Arid zone forestry: A guide for field technicians

Table of contents

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ISBN 92-5-102809-5

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© FAO 1989




Chapter I. The arid environments

1. Meaning of aridity
2. Causes of aridity
3. Arid zone climate
4. Rainfall
5. Temperature
6. Atmospheric humidity
7. Wind
8. Arid zone soils and importance of soil properties
9. Arid zone vegetation
10. Classification of vegetation
11. Highlights of section

Chapter II. Function and place of trees and shrubs in arid zones

1. Introduction
2. Function of trees and shrubs
3. Place of trees and shrubs in rural landscapes
4. Combined production systems
5. Highlights of section

Chapter III. Techniques of nursery operations in arid zones

1. Introduction
2. Choice of site for the nursery
3. Design of the nursery
4. Collection, handling, storage and pre-treatment of seeds
5. Seedling production
6. Highlights of section

Chapter IV. Establishment and management techniques of forest plantations

1. Introduction
2. Site reconnaissance
3. Selection of the planting site
4. Species selection
5. Preparation of the planting site
6. Time of planting
7. Planting of containerized stock
8. Spacing of plantings
9. Maintenance of the plantation
10. Harvesting operations
11. Highlights of section

Chapter V. Special forest plantations

1. Introduction
2. Windbreaks and shelterbelts
3. Sand dune stabilization
4. Canal-side plantation
5. River-bank plantations
6. Amenity plantations

Chapter VI. Rehabilitation of saline environment

1. Introduction
2. Aims of saline environment rehabilitation programmes
3. Salt-tolerant shrub resources
4. Plant selection
5. Establishment
6. Highlights of section

Chapter VII. Irrigated forest plantations

1. Introduction
2. Irrigation with permanent water supply
3. Irrigation with an intermittent water supply: Rainwater harvesting
4. Irrigation with waste water

Chapter VIII. Non-wood forest products

1. Introduction
2. Foliage and fruits
3. Tannins
4. Gums
5. Resins
6. Oils and extracts
7. Fibres
8. Medicinal plants

Chapter IX. Involvement of local people

1. Introduction
2. Constraints and conditions for people's involvement
3. Highlights of section

Chapter X. Species for arid zone forestry

1. Introduction
2. List of tree and shrub species


FAO technical papers