Sardina pilchardus | 1,21(05)064,01 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
60.4 | Spain: 16 batches of fish: caught October to June (total of 131 fish): probably includes skin | 1 | |
61.0 | Portugal: probably includes skin | 2 | |
64.2 | Mediterranean) coasts of Spain: | ||
62.1 | Atlantic ) may include skin | 8 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | [50%] |
Edible flesh | 62% |
Value for skinless fillets is taken from the data on Japanese pilchard and other Sardinops spp. Edible flesh value is a simple mean.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
15.9 2.5 1.4 | November January March ý Adriatic Sea: 900 fish analysed in batches of about 50 fish | 3 | |
20.0 | 5.8 | Spain: 16 batches, caught October to June (total of 131 fish): probably includes skin | 1 |
19.83 | 2.06–19.84 | Tunisia: monthly batches over full | |
mean 10.24 | year: protein calculated by difference | 4 | |
17.55–21.34 | 0.52–11.77 | North-east Spain: means of 64 lots over | |
mean 19.805 | mean 5.905 | 3 full years (each lot of up to 40 fish): includes skin | 5 |
18.4 | 11.4 | South-west England: sampled over 31/2 years: includes skin and bones | 6 |
27.3 24 24.9 | 2 8.6 5.8 | Spring Summer/Autumn Winter ý Portugal: probably includes skin | 2 |
5.1–12.0 | Adriatic Sea: sampled over 6 months: | ||
mean 8.7 | includes skin and bones | 7 | |
10.99 | Mediterranean ) coasts of Spain: sampled | ||
11.05 | Atlantic ) over complete year: may include skin | 8 | |
19.38 | 5.19 | Gulf of Naples: single sample | 9 |
20.2 | 8.9 | 10 |
Selected values
Protein | 20.0% |
Fat | 8.1% |
Values are based on simple means of data after excluding 4 sets of data: sources 6 and 7 are excluded as they include bone, source 9 as it is a single sample, and source 2 as the protein values appear unrealistically high.
Gimenez, J.C. and de las Heras, A.R. Composition and energy value of some fish eaten in Madrid. Trabajos del Instituto Español de Oceanografia No 17 (1943)
Goncalves Ferreira, F.A. Composition and food value of some species of fish. Boletim da Pesca 8 (No 33) 89–102 (1951)
Viviani, R. et al. First observations on seasonal changes of the lipids in the tissues of some Adriatic clupeids. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse 45 779–790 (1968)
Abdelmouleh, A., Ktari, M.H. and Hadj Ali Salem, M. Seasonal variations in the overall chemical composition of the sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) from the Bizerta (Tunisia) region. Bull.Inst.Natn.Scient.Tech.Oceanogr.Peche, Salammbo 7 91–101 (1980)
Herrera, J. and Munoz, F. Biological aspects of the chemical composition of the sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) from Castellon. Investigaciones Pesqueras 7 33–48 (1957)
Hickling, C.F. The seasonal cycle in the Cornish pilchard, Sardina pilchardus Walbaum. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK 26 115–138 (1945)
Lisac, H. Variations in the fat content of Adriatic sardines during 1961. Proceedings and Technical Papers, General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean 7 237–239 (1963)
Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia. Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of the Mediterranean and Atlantic sardine. Proceedings and Technical Papers, General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean 6 175–182 (1961)
Carteni, A. and Aloj, G. Chemical composition of marine animals of the Gulf of Naples. Quaderni della Nutrizione 1 49–63 (1934)
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) p 85
Pleuronectes platessa | 1,83(02)004,05 | |
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | 1,83(02)005,01 | |
Hippoglossoides platessoides | 1,83(02)014,01 | |
Limanda aspera | 1,83(02)024,02 |
These four species in the family Pleuronectidae come within the scope of the study. Data, especially on yields, are lacking for most of these, so data on other Pleuronectidae have been collected below.
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
61.8 | Hippoglossus stenolepis: includes skin | 1 | |
28.0 | 34.0 | Pleuronectes platessa: based on gutted weight: edible flesh by deboning machine | 6 |
35.0 | Pleuronectes platessa: based on gutted weight | 7 | |
44.0 | Pleuronectes platessa: based on gutted weight: mean of 18 fish | 2 | |
54.7 | Platessa (= Pleuronectes) platessa: skinless | 1 | |
49.4 | Hippoglossoides elassodon: includes skin | 1 | |
34.0 | 50.0 | Limanda ferruginea: skinless fillets: edible flesh by deboning machine | 12 |
51.4 | Limanda ferruginea: includes skin | 13 | |
44.0 | Limanda limanda: probably skinless | 1 | |
42.0 | Microstomus kitt: based on gutted weight | 7 | |
27.0 | 51.5 | Microstomus pacificus: edible flesh by deboning machine | 15 |
42.9 | Platichthys stellatus: by deboning machine | 17 | |
24.9 | Spring) Pseudopleuronectes americanus: | ||
48.0 | Summer) means of 6 fish each | 18 | |
60.2 | Parophrys vetulus: by deboning machine | 17 | |
33.0 | 46.5 | Parophrys vetulus: by deboning machine | 15 |
28.2 | mean of 240 fish of 9 spp of Pleuronectidae | 20 | |
40.3 | mean of 18 fish of 3 spp of Pleuronectidae | 21 | |
29.1 | mean of 47 fish of 4 spp of Pleuronectidae | 22 | |
49.5 | mean yield, with skin, of 9 spp of Pleuronectidae | 23 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | 34% |
Edible flesh | 49% |
There is a considerable range of values for yields, even within one species (source 18). No surveys appear to have been carried out. The selected values are means of all the data, after correcting for skin by subtracting 5%, or after converting to a round fish basis, using data of source 25.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
18.0 | 2.0 | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | 1 |
18.4 | 5.0 | Hippoglossus vulgaris (= hippoglossus): means of 3 or 4 fish | 2 |
20.1 | 1.22 | Hippoglossus stenolepis: means of 19 or 21 fish | 3 |
2.33 | Hippoglossus stenolepis: mean of 18 fish | 4 | |
21.2 | 0.8 | Hippoglossus stenolepis (probably): means of 27 fish | 5 |
17.38 | 0.98 | Pleuronectes platessa: means of 40 fish | 8 |
16.8 | 2.4 | Pleuronectes platessa: means of 2–6 fish | 2 |
11.94–19.94 mean 16.66 | 0.49–4.21 mean 1.42 | Pleuronectes platessa: means of 182 fish over complete year | 24 |
12.8 | 16.1 | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | 1 |
13.1 | 11.3 | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | 9 |
16.0 | 6.2 | Pleuronectes (= Glyptocephalus) cynoglossus: means of up to 7 fish | 2 |
15.5 | 2.7 | Hippoglossoides platessoides | 1 |
15.31 | 0.55 | Hippoglossoides platessoides | 10 |
15.6 | 2.4 | Hippoglossoides elassodon | 1 |
19.7 | 1.2 | Hippoglossoides elassodon | 11 |
17.0 | 1.3 | Limanda aspera | 11 |
15.0 | 1.1 | Limanda aspera | 1 |
1.7 | Limanda ferruginea | 14 | |
17.0 | 1.94 | Limanda ferruginea | 13 |
22.3 | 0.37 | Limanda ferruginea: means of 19 or 20 fish | 3 |
15.5 | 0.8 | Pleuronectes(= Limanda) limanda: means of 3 fish | 2 |
1.3 | Limanda punctatissima | 14 | |
19.2 | 1.3 | Lepidopsetta bilineata | 11 |
17.4 | 2.2 | Pleuronectes microcephalus (= Microstomus kitt): means of up to 5 fish | 2 |
14.7 | 0.81 | Microstomus pacificus: means of single batch of 100 fish | 16 |
16.8 | 0.3 | Pleuronectes(= Platichthys) flesus: 1 fish | 2 |
18.5 | 0.53 | Pseudopleuronectes americanus: means of 6 fish | 18 |
19.9 | 0.3 | Pseudopleuronectes americanus: means of 5fish | 19 |
18.5 | 1.8 | Parophrys vetulus | 11 |
16.1 | 1.40 | Parophrys vetulus: means of single batch of 125 fish | 16 |
18.8 | 1.41 | Eopsetta jordani: means of single batch of 160 fish | 16 |
17.1 | 1.1 | means of 240 fish of 9 spp. of Pleuronectidae | 20 |
18.7 | 1.1 | means of 18 fish of 3 spp. | 21 |
17.6 | 0.13 | means of 47 fish of 4 spp. of Pleuronectidae | 22 |
16.9 | 3.5 | means of 14 spp. of Pleuronectidae | 23 |
Selected values
a) for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
Protein | [13.0%] |
Fat | [13.7%] |
b) other Pleuronectidae
Protein | 17.6% |
Fat | 1.6% |
Separate, provisional, values have been selected for Greenland halibut, since both analyses listed above would indicate that this species has a higher fat content and lower protein content than the other Pleuronectidae. This species is known to respond to processing in a variable way.
Of the other species, only one survey has been found (source 24), for European plaice. The selected values are the means of all the data, excluding Greenland halibut.
