary Study on Germination of Pretreated Seed of Teak (Tectona grandis) under Nursery Conditions in Zomba, Malawi. For. Ecol. & Management 17: 147–151.
Omi, S.K. & Adams, W.T. 1986 Variation in seed set and proportions of out-crossed progeny with clones, crown position, and top pruning in a Douglas-fir seed orchard. Canadian Jour. of Forest Research 16(3): 502–507.
Prasad, R. & Jalil, P. 1987 Observations on the seed viability of Sal (Shorea robusta). Indian Forester 113(2): 89–94.
Purdie, R.W. & Blick, R. 1986 Selection of a Conservation Reserve Network in the Mulga Biogeographic Region of South-Western Queensland, Australia. Biological Conserv. 38: 369–384.
Rajora, O.P. & Zsuffa, L. 1986 On Genetic Improvement of Trees for Social Forestry in India. Indian Forester 112(12): 1067–1079.
Randhawa, H.S. et al. 1986 The Acceleration of Germination of Cassia fistula: Fungi Associated with Rotting Seeds and Abnormal Seedlings. Indian Forester 112(6): 524–527.
Rao, K.S. & Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1987 Comparative analysis of the population dynamics of two bamboo species, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii and Neohouzeua dulloa, in a successional environment. For. Ecol. & Management 21(3,4): 177–190.
Reid, R.J., Weatherspoon, C.P. & Johnson, L.C. 1987 A Safety Modification for the Swedish Tree-Climbing Ladder. Accessing crowns without injury to tree or climber. Jour. of Forestry 85(10): 42–43.
Renuka, C. 1987 Rattan Resources of Kerala and Their Conservation. RIO Bulletin 6(1): 1–3. (The Rattan Information Centre, Forest Research Institute, Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia).
Roman-Atman, B. 1986 Necessité et pratique des choix en amélioration des arbres forestiers. Revue Forestière Française 38: 104–112.
Salazar, R. 1986 Seed and seedling provenance variation under greenhouse conditions of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. Barr. et Golf. Inst. de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais, Piracicaba 32(abril): 25–32.
Schultes, R.E. 1987 Studies in the Genus Hevea. VIII. Notes on Infraspecific Variants of Hevea brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae). Economic Botany 41(2): 125–147.
Soulé, M.E. 1985 What is Conservation Biology? Bioscience 35(11): 727–734.
Stephan, B.R. 1986 Probleme und Aussichten der forstlichen Resistenzzüchtung. Allg. Forst Zeitschrift 51/52: 1282–1288.
Stettler, R.F. 1987 Zur Erhaltung und Erneuerung der forstlichen Genressourcen der Schweiz. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 138(8): 673–683.
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