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We, the Ministers and Plenipotentiaries of the Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, on the occasion of its Fiftieth Anniversary

RECALLING the goals shared by FAO's Members enshrined in the Constitution of FAO:

• to contribute towards an expanding world economy and to ensure humanity's freedom from hunger;

• to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living of their peoples;

• to secure improvements in the efficiency of the production and distribution of all food and agricultural, forest and fisheries products; and

• to better the condition of rural populations; and

NOTING with satisfaction the progress made globally with respect to these objectives, over the past 50 years;

RECOGNIZING, nevertheless, that despite these advances very many people still suffer from chronic undernutrition and lack the food needed for productive and active lives, that rural conditions continue to be difficult, and that population growth will bring even greater demand for food;

CONSCIOUS of the multiple and indispensable functions of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the need to achieve food security for all;

REAFFIRMING our dedication to the principles on which the Food and Agriculture Organization was founded and our political support to the Organization as it carries out its mission to help build a world where all people can live with dignity, confident of food security;

RENEWING our commitment to promote the common welfare by furthering separate and collective action towards the achievement of the above goals;

HEREBY DECLARE that, in setting objectives for food, sustainable agriculture and rural development and the conservation of natural resources, we and the Food and Agriculture Organization commit ourselves to give due emphasis to:

I.Promoting agriculture, forestry and fisheries as key sectors in the quest for sustainable economic development

• promoting sustainable production and rural development and employment, bettering the conditions of rural populations, and combating poverty;

• integrating the management of land, forest, pastoral and aquatic resources within national economic plans and development programmes;

• promoting international trade in agricultural, forestry and fisheries products;

• recognizing and enhancing the role of women in these sectors and facilitating their equal participation;

• reducing pre- and post-harvest losses.

II. Empowering food producers and consumers

• recognizing the importance of farmers, foresters and fishers in society and the economy;

• enabling people, including disadvantaged and marginalized groups, to participate in agricultural and rural development;

• promoting food security and an improved nutritional status for every household and individual, and ensuring that foods are of good quality and safe;

• securing the supply of food to populations living under various unstable food supply conditions.

III. Making sustainable use of natural resources for development

• encouraging sustainable development;

• promoting cooperation in the use and conservation of the natural resources through national, regional and global strategies;

• assisting efforts in the identification, evaluation, development and monitoring of the use of natural resources;

• supporting the research and development capacities of developing countries and promoting dissemination of the results of research.

IV. Building a global partnership for sustainable development

• promoting growth with equity;

• promoting dynamic partnership for development involving all stake holders;

• supporting national capacity to develop policies and programmes.

This declaration was approved by the Ministers and Plenipotentiaries of the Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations who met on 16 October 1995 in Quebec City, Canada, to commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of FAO, and formally adopted by the FAO Conference at its Twenty-eighth Session on .... October 1995 in Rome.

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