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 177–191
Reay, G.A., Cutting, C.L. and Shewan, J.M. The nation's food VI. Fish as food. II. The chemical composition of fish. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 62 77–85 (1943)
Sidwell, V.D., Bonnet, J.C. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Part 1: Proximate composition, calcium and phosphorus. Mar. Fish. Rev. 35 (12) 16–19 (1973)
Bonnet, J.C., Sidwell, V.D. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Part II. Fatty acid composition. Mar. Fish. Rev 36 (2) 8–14 (1974)
Thurston, C.E. and MacMaster, P.P. Variations in chemical composition of different parts of halibut flesh. Food Res. 25229–236 (1960)
Ravichander, N. and Keay, J.N. The production and properties of minced fish from several commercially important species. Conference Proceedings: The production and utilization of mechanically recovered fish flesh (minced fish). ed. Keay, J.N. (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1976) pp 18–24
Private communication. UK Industry
Lang, K. and Christen, U. The composition of the muscle meat of a number of sea fish of nutritional importance. Fleischwirtsch. 63 967–970 (1983)
Hjarde, A.W. et al. Food value of some Greenland foods. Nordisk. Medicin 48 1231–1235 (1952)
Templeman, W. and Andrews, G.L. Jellied condition in the American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius). J. Fish. Res. Bd Canada 13 147–182 (1956)
Anon. Nutrition and composition. Comm. Fish. Rev. 12 (6) 10 (1950)
King, F.J. and Carver, J.H. How to use nearly all the ocean's food. Oak Brook Seminar. Mechanical recovery and utilization of fish flesh. Ed. Martin, R.E. (National Fisheries Institute, Washington DC, 1982) pp 222 238
Dvinin, Uu. F. Dimensions, weight and chemical composition of yellowtail flounder. Ryb. Khoz. No 12, 58 (1982)
Takahashi, K. et al. Characterization of molecular species of fish muscle phosphatidylcholine. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 51 1475–1486 (1985)
Crawford, D. L., Law, D.K. and Babbitt, J.K. Yield and acceptability of machine separated minced flesh from some marine food fish. J. Fd Sci. 37 551–553 (1972)
Gordon, D.T. and Roberts, G.L. Mineral and proximate composition of Pacific coast fish. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 25 1262–1268 (1977)
Miyauchi, D. and Steinberg, M. Machine separation of edible flesh from fish. Fishery Ind. Res. 6 (4) 165–171 (1970)
Wangler, J.G. Seasonal variations of physical characteristics and chemical composition of fish from middle Atlantic states. Comm. Fish. Rev. 22 (7) 17–20 (1960)
Ousterhout, L.E. Technical Note No 56 - Chemical composition and laboratory fillet yield of 13 species of middle and south Atlantic fish. Comm. Fish. Rev. 22 (7) 15–16 (1960)
Thurston, C.E. Proximate composition of nine species of sole and flounder. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 9 313–316 (1961)
Vlieg, P. Proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species - 3. Technology Research1 181–185 (1985)
Brooke, R.O., Ravesi, E.M. and Steinberg, M.A. The composition of commercially important fish taken from New England waters. II. Proximate analyses of butterfish, flounder, pollock, and hake, and their seasonal variation. J. Fd Sci. 27 73–76 (1962)
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 266–276
McLay, R., Howgate, P.F. and Morrison, J. Nitrogen content of seven British commercial species of fish. J. Assoc. Publ. Anal. 24 131–139 (1986)
Bedford, B.C., Woolner, L.E. and Jones, B.W. Length-weight relationships for commercial fish species and conversion factors for various presentations. Fisheries Research Data Report No 10. (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1986)
Sprattus sprattus | 1,21(05)066,01 |
Also included, because of lack of separate information, is:
Clupeonella delicatula | 1,21(05)059,01 |
(= cultriventris) |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
80.7 | Clupea (=Sprattus) sprattus: Spain: probably includes skin and bones: 2 batches at different times | 1 | |
78.0 | Sprattus sprattus balticus: Baltic: includes skin, bones and fins | 2 | |
55.6 | Sprattus sprattus phalericus: Black Sea: flesh only: 4 batches at different times | 3 | |
74.0 | Sprattus sprattus: UK: flesh and skin (probably bones also): one lot | 4 |
Selected values
Skinless fillet | [50%] |
Edible flesh | [56%] |
The available data are inadequate. The selected value for skinless fillet yield is taken from Japanese Pilchard and other Sardinops spp. The value for total edible flesh is the value from source 3: other data may include skin, bone and fins. The value is consistent with those for other clupeoids.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
16.6 | 16.1 | Clupea (= Sprattus) sprattus: Spain: probably includes skin and bone: 2 batches at different times | 1 |
13.8 | 9.9 | Sprattus sprattus balticus: whole fish analysed at 4 seasons | 2 |
14.3 | 13.8 | Sprattus sprattus phalericus: Black Sea: probably whole fish or gutted, headed fish: 4 batches at different times | 3 |
17.1 | 14.5 | Sprattus sprattus: UK: flesh only: one lot | 4 |
5.3–10.1 | Sprattus sprattus: Baltic: fillets (with skin?) analysed: range over year | 5 | |
11.5–18.0 | Sprattus sprattus: UK: whole fish: sampled over 5 months | 6 | |
2.0 | Clupea (= Sprattus) sprattus: Adriatic: fillet: mean of 2 samples | 7 | |
16.8 | 10.5 | Sprattus sprattus: Norway: whole fish | 8 |
15.8–17.3 | 6.3–16.8 | Sprattus balticus: Baltic: whole fish: | |
mean 6.7 | mean 11.3 | sampled monthly over complete year | 9 |
Selected values
Protein | [17.1%] |
Fat | [8.1%] |
Most of the available data are for whole fish or edible parts that include bone. Of the remaining sets of data only one, source 4, has a protein measurement and relates to a single sample. It is taken as the selected value, with great reservations. Three sets of data, sources 4, 5, and 7, give fat contents of skinless or skin-on fillets. The selected value is the mean of these, but again is of limited validity because of the inadequate seasonal coverage.
de las Heras, R. and Mendez Isla, M.C. Contribution to the chemical study of Spanish fish. Anales de Bromatologia 4 403–410 (1952)
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) p 86
Skachkov, V.P. and Yudina, O.P. Black Sea sprat products manufacture. Ryb. Khoz. No 10, 74–76 (1975)
Plimmer, R.H.A. Analyses and Energy Values of Foods (HMSO, London, 1921)
Podeszewski, Z. and Stodolnik, L. Lipids in commercial Baltic sea fish. VII. Changes in the lipid faction during an annual cycle. Bromat.i Chem. Toksykol. 9 341–347 (1976)
Hardy, R. and Mackie, P. Seasonal variation in some of the lipid components of sprats (Sprattus sprattus). J. Sci. Fd Agric. 20 193–198 (1969)
Viviani, R. et al. First observations on seasonal changes of the lipids in the tissues of some Adriatic clupeids. Rivista Ital. d. Sostanze Grasse 45 779–789 (1968)
Taarland, T. et al. Nutritional values and vitamins of Norwegian fish and fish products. Tidsskr. Hermetikind. 44 405–412 (1958)
Krassowska, T., Nagiello, K. and Lewczuk, Z. Fat content of the Baltic sprat. Przemysl Spozywczy 23 340–341 (1969)
Melanogrammus aeglefinus | 1,48(04)010,01 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
40 | 57 | % of gutted, head-on weight | 1 |
38 | 52 | % of gutted, head-on weight | 2 |
42 | % of gutted, head-on weight | 3 | |
41 | % of gutted, head-on weight | 4 | |
50.6 | % of whole weight | 5 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | 35% |
Edible flesh | 48% |
After correcting the data from sources 1 to 4 to a whole weight basis, using a factor from source 6, all data were averaged to give the selected values.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
15.5–20.2 mean 18.8 | 0.05–1.3 mean 0.17 | USA: 42 fish analysed over a year | 7 |
18.6 | 0.13 | USA: 9 samples throughout the year | 8 |
15.75–20.69 mean 18.51 | UK: 361 fish analysed over 2 complete years | 9 | |
17.2 | 0.2 | 5 | |
14.6–20.3 | 0.1–0.6 | UK: 29 to 44 samples | 3 |
16.7–22.6 mean 20.4 | 0.03–0.23 mean 0.11 | USA: 20 samples | 10 |
19.7 | 0.3 | Norway | 11 |
19.58 | 0.12 | USA: 2 lots | 12 |
17.7 | USA: several samples | 13 |
Selected values
Protein | 18.6% |
Fat | 0.2% |
The selected values are means of data from surveys covering all or most of the year (sources 7, 8 and 9).
King, F.J. and Carver, J.H. How to use nearly all the ocean's food. Oak Brook Seminar: Mechanical recovery and utilization of fish flesh. ed. Martin, R.E. (National Fisheries Institute, Washington, DC, 1972) pp 222–238
Ravichander, N. and Keay, J.N. The production and properties of minced fish from several commercially important species. Conference Proceedings: The production and utilization of mechanically recovered fish flesh (minced fish). ed. Keay, J.N. (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1976) pp 18–24
Reay, G.A., Cutting, C.L. and Shewan, J.M. The nation's food. VI Fish as food. II. The chemical composition of fish. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 62 77–85 (1943)
Private communication, UK industry
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 114–116
Bedford, B.C., Woolner, L.E. and Jones, B.W. Length-weight relationships for commercial fish species and conversion factors for various presentations. Fisheries Research Data Report No 10 (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1986)
Sohn, B.I., Carver, J.H. and Mangan, G.F. Composition of commercially-important fish from New England waters. Part 1 - Proximate analyses of cod, haddock, Atlantic ocean perch, butterfish and mackerel. Comm. Fish. Rev. 23(2) 7–10 (1961)
Crooks, G.C. and Ritchie, W.S. Seasonal variation in chemical composition of common haddock. Food Res. 4 159–172 (1939)
McLay, R., Howgate, P.F. and Morrison, J. Nitrogen content of seven British commercial species of fish. J. Assoc. Publ. Anal. 24 131–139 (1986)
Sidwell, V.D., Bonnet, J.C. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans and mollusks. Part 1: Proximate composition, calcium and phosphorus. Mar. Fish. Rev. 35(12) 16–19 (1973)
Taarland, T. et al. Nutritional values and vitamins of Norwegian fish and fish products. Tidsskr. Hermetikind. 44 405–412 (1958)
Clark, E.D. and Almy, L.H. A chemical study of food fishes. The analysis of twenty common food fishes with especial reference to a seasonal variation in composition. J. Biol. Chem. 33 483–498 (1918)
Teeri, A.E., Loughlin, M.E. and Josselyn, D. Nutritive value of fish. I. Nicotinic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and amino acids of various salt water species. Food Res. 22 145–150 (1957)
Trichiuridae | 1,74(04)xxx,xx |
Insufficient data has appeared on largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) to allow separate treatment. Very little has been found on snoek (Thyrsites atun), belonging to the related family, Gempylidae. This monograph, therefore, relates to the following species or groups.
Trichiuridae | 1,74(04)xxx,xx |
Trichiurus lepturus | 1,74(04)003,02 |
Thyrsites atun | 1,74(03)001,01 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
65.4 | Trichiurus lepturus: Nigeria: includes skin | 1 | |
50.7 | T. lepturus: north west Africa: without skin | 2 | |
58.0 | T. lepturus: probably includes skin | 3 | |
23.9 | Trichiurus haumela (= T. lepturus): India | 4 | |
68.59 | T. haumela (= T. lepturus): Philippines: may include skin | 5 | |
52.5 | T. haumela (= T. lepturus): Indian Ocean: includes skin | 6 | |
61.4 | T. haumela (= T. lepturus): Philippines: may include skin | 7 | |
54.6–67.2 | T.haumela (= T.lepturus): | 8 | |
82.0 | Trichiurus savala (= Lepturacanthis savala): India: may include skin | 9 | |
62.0 | T. savala (= L. savala): India | 10 | |
58.0 | Lepidopus caudatus: eastern Atlantic: percentage of gutted, head-on, weight | 11 | |
32.3 | L. caudatus: New Zealand: mean of 4 fish | 15 | |
51–62 | L. caudatus: probably skin on | 3 | |
42.6 | Aphanopus carbo: eastern Atlantic: percentage of gutted, head on, weight | 11 | |
43.8 | Thyrsites atun: New Zealand: may include skin | 12 | |
60.2 | T. atun: includes skin | 13 | |
41.5 | T. atun: New Zealand: mean of 6 fish | 14 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | 46% |
Edible flesh | 59% |
The result from source 11 for fillet yield has been converted to whole fish basis using data in source 3. Values with skin-on have been reduced by 5% and a final overall mean for fillet yield obtained.
