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Hon. George K. Muhoho
The Philosophy, Perspective and Goal of the International Workshop on Exotic Aphid Pests on Conifers: A Crisis in African Forestry.
Thomas R. Odhiambo
Forestry in Africa: An Overview.
P. J. WoodThe Ecology of Conifer Aphids and its Bearing on Forest Establishment and Productivity.
Clive Carter and Gillian WatsonThe Cypress Aphid, Cinara cupressi (Buckton) in Africa.
William M. CieslaEcology and Economic Importance of the Aphid Pests, Pineus sp. and Eulachnus rileyi in Exotic Pine Plantations in Southern and Eastern Africa.
S.T. Murphy, Y.J. Abraham and A.E. Cross. 48
Current Status of Cinara cupressi in Burundi, its Impact on Forest Resources and Control Operations.
J.B. Sabukwikopa and S. MuyangoExotic Conifer Aphids in Kenya, Their Current Status and Options for Management.
A.L. OwourThe Status and Development of Conifer Aphid Damage in Malawi.
C.Z. ChilimaReview of the Pine Woolly Aphid, Pineus pini (L.), a Pest of Pine Plantations in Tanzania.
Alfred MassaweReview of the Cypress Aphid in Tanzania.
B. S. KessyThe Case of Cypress Attack by Cinara cupressi in Rwanda.
N.J. Claude and M. FanstinCurrent Status of Aphids in Uganda, Their Impact on Forest Resource and Control Operations So Far Employed .
Peter KiwusoA Report on the Current Status of Pine Insect Pests with Particular Reference to Pine Aphids in Zambia.
O. Shakachite and B. ChendaukaExotic Conifer Aphids in Zimbabwe.
Ramas Mazodze
Survey and Monitoring.
William M. CieslaMechanical Methods, Chemical Control.
Julie WeatherbySilvicultural Methods of Exotic Aphid Pest Control: Use of Resistant Strains of Host Trees.
F. OwinoProspects for the Biological Control of Exotic Forest Aphid Pests in Southern and Eastern Africa.
S.T. Murphy, Y.J. Abraham and A.E. Cross.124Compatibility of Tactics: An Overview.
Melvyn J. WeissImpact of the Cypress Aphid Outbreak on the Forest Industry of Kenya
J.O. Gor
The FRIM/IIBC Control Programme for Malawi.
S.T. MurphyIntegrated Pest Management Model for Kenya.
J.G. MwangiForest Pest Management in the United States.
Melvyn J. WeissRegional Programmes for Conifer Aphid Management.
William M. Ciesla