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actin protein muscle
aerobes bacteria that require oxygen
amino acids components of proteins (essential amino acids those that cannot be made in the body and so are essential in the diet)
anaerobes bacteria that can grow in the absence of oxygen
anti-mycotic anti-mould agent
ascorbic acid vitamin C
autoclave sterilising device involving heat destruction of microorganisms
botulism severe form of food poisoning from toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum
carotene precursor to retinol
collagen protein in connective tissue of muscle
complementation filling a gap; with reference to proteins a shortage of an amino acid in one protein is made good by a relative surplus of another
curing salts mixture of sodium or potassium nitrite and nitrate
elastin protein in connective tissue of muscle
folate unnumbered member of B group of vitamins
glycogen body (liver and muscle) reserve carbohydrate
HTST high-temperature short-time heating to destroy microorganisms
indigenous native born
lipids group name for all types of fat
Maillard reaction reaction between the lysine in a protein with a reducing sugar to form a brown compound
mesophilic organism those that grow best at temperatures of 10-40°C
metmyoglobin brown, oxidised form of myoglobin
microorganisms bacteria, moulds and yeasts
MUFA monounsaturated fatty acids
myoglobin purple-red colouring matter of muscle (2% of total muscle protein)
myosin major protein of contractile mechanism of muscle
niacin unnumbered member of B group of vitamins
nitrogen effectively (but not precisely) alternative term for proteins
oxymyoglobin bright red oxygenated form of myoglobin
pantothenate unnumbered member of B group of vitamins
pasteurisation heat treatment sufficient to destroy pathogenic organisms
pathogens bacteria that cause disease
phospholipids structural lipids containing phosphate
P/S ratio ratio of polyunsaturates to saturates
psychotrophic organisms those that grow best at temperatures of -2 to + 7°C
PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acids
pyridoxine vitamin B6
retinol vitamin A
riboflavin vitamin B2
rigor mortis stiffening of muscles after slaughter

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