In the case of total edible flesh, two results, from sources 4 and 9, have been excluded as extremes. Values with skin have been adjusted to skin off basis, and an overall mean taken.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
18.8 | 4.1 | Trichiurus lepturus: north west Africa | 2 |
21.6 | 5.3 | T. lepturus | 3 |
16.8 | 0.3 | T. haumela (= T. lepturus): Philippines: may include skin | 7 |
17.89 | 2.11 | T. haumela (= T. lepturus): Philippines: may include skin | 5 |
18.2 | 0.7 | T. haumela (= T. lepturus): Indian Ocean may include skin | 6 |
16.0–21.8 mean 19.4 | 0.4–20.6 mean 6.8 | T. haumela (= T. lepturus): several grounds and seasons: may include skin | 8 |
22.01 | T. savala (= Lepturacanthis savala): India | 10 | |
18.11 | 3.24 | T. savala (= Lepturacanthis savala): India: may include skin | 9 |
21.42 | 2.06 | Trichiurus spp: India: may include skin | 16 |
17.3 | 9.2 | Lepidopus caudatus: eastern Atlantic | 11 |
19.2 | 1.1 | L. caudatus: New Zealand | 15 |
20.3 | 3.0 | L. caudatus | 3 |
1.6–13.2 | Aphanopus carbo: eastern Atlantic | 17 | |
21.3 | 3.8 | Thyrsites atun: South Africa: 10 fish | 18 |
24.0 | 3.0 | T. atun: South Africa: 2 fish | 19 |
21.0 | 4.9 | T. atun: New Zealand | 12 |
19.3 | 3.3 | T. atun: New Zealand | 14 |
18.74–23.26 mean 21.91 | 0–11.92 mean 5.15 | T. atun: South Africa: sampled monthly: total of 46 fish | 20 |
22.0 | 1.7 | T. atun: Australia: 2 lots: total 6 fish | 21 |
21.1–22.3 mean 21.7 | 0.8–13.0 mean 6.3 | T. atun | 13 |
Selected values
Protein | 20.1% |
Fat | 3.9% |
No definite species difference can be discerned, so all species are considered together. Despite evidence, notably from source 8, that the fat content is variable, only one survey covering an extended period has been found (source 20). Overall averages of all the data have been calculated: they are not inconsistent with the mean values from source 20.
Emokpae, A.O. Preliminary studies on the chemical and weight composition of some commercially important species of fish and shrimp caught in the Nigerian inshore waters. J. Fd Technol. 18 271–283 (1983)
Tulsner, M. The technological properties and processing possibilities of important north west African commercial fish species. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 3 55–63 (1965)
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 295–297
Khorana, M.L. et al. Investigations on the food value of fish and other marine products. Pt II. The protein and mineral contents. Indian J. Med. Res. 31 25–27 (1943)
Sulit, J. I. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fish. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)
Bykov, V.P. et al. Technological studies of some fish species from the Indian ocean. Trudy VNIRO 72 123–142 (1971)
Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods V. Philippine J. of Science 85 203–213 (1956)
Kizevetter I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 224–225
Chari, S.T. Nutritive value of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras province. Ind. J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)
Setna, S.B., Sarangdhar, P.N. and Ganpule, N.V. Nutritive values of some marine fishes of Bombay. Ind. J. Med. Res. 32 171–176 (1944)
Torry Research Station. Unpublished data.
Pickston, L., Czochanska, Z. and Smith, J.M. The nutritional composition of some New Zealand marine fish. New Zealand J. of Sci. 25 19–26 (1982)
Bykov, V.P. Source 3 above. p 120
Vlieg, P. Proximate analysis of 10 commercial New Zealand fish species. New Zealand J. Sci. 27 99–104 (1984)
Vlieg, P. proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species. 2. New Zealand J. Sci. 27 427–433 (1984)
Ayyappan, M.P.K., Shenoy, A.V. and Gopakumar, K. Proximate composition of 17 species of Indian fish. Fishery Technol. 13 153–155 (1976)
Christians, O. Suitability of Aphanopus carbo for use as food. Inf. fur die Fischwirtschaft 20 184–185 (1973)
Simmonds, C.K. and Heydenrych, C. Composition of South African commercial fish species. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 38 72 (1984)
Evans, A.A. and Wessels, J.P.H. Fatty acid composition of various fresh and canned products and one smoked fish product. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 38 115–117 (1984)
Van Wyk, G.F. South African fish products. Part VIII. Composition of the flesh of Cape fishes. J. Soc. Chem Ind. (Trans.) 63 367–371 (1944)
Jowett, W.G. and Davies, W. A chemical study of some Australian fish. Pamphlet No 85 (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Melbourne, 1938) pp 1–40
Merluccius spp | 1,48(05)004,xx |
All species of Merluccius are similar and are considered together. Species coming within the scope of this review are:
Merluccius capensis, | 1,48(05)004,xx | |
M. paradoxus | ||
M. merluccius | 1,48(05)004,01 | |
M. bilinearis | 1,48(05)004,04 | |
M. gayi | 1,48(05)004,05 | |
M. hubbsi | 1,48(05)004,06 | |
M. productus | 1,48(05)004,07 |
Data from other species are also collected below; the selected values should be appropriate for all Merluccius species.
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
44.2 | Merluccius capensis, M. paradoxus: South Africa: mean of 234 fish caught throughout year | 1 | |
41.8 | M. capensis ) | ||
)South Africa | 2 | ||
42.5 | M. paradoxus ) | ||
38.0 | 51.7 | M. capensis: edible flesh yield by deboning machine | 31 |
25.0 | M. capensis: southwest Africa | 34 | |
50.6 | M. merluccius: UK: 44 fish caught over 11 months: based on gutted, head on weight | 6 | |
64.0 | M. merluccius: UK: mean of 2 fish: based on gutted head-on weight | 9 | |
50.0 | M. merluccius: UK: based on gutted, head-on weight | 10 | |
61.5 | M.merluccius: Atlantic: mean of 4 fish: based on headed and gutted weight | 11 | |
86.5 | M. merluccius: recovered by deboning machine: based on headed and gutted weight | 12 | |
44.0 | M. senegalensis: north west Africa 15 | ||
45.4 | M. bilinearis: USA: recovered by deboning machine | 16 | |
33.6 | M. bilinearis: USA: mean of 30 fish of 3 different sizes | 17 | |
62.3 | M. bilinearis: north and north west Atlantic | 18 | |
78.6 | M. bilinearis: USA: recovered by deboning machine: based on headed and gutted weight | 19 | |
86.0 | M. bilinearis: USA: recovered by deboning machine: based on headed and gutted weight | 20 | |
65.0 | M. bilinearis: USA: recovered by deboning machine: based on gutted, head-on weight | 20 | |
59.0 | M. bilinearis: includes skin | 5 | |
47.5 | M. gayi: Peru: excludes belly flaps | 25 | |
49.0 | M. gayi: Chile: based on gutted, head-on weight | 26 | |
43.0 | M. hubbsi: Uruguay: includes a | ||
few bones | 28 | ||
45.1 | M. hubbsi: Uruguay: three size groups | 32 | |
44.1 | |||
40.9 | |||
30.0 | 44.7 | M. productus: USA: edible flesh by deboning machine | 36 |
25.0 | M. productus: USA | 37 | |
30.0 ) | M. productus: USA: | ||
27.7 ) | two grounds | 38 | |
49.0 | M. productus: USA: by deboning machine | 39 | |
47.8–57.7 | M. productus: probably includes skin | 5 | |
36.9 | M. australis: New Zealand: mean of 6 fish | 44 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | 41% |
Edible flesh | 53% |
Values of fillet yield are very variable. After correcting data to a whole fish basis using additional data from sources 5, 28, 43 and 45 and correcting for the presence of skin by multiplying by 0.95, the range of values is from 25% to 52.5%. There is no evidence of a species variation. To arrive at the selected value, extreme values (over 45 or under 30) were omitted and the mean of the remainder taken.
Similarly, in the case of the total edible flesh figures, corrected to a whole fish basis, values over 60 or under 45 were excluded and the remainder averaged.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
16.2–20.6 mean 18.0 | 0.3–4.8 mean 1.6 | M. capensis, M. paradoxus: South Africa: 253 (or 214) samples caught throughout year | 1 |
17.8 | 1.13 | M. capensis: ) South Africa: | |
17.7 | 1.64 | M. paradoxus: ) caught on several occasions | 2 |
15.16–18.52 mean 16.89 | 0–1.77 mean 0.79 | M. capensis: South Africa: 65 fish caught monthly | 3 |
16.3 | 0.9 | M. capensis: west Africa | 4 |
17.0 | 1.4 | M. capensis: southwest Africa | 35 |
17.8 | 0.7 | M. capensis: | 5 |
17.6–19.7 mean 18.5 | 1.50–3.80 mean 2.24 | M. merluccius: UK: 44 fish caught over 11 months | 6 |
15.8–20.5 mean 17.9 | M. merluccius: UK: 183 fish caught throughout year | 7 | |
18.82 | 0.62 | M. merluccius: north Africa: means of 20 fish: probably includes skin | 8 |
17.8–18.6 | 0.4–1.0 | M. merluccius: UK | 9 |
18.9 | 0.93 | M. merluccius: Atlantic: means of 4 fish: protein by difference | 11 |
17.5 | 0.9 | M. merluccius | 5 |
17.5 | 0.38 ) | ||
13.69 | 0.36 ) | M. merluccius: Spain; 2 fish | 13 |
16.50 | 2.63 | M. merluccius; Italy | 14 |
16.57 | 1.07 | M. senegalensis: north west Africa | 15 |
17.22 | 1.08 | M. senegalensis: north Africa: means of 18 fish: probably includes skin | 8 |
16.2 | 1.48 | M. bilinearis: USA: means of 30 fish of 3 different sizes | 17 |
16.7 | 2.6 | M. bilinearis: north and north west Atlantic | 18 |
15.6–17.9 mean 16.7 | 1.1–4.1 mean 2.7 | M. bilinearis: USA: may include skin | 5 |
16.68 | 1.35 | M. bilinearis: USA: means of 6 fish | 21 |
15.1 | 1.37 | M. bilinearis: USA: protein by difference | 22 |
15.78 | 1.67 | M. bilinearis: USA | 23 |
16.2 | 1.41 | M. bilinearis: USA: means of single batch of 14 fish | 24 |
16.3–19.5 mean 17.8 | 0.78–4.76 mean 2.43 | M. bilinearis: USA: 20 or 25 fish | 40 |
16.3 | 0.5 | M. gayi: Peru | 25 |
14.2–17.4 | 0.6–1.3 | M. gayi: Chile | 27 |
15.89 | 0.34 | M. gayi | 30 |
16.4 | 1.8 | M. hubbsi: Uruguay: means of 2 batches | 33 |
16.42 | 1.40 | M. hubbsi | 29 |
17.1 | 1.2 | M. hubbsi | 34 |
16.4 | 1.8 | M. hubbsi: Uruguay | 30 |
17.8 | 1.1 | M. hubbsi: means of 5 samples | 43 |
16.2–22.4 mean 18.4 | 0.20–1.50 mean 0.69 | M. productus: USA: 17 or 18 fish | 40 |
14.0–18.7 mean 16.3 | 0.5–3.8 mean 2.0 | M. productus: USA | 38 |
15.7 | 1.44 | M. productus: USA: means of 18 fish | 41 |
16.2 | 1.30 | M. productus: USA: 1 fish | 42 |
15.0–17.4 mean 16.4 | 0.9–2.8 mean 1.6 | M. australis: New Zealand: means of 6 fish | 44 |
Selected values
Protein | 17.8% |
Fat | 2.5% |
There are 4 sets of data that cover most of the year, from sources 1, 3, 6 and 7. The means of these have been selected and are consistent with all the other data.
