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(Rome, 10-12 April 1995)1

Participation of EC and EC Member States representing their overseas territories outside the geographical scope of the Treaty of Rome, in FAO meetings and intergovernmental agreements under FAO auspices

83.The Council having been informed that further consultations were taking place on this matter, decided to postpone the item until its next session in October in order to allow sufficient time for these consultations to be carried out successfully.

Amendments to the Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Near East2

84. The Council approved the amendments to the Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for controlling the Desert Locust in the Near East, as set forth in Appendix H to this Report.

Amendments to the Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics (CWP)3

85. The Council approved the above revised Statutes as set forth in Appendix I to this Report.

Tribute to Mr Richard M. Stein4

86. The Council paid tribute to the work of Mr Richard M. Stein, former Secretary of the CCLM, and wished him well in his retirement.

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to attend FAO sessions5

87. In accordance with paragraphs B-l and B-2 of the "Statement of Principles relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations",6 the Council agreed:

  1. that the Russian Federation and Ukraine attend as observers the Hundred and Eighth Session of the Council,
  2. that Ukraine attend as observer the Sixth Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, 19-30 June 1995 (AGP-725), and
  3. that the Russian Federation attend as observer the following FAO Sessions:
  1. Sixth Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, 19-30 June 1995 (AGP-725)
  2. Technical Consu:.ation of the European Cooperative Research Network on Sunflower,
  3. Bucharest, Romania, 25-28 July 1995 (REUR-808)
  4. Twenty-ninth Session of the European Commission on Agriculture, Bled, Slovenia, 2-6 October 1995 (REUR-701)
  5. Ministerial Meeting on World Food Security, Quebec City, Canada, 14-16 October 199f (WFS-801)
  6. Hundred and Ninth Session of the FAO Council, Rome, 18-19 October 1995 (CC-702)

88. The Council was also informed that since its Hundred and Seventh Session, the Director-General, on being so requested, had extended invitations to the Russian Federation and Ukraine to attend as observers the Sessions listed in CL 108/INF/8.

Changes in representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees

89. As provided for in the General Rules of the Organization (GRO), the Council was advised that H.E. Moorosi Vernet Radatipole, Ambassador of Lesotho and Permanent Representative of Lesotho to FAO, was the new Representative of Lesotho on the Programme Committee, as of the Seventy-second Session, and that Mr Mohamed Said Mohamed Ali Harbi, Counsellor (Agricultural Affairs) and Permanent Representative of Sudan to FAO, was the new Representative of Sudan on the Finance Committee, as of the Eightieth Session.

Applications for Membership in the Organization

90. Pending a decision by the Conference on the applications for membership received from the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Turkmenistan and pursuant to Rule XXV. 11 of the General Rules of the Organization and paragraphs B-l, B-2 and B-5 of the "Statement of Principle: relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations", the Council authorized the Director-Gener; to invite Moldova and Turkmenistan to participate, in an observer capacity, at appropriate Council meetings as well as regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to them.

1 CL 108/5; CL 108/PV/ll; CI 108/PV/14.

2 CL 108//5: CL 108/PV/11 ; CL 108/PV/14.

3 CL 108/5; CL 108/PV/ll; CL 108/PV/14.

4 CL 108/5; CL 108/PV/ll; CL 108/PV/14.

5 CL 108/INF/8; CL 108/PV/l; CL 108/PV/14.

6 See FAO Basic Texts, Volume II, Section L (Appendix).

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