Simmonds, C.K., Heydenrych, C. and Jantjies, M. Composition of Cape hake - II. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 38 69–71 (1984)
Simmonds, C.K., Heydenrych, C. and Jantjies, M. Composition of Cape hake III. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 39 64–66 (1985)
van Wyk, G.F. South African fish products. Part VIII. Composition of the flesh of Cape fishes. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Trans.) 63 367–371 (19n4)
Paetow, A., Schober, B. and Papenfuss, H.J. The chemical composition and organoleptic quality of fish from west African fishing grounds. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreiche 4 99–101 (1966)
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 107–112
Pirez-Villarreal, B. and Howgate, P. Composition of European hake, Merluccius merluccius. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 40 347–356 (1987)
McLay, R., Howgate, P.F. and Morrison, J. Nitrogen content of seven British commercial species of fish. J. Assoc. Publ. Analysts 24 131–139 (1986)
Munoz, F. Comparative chemical study of African hakes, Merluccius merluccius (L) and Merluccius senegalensis (Cadenat) Inv. Pesq. 19 37–53 (1961)
Reay, G.A., Cutting, C.L. and Shewan, J.M. The nation's food VI. Fish as food II. The chemical composition of fish. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 62 77–85 (1943)
Private communication, UK industry
Angel, S. and Baker, R.C. A study of the composition of three popular varieties of fish in Israel, with a view towards further processing. J. Fd Technol. 12 27–35 (1977)
Kolakowski, E., Kaminski, L. and Salacki, M. Comparison of minced flesh yield from selected sea fish species in Selo-Bibun type mincer-separators. Przemysl Spozywczy 30 60–61 (1976)
Gimenez, J.C. and de las Heras, A.R. Composition and energy value of some fish eaten in Madrid. Trabajos del Instituto Español de Oceanografía No 17 (1943)
Ciusa, W. and Giaccio, M. Report on nutritive value and market prices of the more important fish species of the Adriatic coast. Quaderni di Merceologia 8, 1–40 (1969)
Tulsner, M. The technological properties and processing possibilities of important north west African commercial fish species. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 3 55–63 (1965)
Mendelsohn, J.M., Connors, T.J. and Callan, J.G. A machine for heading and viscerating small fish. Mar. Fish. Rev. 39 (2) 11–18 (1977)
Brooke, R.O., Ravesi, E.M. and Steinberg, M.A. The composition of commercially important fish taken from New England waters. II. Proximate analyses of butterfish, flounder, pollock, and hake, and their seasonal variation. J. Fd Sci. 27 73–76 (1962)
Minder, R.A. and Khobotilova, L.D. Technochemical characteristics of new items for the fish industry. Ryb. Khoz. No 10, 65–68 (1964)
Bligh, E.G. and Regier, L.W. The potential and limitations of minced fish. Conference Proceedings: The production and utilization of mechanically recovered fish flesh (minced fish) ed. Keay, J.N. (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1976) pp 73–77
King, F.J. and Carver, J.H. How to use nearly all the ocean's food. Oak Brook Seminar: Mechanical recovery and utilization of fish flesh. ed. Martin, R.E. (National Fisheries Institute, Washington, DC, 1972) pp 222–238
Cohen, E.H. and Peters, J.A. Effect of storage in refrigerated sea water on amino acids and other components of whiting (Merluccius bilinearis). Fishery Ind. Res. 2 (2) 5–11 (1963)
Krzynowek, J., Peton, D. and Wiggin, K. Proximate composition, cholesterol and calcium content in mechanically separated fish flesh from three species of the Gadidae family. J. Fd Sci. 49 1182–1185 (1984)
Jhaveri, S.N. et al. Chemical composition and protein quality of some southern New England marine species. J. Fd Sci. 49 110–113 (1984)
Clark, E.D. and Almy, L.H. A chemical study of food fishes. J. Biol. Chem. 33 483–498 (1918)
Sanchez, T.J. and Lam, R. Development of new products from hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) in Peru. FAO Fisheries Report No 203, Supplement (1978). Technical consultation on the Latin American hake industry. pp 177–195
Hansen, P. Improved ice chilling of trawl catches in boxes and containers. ibid pp 134–141
Huss, H.H. and Asenjo, I. The quality of hake from South American waters and the significance of various fish handling procedures. ibid pp 84–92
Mattos, A.S. and Torrejon, S.E. Aspects of the processing of frozen hake in Uruguay. ibid pp 142–145
Pedraja, R.R. Composition, quality and market factors of whiting (hake) fish blocks. ibid pp 209–221
Boeri, R.L. Summary of results and conclusions from the cooperative research programme on quality of frozen hakes from Latin America. FAO Fisheries Circular No 766 (1985)
Schwartz, J.W. Fish processing technology: Preliminary results from 1st survey cruise of R.V. "Professor Siedlec Polish/UNSF Highseas Fisheries Research Project (Gdynia, 1973)
Avdalov, N. and Ripoll, N. Handling, quality and yield of fresh hake. Refrigeration Science and Technology 1981–4 (International Institute of Refrigeration) pp 71–77
Rivero, J.E. ibid pp 301–312
Chiodi, O.R. quoted by Huss, H.H. and Asenjo, I. (Source 27)
Wagenknecht, W. and Horn, A. Storage properties of hake and other important edible fish from southwest African waters. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreiche 5 97–104 (1987)
Crawford, D.L. et al. Yield and acceptability of machine separated minced flesh from some marine food fish. J. Fd Sci. 37 551–553 (1972)
Dassow, J.A. and Beardsley, A.J. The United States experience with Pacific Hake (Merluccius productus). Fishery Products. ed. R. Kreuzer (Fishing News Books, 1974) pp 199–203
Patashnik, M., Barnett, H.J. and Nelson, R.W. Proximate chemical composition of Pacific Hake. US Fish Wildlife Service, Circular 332, 121–125 (1970)
Miyauchi, D. and Steinberg, M. Machine separation of edible flesh from fish. Fishery Ind. Res. 6 165–171 (1970)
Sidwell, V.D., Bonnet, J.C. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustacea and mollusks. Part 1: Proximate composition, calcium, and phosphorus. Mar. Fish. Rev. 35 (12) 16–19 (1973)
Gordon, D.T. and Roberts, G.L. Mineral and proximate composition of Pacific coast fish. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 25 1262–1268 (1977)
Dill, D.B. The proximate composition of certain Pacific coast fishes. Ind. Eng. Chem. 17 629–630 (1925)
Podsevalov, V.N. and Perova, L.I. Technochemical characteristics of some Atlantic species of fish. Trudy Atlant NIRO 52 146–164 (1973)
44. Vlieg, P. Proximate analysis of 10 commercial New Zealand fish species. New Zealand J. Sci. 27 99–104 (1984)
Bedford, B.C., Woolner, L.E. and Jones, B.W. Length-weight relationships for commercial fish species and conversion factors for various presentations. Fisheries Research Data Report No 10 (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK, 1986)
Rastrelliger spp | 1,75(01)014,xx |
This monograph derives selected data for 2 items within the scope of the study:
Rastrelliger spp | INDIAN MACKERELS NEI | 1,75(01)014,xx |
Rastrelliger kanagurta | INDIAN MACKEREL | 1,75(01)014,03 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
65.74 | Rastrelliger brachysoma: Philippines | 1 | |
52.0 | R. brachysoma: Philippines | 2 | |
61.6 | R. kanagurta: India | 4 | |
45.9–49.5 | R. kanagurta: fillets with skin | 12 | |
58.78 | R. chrysozonus: Philippines | 1 | |
44.9 | R. chrysozonus: Philippines | 2 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | [45%] |
Edible flesh | 57% |
The only available data for fillet yield have been corrected for the presence of skin to give the selected value. The value for total flesh is the mean of the 5 values listed.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
20.88 | 0.92 | Rastrelliger brachysoma: Philippines | 1 |
20.84 | 0.65 | R. brachysoma: Philippines | 2 |
20.7 | 6.5 | R. neglectus (= brachysoma): Thailand: single lot | 3 |
18.92 | 1.69 | R. kanagurta: India | 4 |
19.66–25.22 mean 22.03 | 2.58–5.32 mean 3.78 | R. kanagurta: Seychelles: means of 38 fish from single lot | 5 |
20.79–24.57 mean 22.03 | 1.48–2.71 mean 2.08 | R. kanagurta: Malaysia: means of 7 or 8 fish | 6 |
6.0 | R. kanagurta: India | 7 | |
21.21 | 7.51 | R. kanagurta: India | 8 |
0.97–6.30 mean 3.95 | R. kanagurta: India: sampled monthly over 18 months | 9 | |
18.27–22.99 mean 20.95 | 0.63–8.50 mean 3.29 | R. kanagurta: India: sampled 60 times over 3 years | 10 |
21.8 | 2.3 | R. kanagurta: 5 batches from different grounds and times | 12 |
20.5 | 0.7 | R. kanagurta: Indian ocean: 1 fish | 11 |
16.93 | 0.92 | R. chrysozonus: Philippines | 1 |
17.19 | 4.07 | R. chrysozonus: Philippines | 2 |
Selected values
Protein | 20.4% |
Fat | 3.2% |
The selected values are the means of all the collected data. They are in good agreement with the results of the only complete survey of composition (source 10).
Sulit, J.I. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)
Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Science 85 203–213 (1956)
Keay, J.N., Rattagool, P. and Hardy, R. Chub mackerel of Thailand (Rastrelliger neglectus, Van Kempen): a short study of its chemical composition, cold storage and canning properties. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 23 1359–1368 (1972)
Chari, S.T. Nutritive value of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras Province. Ind. J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)
King, D.R. and Poulter, R.G. Frozen storage of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagusta) and big eye (Priacanthus hamrus). Trop. Sci. 25 79–90 (1985)
Abdullah, M.I. and Yu, S.Y. The effect of freezing and frozen storage on the quality of chub mackerel (R. kanagurta). FAO Fisheries Report No 317, Supplement (1985). Spoilage of tropical fish and product development. pp 230–234.
Gopakumar, K. and Nair, M.R. Phospholipids of five Indian food fishes. Fishery Technol. 8 171–173 (1971)
Mukundan, M.K. et al. Comparative study of the nutrient content of fish and shell fish. Fishery Technol. 18 129–132 (1981)
Venkataraman, R. and Chari, S.T. Studies on mackerel fat variations: correlation of plankton fat with fat of fish. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Sect. B) 37 224–227 (1953)
Venkataraman, R. and Chari, S.T. Seasonal variation in the chemical composition of mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta Russel). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Sect. B) 33 126–134 (1951)
Bykov, V.P. et al. Technological studies on some fish species of the Indian ocean. Trudy VNIRO 72 123–142 (1971)
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 230–231
Trachurus spp | 1,70(23)004,xx |
All Trachurus species are considered together, since adequate data are not available for some species.
The following species and group, falling within the scope of this study, are included here:
Trachurus spp | 1,70(23)004,xx | |
Trachurus trachurus | 1,70(23)004,01 | |
Trachurus japonicus | 1,70(23)004,03 | |
Trachurus murphyi | 1,70(23)004,05 | |
Trachurus mediterraneus | 1,70(23)004,08 | |
Trachurus capensis | 1,70(23)004,13 | |
Trachurus trecae | 1,70(23)004,14 |
Some data for T. trachurus from Southern Africa is allocated to T. capensis.
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
59.50–80.68 mean 71.35 | T. trachurus: Spain: mean of 51 fish over 9 month period: probably includes skin and bones | 1 | |
49–54 | T. trachurus: UK: recovered by deboning machine | 2 | |
60 | T. trachurus: Portugal: may include skin | 3 | |
46–52 | T. trachurus: meat without skin | 4 | |
81.1 | T. trachurus: yield from headed, gutted fish | 5 | |
52.0–57.5 | T. japonicus: probably skin-on | 4 | |
53 8–60.5 | T. japonicus: N Pacific: flesh and skin | 8 | |
55.3 | T. symmetricus murphyi: south east Pacific: flesh with skin: mean of 9 fish | 13 | |
53.5 | T. symmetricus murphyi: Peru: without skin | 14 | |
56.4–61.9 | T. symmetricus: skin-on | 8 | |
42.1–62.5 | |||
mean 49.9 | T. capensis: skin-on | 4 | |
45.6 | T. declivis: New Zealand: 8 fish caught at same time | 20 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | [46%] |
Edible flesh | 52% |
The value for fillet yield from source 4 seems rather high. The value from source 20 has therefore been taken but, as it relates to a less common species, the value has been put in brackets.
The only reasonable seasonal survey of total yield is from source 1, but the yield includes skin and bones. The other data include values both with and without skin. When a 5% correction is made for skin, the two sets of data are quite concordant and their overall mean is taken.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
15.06–20.21 mean 17.55 | 0.49–10.98 mean 4.05 | T. trachurus: Spain: mean of 51 fish over 9 month period: probably includes skin and bones | 1 |
17–19 | 2.1–20.4 mean 8.47 | T. trachurus: UK: caught over several years | 2 |
20.5 | 1.8 | T.trachurus: Portugal: may include skin | 3 |
17.6–21.7 mean 19.0 | 1.3–13.6 mean 5.5 | T. trachurus: several fishing grounds | 4 |
8.2 | T. trachurus: mean of 18 fish caught at same time | 6 | |
1.3–9.0 mean 4.7 | T.trachurus: Spain: caught over 9 months | 7 | |
18.1 | 4.2 | T. trachurus: W. Africa: 4 fish | 12 |
1.1–23.0 mean 5.82 | T.trachurus: Atlantic: monthly samples over 2 years | 19 | |
18.6–22.0 | 1.0–10.0 | T. japonicus | 4 |
18.6–24.2 mean 20.5 | 0.6–10.0 mean 4.5 | T. japonicus: N. Pacific: November to May | 8 |
1.1–11.2 mean 3.8 | T. japonicus: Japan: sampled 14 times over 1.5 years | 9 | |
2.9 | Autumn | ||
3.4 | Winter T. japonicus | ||
12.8 | Spring Japan: 4 batches | 10 | |
9.2 | Summer | ||
20.9 | 7.71 | T. japonicus: Japan: 3 fish | 11 |
4.6 | T. symmetricus murphyi: south east Pacific | 13 | |
19.9 | 3.1 | T. symmetricus murphyi : Peru | 14 |
20.3–22.5 | 3.7–4.6 | T. symmetricus | 8 |
21.56 | 5.62 | T. symmetricus: east coast USA: single fish | 15 |
17.4–21.1 | 0.1–8.7 | T. trachurus (=capensis): | |
mean 19.7 | mean 3.3 | South Africa: 20 fish | 16 |
20.2 | 2.4 | T. trachurus (= capensis): South Africa: 2 fish | 17 |
19.7 | 3.9 | T. capensis | 4 |
19.65 | 1.52 | T.trachurus (=capensis): South Africa: 6 fish caught at same time | 18 |
22.0 | 6.0 | T. declivis: New Zealand: 8 fish caught at same time | 20 |
20.48 | 6.32 | T. declivis and T. novaezelandiae: mean of 6 batches caught over whole year (121 fish) | 21 |
Selected values
Protein | 19.7% |
Fat | 5.8% |
The data from source 1 cannot be used as they appear to refer to fish that include skin and bones. Other sources that cover an extended period of time (sources 2, 7, 8 (T. japonicus only), 9, 10, 19 and 21) have been averaged to give the selected values.
Arevalo, A. Study of the variation in the chemical composition of horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus (L). Boletin del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia No 8, 1–13 (1948)
Torry Research Station. Unpublished data
Goncalves Ferreira, F.A. Composition and food value of some species of fish. Boletim da Pesca 8 (No 33) 89–102 (1951)
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 54–57
Kolakowski, E., Kaminski, L. and Salacki, M. Comparison of minced flesh yields from selected sea-fish species in Selo-Bibun type mincerseparators. Przemysl Spozywczy 30 60–61 (1976)
Smith, J.G.M. et al. Preliminary investigation into the chill and frozen storage characteristics of scad (Trachurus trachurus) and its acceptability for human consumption. Advances in Fish Science and Technology. ed. J.J. Connell (Fishing News Books, 1980) pp 303–307
Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of the Mediterranean and Atlantic sardines. Proceedings and Technical Papers, General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean 6 175–182 (1961)
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 204–207
Toyomizu, M., Nakamura, T. and Shono, T. Fatty acid composition of lipid from horse mackerel muscle. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 42 101–108 (1976)
Tashiro, I., Itoh, S. and Tsuyuki, H. Seasonal variation of total lipids of horse mackerel. Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi 28 309–317 (1981)
Saeki, K. and Kumagai, H. Chemical components in ten kinds of wild and cultured fishes. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 50 1551–1554 (1984)
Paetow, A., Schober, B. and Papenfuss, H.J. The chemical composition and organoleptic quality of fish from west African fishing grounds. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 4 99–101 (1966)
Golovin, A.N. Technological properties of some species of fish from the south east part of the Pacific Ocean. Ryb. Khoz. No 8, 69–71 (1977)
Maciejczyk, J. Technological value of Peruvian fish. Przemysl Spozywczy 28 305–308 (1974)
Dill, D.B. The proximate composition of certain Pacific coast fishes. Ind. Eng. Chem. 17 629–630 (1925)
Simmonds, C.K. and Seaman, P.D. Composition of South African commercial fish species. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 35 53 (1981)
Evans, A.A. and Wessels, J.P.H. Fatty acid composition of various fresh and canned products and one smoked fish product. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 38 115–117 (1984)
van Wyk, G.F. South African fish products. Part VIII Composition of the flesh of Cape fishes. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Trans.) 63 367–371 (1944)
Podsevalov, V.N. and Perova, L.A. Fat content of mackerel and scad flesh in relation to month of catching. Ryb. Khoz. No 3, 72 (1975)
Pickston, L., Czochanska, Z. and Smith, J.M. The nutritional composition of some New Zealand marine fish. New Zealand. J. Sci. 25 19–26 (1982)
Vlieg, P. Proximate and fatty acid composition of the flesh of New Zealand red cod, hoki and jack mackerel. New Zealand. J. Sci. 25 155–158 (1982)
Caranx spp | 1,70(23)044,xx |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
32.6 | Caranx georgianus: skinless | 1 | |
55.1 | C. hippos: includes skin | 2 | |
55.5 | C. kalla | 3 | |
65.74 | C. kalla | 4 | |
58.0 | C. melampygus | 5 | |
53.5 | C. sexfasciatus | 3 | |
66.27 | C. sexfasciatus | 4 | |
57.3 | C. sp | 6 | |
38.4 | C. sp | ||
56.7 | C. sp | 3 | |
52.96 | C. sp | 7 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | [33%] |
Edible flesh | 56% |
The tentative value for fillet yield is that of source 1. The value for total edible flesh is the mean of all the data (after correcting source 2 data for skin). The very low value of 38.4 for an unidentified species in source 3 has been included in the calculation of the mean, as there is no good reason for excluding it.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
20.75 | 1.17 | Caranx chrysus (= Crysos?): means of 8 fish | 8 |
19.8 | 0.2 | C. chrysos (= crysos?) | 9 |
19.8 | 0.2 | C. crysos | 13 |
20.4 | 2.7 | C. georgianus: means of 6 fish | 1 |
18.5 | 2.7 | C. carangus | 10 |
16.65 | 0.35 | C. djedaba | 3 |
21.3 | 1.5 | C. ignobilis | 13 |
19.35 | 1.03 | C. kalla | 3 |
19.16 | 1.67 | C. kalla | 4 |
2.2 | C. kalla | 11 | |
19.62 | 2.71 | C. kalla | 12 |
20.43 | 2.13 | C. malabaricus | 14 |
21.20 | 1.55 | C. melampygus | 5 |
20.7 | 0.9 | C. melampygus | 13 |
0.69 | C. mertensi | 15 | |
0.985 | C. rottleri | 16 | |
19.58 | 6.09 | C. sexfasciatus | 3 |
20.89 | 0.43 | C. sexfasciatus | 4 |
18.24 | 0.50 | C. sp | 3 |
19.31 | 3.97 | C. sp | 3 |
21.0 | C. sp | 6 | |
20.18 | 2.17 | C. sp | 7 |
19.2–22.8 mean 20.7 | 0.4–4.1 mean 1.6 | C. spp: different grounds and seasons | 17 |
Selected values
Protein | [19.9%] |
Fat | [1.7%] |
No survey of any species has been found. The tentative values proposed are the means of all the data.
Vlieg, P. Proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species - 3. New Zealand J. Technol. 1 181–185 (1985)
Emokpae, A.O. Preliminary studies on the chemical and weight composition of some commercially important species of fish and shrimp caught in the Nigerian inshore waters. J. Fd Technol. 18 271–283 (1983)
Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. Sci. 85 203–213 (1956)
Sulit, J.I. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)
Chari, S.T. Nutritive value of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras province. Indian J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)
Khorana, M.L. et al. Investigations on the food value of fish and other marine products. Part II. The protein and mineral contents. Ind. J. Med. Res. 31 25–27 (1943)
Valenzuela, A. Composition and nutritive value of Philippine food fishes. Philippine J. Sci. 36 235–242 (1928)
Popa, G. et al. Contributions to the veterinary inspection of sea fish. Revista de Zootehnie si medicina veterinara 18(6) 87–90 (1968)
Tulsner, M. The technological properties and processing possibilities of important north west African commercial fish species. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 3 55–63 (1965)
Bergeret, B. Note on the nutritive value of fish from Wouri. Médicine Tropicale 18 131–136 (1958)
Gopakumar, K. and Nair, M.R. Fatty acid composition of eight species of Indian marine fish. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 23 493–496 (1972)
Das, K. et al. Biochemical studies on some commercially important fish of Shatt Al-Arab and the Gulf. in Conference proceedings, Handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish (Tropical Products Institute, London, 1977) pp 157–161
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 36–37
Kamel, B. Proximate, macro and micro elements analysis of Arabian Gulf fish. Lebensm. -Wiss. u. -Technol. 15 22–25 (1982)
Shimma, Y. and Taguchi, H. A comparative study on fatty acid composition of fish. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 30 179–188 (1964)
Patakoot, R.S., Pradhan, L.B. and Murti, N.N. Fat content of the muscles of some marine fishes of Bombay. J. Univ. Bombay 18(5B) 3–6 (1950)
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 202–203
Sardinops melanosticta | 1,21(05)013,01 | |
Sardinops caerulea | 1,21(05)013,02 | |
Sardinops sagax | 1,21(05)013,03 | |
Sardinops ocellata | 1,21,(05)013,05 |
All four species are similar; in the past they have all been considered subspecies of S. sagax, and will be considered together.
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
53.3 | S. sagax | 1 | |
43–48) | S. melanosticta: | ||
53–56) | probably skin-on: two regions, different seasons | 2 | |
50.7 | probably S. melanosticta: mean of ranges of three lots | 3 | |
58.0 | S. melanosticta | 4 | |
51.4 | S. caerulea: 20 fish: value estimated by subtracting weights of bones, skin and fins from body weight | 5 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | 50% |
Edible flesh | 53% |
Values are based on simple averages of the data. The value for skinless fillets is of little relevance as small fish are not normally filleted commercially, but are eaten as whole, canned (headed and gutted) dried, salted or smoked fish.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
20.5 | 7.0 | S. sagax | 1 |
1.25–8.75 | S. sagax: mean not given: sampled monthly over two years | 6 | |
20–23) | 2.5–12) | S.melanosticta: two regions, | |
16–17) | 26–32) | different seasons | 2 |
18–20 | S. melanosticta | 5 | |
14.45–28.17) | S. melanosticta: 52 fish | ||
mean 21.87) | from single catch | 7 | |
3.9–10.7) | S. melanosticta: mean of | ||
mean 7.02) | 135 fish: sampled on 11 occasions within 7 successive months | 8 | |
18.81 | 11.76 | S. caerulea: means of 95 fish: sampled on 12 occasions within 7 successive months | 9 |
17.5–21.7 | 0.3–0.8 | S. caerulea | 5 |
18.6–21.4 | 4.2–10.3 | S. ocellata | 5 |
17.5–21.7 | 0.3–1.4 | S. neopilchardus | 5 |
Selected values
Protein | 18.9% |
Fat | 7.9% |
Protein figure is mean of results from sources 2 and 9. (Source 1 was probably a single sample). Fat is mean of data from 6, 8 and 9, the only surveys that cover an extended period of the year. The higher figures from sources 2 and 7 suggest that there may be a geographical as well as a seasonal variation. The selected value is consistent with the results of a 5 year survey of the fat content of whole Southern African pilchards (source 10).
Maciejczyk, J. Technological value of Peruvian fish. Przemysl Spozywczy 28 305–308 (1974)
Vakhrusheva, M.N. and Nikiforova, G.A. Technochemical characteristics of frozen west Pacific sardine. Ryb. Khoz. No 3, 51–54 (1979)
Suzuki, T. Fish and krill protein: processing technology. (Applied Science Publishers, London, 1981) p135
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean Basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp70–71
Bykov, V.P. Marine fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) p84
Pazos, M., Wakao, A. and Vicetti, R. Lipid and fatty acid composition of Peruvian sardines. Boletín de Investigación, Instituto Technológico Pesquero 2(1) 1–24 (1984)
Yamada, J. Content and distribution of lipid in sardine flesh. Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. No. 104, 103–109 (1981)
Hayashi, K. and Takagi, T. Seasonal variation in lipids and fatty acids of sardine, Sardinops melanosticta. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 28, 83–94 (1977)
Dill, D.B. A chemical study of the California sardine (Sardinea caerulea). J. Biol. Chem. 48 93–103 (1921)
Black, M.M. and Schwartz, H.M. South African fish products XXX- Seasonal changes in the composition of the pilchard (Sardina ocellata Jenyns). J. Sci. Fd Agric. 1 182–185 (1950)
Rhopilema spp | 6,17(41)007,xx |
Little information is readily available on the mode of utilization of jellyfishes. No data has been collected on the edible yield. Only one analysis (1) has been found: protein content was 0.8% and fat content 0.1%. It would appear that the contribution to the protein and fat intake of any country from jellyfish would be insignificant.
1. Moodie, I.M., Burger, J. and Heydenrych, C. Composition of jellyfish. Annual Report, Fishing Industry Research Institute 34 50 (1980)
Chanos chanos | 1,22(02)001,01 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
60.7 | Philippines: pond-raised: 240 fish between 100 and 1200 g studied | 1 | |
67.10 | large ) | ||
61.64 | medium ): Philippines | 2 | |
70.56 | Philippines: may include skin | 3 | |
68.4 | Philippines: may include skin | 4 | |
67.5 | Philippines: may include skin | 5 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | [46%] |
Edible flesh | 61% |
The figure for edible flesh is from the extensive data of source 1; it is consistent with the remaining data. The provisional figure for fillet yield is the figure for Atlantic herring, chosen on the slender grounds that milkfish is sometimes described as “resembling herring”.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
20.57 | 5.28 | large ) | |
20.73 | 5.67 | medium ) : Philippines | 2 |
19.24 | 5.57 | Philippines | 3 |
20.53 | 6.16 | Philippines | 4 |
21.4 | 3.46 | Philippines | 5 |
3.5 | India: mean of 12 fish | 6 | |
24.06 | 3.51 | India | 7 |
Selected values
Protein | 21.1% |
Fat | 4.7% |
The selected values are means of all the data: no surveys are available.
Arroyo, P.T. et al. Relationship of meat yield to round weight of milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal). Conference Proceedings: Handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish. (Tropical Products Institute, London, 1977) pp 151–155
Sulit, J. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)
Valenzuela, A. Composition and nutritive value of Philippine food fishes. Philippine J. of Science 36 235–242 (1928)
Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Science,85 203–213 (1956)
Santos, F.O. and Ascalon, S.J. Amount of nutrients in Philippine food materials. Philippine Agriculturist 20 402–409 (1931)
Nair, P.G.V. and Gopakumar, K. Lipid and fatty acid composition of fish and shellfish. J. Food Sci. and Technol. 21 389–392 (1984)
Joseph, J. et al. Iced and frozen storage characteristics of cultured Chanos chanos (Forskal). Fish. Technol. 17 21–25 (1980)
Mugilidae | 1,65(01)xxx,xx |
Mugil cephalus | 1,65(01)001,02 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
48.7 | Mugil cephalus: Mediterranean: probably includes skin and bones | 1 | |
55.6 | M. cephalus: Philippines: probably includes skin | 2 | |
31.8 | M. cephalus: Atlantic: mean of 11 fish | 3 | |
68.5 | M. cephalus: Spain: may include skin and bones | 4 | |
41.7 | M. cephalus: north west Africa: skinless | 5 | |
28.7 | M. cephalus: New Zealand: skinless: mean of 6 fish | 6 | |
73.5 | M. oeur: India: may include skin and bones | 7 | |
56.4–61 | Pacific: includes skin | 8 | |
44.5 | M. sp: Philippines | 9 | |
48 | Mugil (= Liza) vaigiensis: Philippines | 10 | |
70 | Mugil (= Valamugil) speigleri: India: | ||
may include skin and bones | 11 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | 34% |
Edible flesh | 50% |
The skinless fillet figure is the mean of the collected results. The total flesh data that may include bones have been omitted, and the mean of the remainder taken, after correcting for skin where necessary by a 5% reduction.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
21.81 | 6.78 | Mugil cephalus: Mediterranean: may include skin and bone | 1 |
18.4 | 4.3 | M. cephalus: Philippines: probably includes skin | 2 |
18.6 | 1.1 | M. cephalus: Atlantic: means of 11 fish | 3 |
17.88 | 3.04 | M. cephalus: Spain | 4 |
21.15 | 0.98 | M. cephalus: north west Africa | 5 |
21.6 | 3.4 | M. cephalus: New Zealand: means of 6 fish | 6 |
18.9 | 12.5 | M. cephalus: Australia: means of 3 batches | 12 |
20.84 | 5.06 | M. cephalus: India | 13 |
3.54 | M. cephalus: Japan: mean of 2 fish | 14 | |
17.80 | 1.24 | M. cephalus: Spain: single fish | 15 |
4.5 | M. cephalus: east USA: sampled over 10 months of year in 4 locations: mean of 20 batches | 16 | |
5.06 | M. cephalus: India: mean of 10 fish | 17 | |
20.3 | 1.70 | M. cephalus: Japan | 18 |
20.0 | 0.7 | M. cephalus: west Africa | 19 |
19.3 | 6.1 | M. cephalus: Pacific: mean of 3 grounds | 8 |
19.06 | 7.83 | M. oeur: India | 7 |
20.22 | 2.45 | M. oeur: India | 20 |
3.0 | M. passia: India | 21 | |
19.6 | 9.8 | M. so-iuy: Pacific: means of 3 grounds and several catching times | 8 |
20.4 | 4.8 | M. sp: east USA | 22 |
20.68 | 4.23 | M. sp: Philippines | 9 |
20.41 | 2.55 | Mugil (= Liza) vaigiensis: Philippines | 23 |
20.82 | 2.62 | Mugil (= Liza) vaigiensis: Philippines | 10 |
19.01–22.90 mean 21.20 | 0.20–10.29 mean 5.28 | Mugil (= Liza) capito: South Africa | 24 |
17.83 | Mugil (= Valamugil) speigleri: India | 11 | |
0.515 | Mugil (= Valamugil) speigleri: India | 25 | |
0.806 | Mugil (= Valamugil) speigleri: Pakistan | 26 |
Selected values
Protein | 19.8% |
Fat | 4.0% |
Only one good survey, of fat only, has been found (Source 16). There seems to be no significant differences among species and related genera and so the selected values are means of all the data. The mean fat content agrees well with the single survey result.
Carteni, A. and Aloj, G. Chemical composition of marine animals of the Gulf of Naples. 1. Teleostei. Quaderni della Nutrizione 1 49–63 (1934)
Santos, F.O. and Ascalon, S.J. Amount of nutrients in Philippine food materials. Philipp. Agric. 20 402–409 (1931)
Ousterhout, L.E. Technical Note No 56. Chemical composition and laboratory fillet yield of 13 species of middle and south Atlantic fish. Comm. Fish. Rev. 22 (7) 15–16 (1960)
de las Heras, A.R. and Mendez Isla, M.C. Contribution to the chemical study of some Spanish fish. Anales de Bromatología 4 403–410 (1952)
Tulsner, M. The technological properties and processing possibilities of important north west African commercial fish species. Fischerei-Forschung, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe 3 55–63 (1965)
Vlieg, P. Proximate analysis of commercial New Zealand fish species.2. New Zealand. J. of Sci. 27 427–433 (1984)
Chari, S.T. Nutritive value of some of the west coast marine food fishes of the Madras province. Ind. J. Med. Res. 36 253–259 (1948)
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (Vladivostok, 1971) pp 193–194
Valenzuela, A. Composition and nutritive value of Philippine food fishes. Philippine J. of Sci. 36 235–242 (1928)
Intengan, C.L. et al. Composition of Philippine foods, V. Philippine J. of Sci. 85 203–213 (1956)
Setna, S.B., Sarangdhar, P.N. and Ganpule, N.V. Nutritive values of some marine fishes of Bombay. Ind. J. Med. Res. 32 171–176 (1944)
Jowett, W.G. and Davies, W. A chemical study of some Australian fish. Pamphlet No 85 (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Melbourne, 1938) pp 1–40
Mukundan, M.K. and James, M.A. Nutritional quality of some food fish. Fish. Technol. 15 85–87 (1978)
Hirao, S., Yamada, J. and Kikuchi, R. Vitamin A in fish meat - III Individual fluctuation in the vitamin A content in fish meat. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 20 853–859 (1955)
Gimenez, J.C. and de las Heras, A.R. Chemical studies of some Spanish fish. Trabajos, Instituto Español de Oceanografía No 17 (1943)
Deng, J.C. et al. Lipids and fatty acids in mullet (Mugil cephalus): seasonal and locational variations. J. Fd Sci. 41 1479–1483 (1976)
Nair, P.G.V. and Gopakumar, K. Fatty acid compositions of 15 species of fish from tropical waters. J. Fd Sci. 43 1162–1164 (1978)
Saeki, K. and Kumagai, H. Chemical components in ten kinds of wild and cultured fishes. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 50 1551–1554 (1984)
Bergeret, B. Note on the nutritive value of fish from Wouri. Médicine Tropicale 18 131–136 (1958)
Mukundan, M.K. et al. Comparative study of the nutrient content of fish and shellfish. Fish. Technol. 18 129–132 (1981)
Gopakumar, K. and Nair, M.R. Fatty acid composition of eight species of Indian marine fish. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 23 493–496 (1972)
Sidwell, V.D. and Ambrose, M.E. Nutritional and chemical evaluation of the protein of various finfish and shellfish. Protein Nutritional Quality of Food and Feeds, Part 2. ed. Friedman, M. (Marcel Dekker, 1975) pp 197–209
Sulit, J.I. et al. Proximate chemical composition of various species of Philippine market fishes. Philippine J. of Fisheries 2 109–122 (1953)
van Wyk, G.F. South African fish products. Part VIII. Composition of the flesh of Cape fishes. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Trans.) 63 367–371 (1944)
Patakoot, R.S., Pradhan, L.B. and Murti, N.N. Fat content of the muscles of some marine fishes of Bombay. J. Univ. Bombay 18 (5B) 3–6 (1960)
Khan, A. H. and Haq, S.A. Studies on marine edible (Teleostii) fishes Part 1. - Distribution of oil and vitamin A in the skin, flesh and liver of edible fishes of Karachi waters. Pakistan J. Sci. Ind. Res. 1–2 309–311 (1958–59)
Lates niloticus | 1,70(01)167,07 |
No data on yield or composition of Nile perch have been found. Limited data on the related species, Centropomus undecimalis, are given below.
Fillet | Comments | Source |
57 | Centropomus undecimalis | 1 |
Selected values
Skinless fillet | [57%] |
Edible flesh | [65%] |
The value for edible flesh is a likely maximum: no closely comparable species is included in the present survey.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
21.2 | 0.83 | Centropomus undecimalis | 1 |
Selected values
Protein | [21.2%] |
Fat | [ 0.8%] |
Tucker, J.W., Landau, M.P. and Faulkner, B.E. Culinary value and composition of wild and captive common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. Florida Sci. 48 196–200 (1985)
Pandalus borealis | 2,28(04)002,03 |
Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
36.2 | Pandalus borealis: raw, iced, washed | 2 |
33.0 | P. borealis: cooked | 2 |
Selected value
Meat [36%]
Only one measurement of yield of raw meat has been collected.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
15.2 | Pandalus borealis: raw, iced, washed | 1 | |
13.5–20.2 mean 17.1 | 0.12–0.82 mean 0.39 | P. borealis: raw: means of 19 or 23 batches | 3 |
18.1 | 0.95 | P. borealis: raw: means of 5 batches | 4 |
1.32 | P. borealis: raw: mean of 8 batches | 5 | |
1.2–1.5 | P. borealis: raw | 6 | |
18.8 | 1.55 | P. jordani: cooked | 7 |
Selected values
Protein | 16.8% |
Fat | 1.0% |
The selected values are means of all “raw” data.
Bullard, F.A. and Collins, J. Physical and chemical changes of pink shrimp, Pandalus borealis, held in carbon dioxide modified refrigerated seawater compared with pink shrimp held in ice. Fishery Bull. 76 73–78 (1978)
Aagaard, J. Handling and processing the deep-sea shrimp Pandalus borealis for the freezing industry. Fishery Products. ed Kreuzer, R. (Fishing News Books, 1974) pp 167–172
Sidwell, V.D., Bonnet, J.C. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans, and mollusks Part I. Proximate composition, calcium, and phosphorus. Mar. Fish. Rev. 35(12) 16–19 (1973)
Stansby, M.G. Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Mar. Fish. Rev. 38(9) 1–11 (1976)
Bonnet, J.C., Sidwell, V.D. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Part II: Fatty acid composition. Mar. Fish. Rev. 36(2) 8–14 (1974)
Krzeczkowski, R.A. Fatty acids in raw and processed Alaska pink shrimp. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 47 451–452 (1970)
Gordon, D.T. and Roberts, G.L. Mineral and proximate composition of Pacific coast fish. J. Agric. Fd Chem. 25 1262–1268 (1977)
Gadus macrocephalus | 1,48(04)002,11 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
28.8 | mean of 108 fish caught at various times | 1 | |
31.8 | mean of 3 batches | 2 | |
37.8 | by deboning machine | 3 | |
28.0 | 40.4 | flesh yield by deboning machine | 4 |
45.2 | 8 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | 30% |
Edible flesh | 41% |
The available data, though limited, are self consistent: selected values are means of the data quoted. They are lower than the corresponding data for Gadus morhua, but this is at least consistent with the species name macrocephalus.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
15.8–19.1 mean 17.9 | 0.31–0.78 mean 0.62 | means of 108 fish | 1 |
0.58 | mean of 10 fillets | 5 | |
17.1 | 0.78 | means of 33 fish from same source | 6 |
17.1 | 0.9 | 7 | |
17.0 | 0.4 | means of several grounds and seasons | 8 |
Selected values
Protein | 17.3% |
Fat | 0.7% |
The data available are again, surprisingly, limited but consistent. Selected values are means of the data quoted. They are close to the figures selected for Gadus morhua.
Thurston, C.E. Proximate composition and sodium and potassium contents of four species of commercial bottom fish. J. Fd Sci. 26 495–498 (1961)
Tomlinson, N., Kramer, D.E. and Geiger, S.E. Weight changes in Pacific cod and halibut stored in ice at sea. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Vancouver Laboratory, Circular No 45 (1969)
Miyauchi, D. and Steinberg, M. Machine separation of edible flesh from fish. Fishery Ind. Res. 6 165–171 (1970)
Crawford, D.L. et al. Yield and acceptability of machine separated minced flesh from some marine food fish. J. Fd Sci. 37 551–553 (1972)
Wood, J.D. and Haqq, S.A. Fat hydrolysis in frozen fillets of lingcod and Pacific gray cod. J. Fish. Res. Bd Canada 19 169–171 (1962)
Gordon, D.T. and Roberts, G.A. Mineral and proximate composition of Pacific coast fish. J. Agric. Food Chem. 25 1262–1268 (1977)
Bykov V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 103–104
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 174–184
Crassostrea gigas | 3,16(07)008,01 |
Also included here are:
Crassostrea virginica | 3,16(07)008,03 |
Crassostrea spp | 3,16(07)008,xx |
Data from other Crassostrea and Ostrea species are included in the assessment. These allow a separate yield to be estimated for Ostrea spp, although Ostrea spp do not come within the scope of this survey.
Oysters, especially Crassostrea, are commonly found in estuaries where the salinity of the water may vary. The meat of the oyster readily alters its water content in response to such variation. For this reason, many of the measurements of yield in the literature are based on the dry weights of the meats and in the absence of data on water content, cannot be taken into account. As the entire contents of the oyster are eaten, only one yield figure is appropriate. Some variability in the available data is to be expected because of the water content variability, and also because the liquor within the shell may sometimes be included in the edible portion. It is seldom clear whether this is so: data that definitely do include the liquor have been excluded.
Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
11.8 | Crassostrea virginica: America: sampled twice only | 1 |
9.2 | C. virginica: Canada: mean of two lots | 2 |
9.94 | C. angulata: Spain: 333 specimens harvested on 28 occasions throughout year | 3 |
9.20 | Ostrea virginiana (= Crassostrea sp): India: sampled 28 times over complete year | 4 |
11.29 | O.edulis: Canada: mean of 2 lots | 2 |
8.22–16.19 mean 11.81 | O.edulis: England: 4 grounds sampled over complete year | 5 |
11–17 | O. edulis: UK | 6 |
18 | O. orientalis: Philippines | 7 |
15 | O. laperousei: Japan: mean of three samples at different times | 8 |
15.00 | O. cucullata: India | 9 |
Selected values
Edible flesh
Crassostrea spp | 10% |
Ostrea | 14% |
The yields for Crassostrea species tend to be lower than those for Ostrea. The two Crassostrea surveys covering a whole year (sources 3 and 4) have been averaged to give the selected value. As there is only one survey of an Ostrea species over a year (source 5), all the figures have been averaged.
Oysters, like many molluscs, contain significant amounts of glycogen. In most of the sources below glycogen is determined directly. In a very few cases the figure for glycogen is for total carbohydrate by analysis or by difference.
Protein | Fat | Glycogen | Comments | Source |
2.5 | Crassostrea gigas: mean of 12 specimens caught at same time | 10 | ||
11.5 | 2.2 | 1.7 | C. gigas: Korea: means of values in 8 months of year | 11 |
4.48–10.48 mean 6.82 | 0.56–1.97 mean 1.10 | C. virginica: USA: means of 40 fish | 12 | |
8.59 | 2.36 | C. virginica: USA: means of 2 batches | 1 | |
5.7 | 1.1 | 3.1 | C. virginica: USA: means over two years and 6 grounds | 13 |
1.1 | 1.8 | C. virginica: Canada: single batch | 14 | |
5.8–10.4 mean 7.15 | 1.4–3.0 mean 2.3 | 0.47–6.92 mean 2.36 | C. virginica: USA: means over full year from 2 grounds | 15 |
11.28 | 11.67 | 2.62 | C. angulata: Spain: 28 samples over complete year | 3 |
5.72–13.31 mean 9.79 | 1.01–3.07 mean 2.04 | 0.46–5.85 mean 2.65 | Ostrea virginiana (= Crassostrea sp): India: sampled over whole year | 4 |
10.51 | 1.92 | 6.27 | O. edulis: England: 4 grounds sampled over whole year or most of year | 5 |
6.5 | 3.2 | 3.2 | O. orientalis: Philippines | 7 |
9.41 | 0.74 | 3.60 | O. laperousei: Japan: 3 samples at different times of year | 8 |
25.0 | 1.68 | 0.84 | O. cucullata: India: single sample | 9 |
8.1 | 1.3 | 5.7 | O. taurica: Black Sea: sampled over 7 months | 16 |
8.40 | 1.96 | 3.56 | species not stated: Japan: sampled over whole year | 17 |
Four sets of data, from sources 3, 4, 13 and 14, cover analyses of Crassostrea spp over the complete year. Within these 4 sets there are big variations in mean content of protein, from 5.7 to 11.5%. There are, however, no grounds for excluding any data, or for estimating values for separate species. The selected values are therefore the means of the 4 sets of data.
There is only one set of data over a complete year, from source 5, for Ostrea spp: in this work glycogen is actually carbohydrate by difference and so subject to a degree of doubt. Apart from the protein content in source 9, which must be considered doubtful, the Ostrea data are consistent with the selected Crassostrea values.
Selected values (for Crassostrea spp: probably suitable also for Ostrea spp)
Protein | 8.5% |
Fat | 1.8% |
Glycogen | 2.7% |
Anthony, J.E. et al. Yields, proximate composition and mineral content of finfish and shellfish. J. Fd Sci. 48 313–314, 316 (1983)
Watanabe, T. and Ackman, R.G. Effect of storage on lipids and fatty acids of oysters. Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol. J. 10 40–42 (1977)
Establier, R. Seasonal variation of the chemical composition of the oyster (Crassostrea angulata Lmk.) and its relation to hydrological and planktonic variations. Invest. Pesq. 30 501–528 (1966)
Venkataraman, R. and Chari, S.T. Studies on oysters and clams: bio-chemical variations. Ind. J. Med. Res. 39 533–541 (1951)
Russell, E.S. Report on seasonal variation in the chemical composition of oysters. Fishery Investigations (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) Series II 6 No 1 (1923)
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK). Unpublished data
Santos, F.O. and Ascalon, S.J. Amount of nutrients in Philippine food materials. Philippine Agriculturist 20 402–409 (1931)
Takogi, I. and Simidu, W. Studies on muscle of aquatic animals - XXXV. Seasonal variation of chemical constituents and extractive nitrogens in some species of shellfish. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 29 66–70 (1963)
Suryanarayanan, H. and Alexander, K.M. Biochemical investigations on edible molluscs of Kerala 1. A study on the nutritional value of some bivalves. Fishery Technol. 9 42–47 (1972)
Gruger, E.H., Nelson, R.W. and Stansby, M.E. Fatty acid composition of oils from 21 species of marine fish, freshwater fish and shellfish. J. Amer. Oil. Chem. Soc. 41 662–667 (1964)
Lee, E-H. et al. Suitability of shellfishes for processing 3 Suitability of Pacific oyster for processing. Bull. Korean Fish. Soc. 8 90–100 (1975)
Sidwell, V.D., Bonnet, J.C. and Zook, E.G. Chemical and nutritive values of several fresh and canned finfish, crustaceans, and molluscs. Part 1: proximate composition, calcium, and phosphorus. Marine Fisheries Review 35(12) 16–19 (1973)
Galtsoff, P.S. The American Oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Vol 64 (US Dept. of Interior, 1964)
Baker, M.E.T. Variations in the water, fat, glycogen and iodine of the flesh of oysters (Ostrea virginica) during hibernation and storage at 4°C. J. Physiol. 101 36–43 (1942)
Sidwell, V.D., Loomis, A.L. and Grodner, R.M. Geographic and monthly variation in composition of oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Mar. Fish. Rev. 41(3) 13–17 (1979)
Goromosova, S.A. Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of Black Sea oysters. Gidrobiol. Zh. 4(3) 72–76 (1968)
Sekine, S., Tatsuno, S. and Imamura, F. On the seasonal variation in the chemical composition of oysters. 4th Pacific Science Conf. 3 349–351 (1929)
Clupea pallasi | 1,21(05)001,07 |
Fillet | Edible Flesh | Comments | Source |
66.6 | by deboning machine | 1 | |
64–77 | includes skin and bones | 2 | |
50–60 | fillets with skin | 3 | |
41.6–65.4 | flesh without skin | 4 |
Selected values
Skinless fillets | [52%] |
Edible flesh | 60% |
The data are very limited. The fillet value is the mean figure from source 3, reduced by 5% to take account of skin. The edible flesh value is the mean of data from sources 1 and 4.
Protein | Fat | Comments | Source |
16.8 | 5.5 | “spring” : Apr.-May ) Sakhalin | 5 |
17.8 | 19.0 | “feeding” : June-Oct. ) | |
18.7 | 6.3 | “spring” : Nov.-June ) Japan and | |
18.2 | 12.0 | “oily” : various times ) adjacent sea and grounds ) | 6 |
12.0 | Apr.-Aug.: Kamchatka: 7 batches | 7 | |
12.9 | Aug.-Sept.: Sea of Okhotsk: 9 batches | 8 | |
15.3–18.6 mean 17.0 | 1.2–20.6 mean 13.5 | Mar.-Nov.: Vladivostok | 4 |
11.1 | May-Aug.: several grounds | 4 | |
16.2–20.4 mean 18.1 | 1.0–25.7 mean 12.0 | Apr.-Nov.: Sakhalin: 7 batches | 4 |
4.5–25.1 mean 11.6 | early May-early Oct.: Sea of Okhotsk | 4 | |
16.7 | 2.6 | 2 batches, total of 20 fish | 9 |
16.0 | 12.5 | USA: 2 batches, total of 14 fish | 10 |
15–9 | 2–35 | 2 |
Selected values
Protein | 17.8% |
Fat | 11.6% |
The data include several surveys of fish caught over the commercial catching period. All surveys, from sources, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, are averaged to give the selected values.
Miyauchi, D. and Steinberg, M. Machine separation of edible flesh from fish. Fishery Ind. Res. 6 165–171 (1970)
Bykov, V.P. Opportunities for upgrading fish with lower market value. Fishery Products. ed. R. Kreuzer. (Fishing News Books, 1974) pp 153–156
Bykov, V.P. Marine Fishes. (Russian Translation Series 7, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1985) pp 73–74
Kizevetter, I.V. Technological and chemical characteristics of commercial fish of the Pacific Ocean basin. (TNIRO, Vladivostok, 1971) pp 25–68
Levanidov, I.P. Chemical composition of the flesh of herring from the west coast of Sakhalin. Ryb. Khoz. No 2, 37–40 (1950)
Sasa, S. Chemical studies on herring meat. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokhaido Univ. 8 319–345 (1958)
Kondo, H. Studies on the lipids of herring I. The lipids of the north-eastern Kamchatka herring. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokhaido Univ. 25 68–77 (1974)
Kondo, H. Studies on the lipids of herring II. The lipids of the northern Okhotsk herring. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hockhaido Univ. 26 289–301 (1975)
Dill, D.B. The proximate composition of certain Pacific coast fishes. Ind. Eng. Chem. 17 629–630 (1925)
Stansby, M.E. Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Mar. Fish. Rev. 38(9) 1–11 (1976)