Election of three Vice-Chairmen
Elected as Vice-Chairmen for the session:
D. Sands Smith (United Kingdom), F. Gerbasi (Venezuela) and Ms T. Striggner Scott (Ghana)
(para. 3)
Decided to have a small group chaired by the Independent Chairman of the Council and comprising Australia, Cameroon, Egypt, Gabon, United Kingdom, United States of America and Venezuela to draft its report on Items 7, 8 and 9 (para. 4)
Election of the Chairman and Members of the Programme Committee
Elected the Chairman and ten members of the Programme Committee for the period November 1995 to November 1997 (para. 6)
Election of the Chairman and Members of the Finance Committee
Elected the Chairman and eight members of the Finance Committee for the period November 1995 to November 1997 (para. 7)
Election of the Members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
Elected seven Member Nations to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters for the period November 1995 to November 1997 (para. 8)
Election of Members of the WFP Executive Board
Elected 18 members in accordance with the distribution and terms of office prescribed in operative paragraph 4 of Conference Resolution 9/95 (para. 11)
Resourcing and financing of World Food Programme
Decided that it was premature for it to take any action on this matter, beyond noting the urgency of the need for the CFA to adopt the necessary measures to improve the resourcing and long-term financing of the Programme (para. 12)
Adoption of the Statutes of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Adopted Resolution 1/110 on the Statutes of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (para. 14)
Achieving savings and efficiencies in governance
Decided that to achieve further savings and efficiencies in governance, the following measures should be pursued (para. 17)
the inclusion of a standing item on achieving savings and efficiencies in governance on the agendas of Joint Programme and Finance Committee meetings;
consideration by the Programme and Finance Committees of the establishment of an informal, regionally-representative joint Working Group to develop proposals for improvements in governance;
a Council review of FAO Statutory Bodies and Panels of Experts with respect to their continued existence and the duration of their sessions, as well as the review of the Basic Texts to streamline those provisions that may obstruct the smooth functioning of meetings;
the enlistment of Secretariat support in providing the necessary information, including costs, through the Programme and Finance Committees to determine where further savings could be achieved.
Criteria for adjusting the Programme of Work
Agreed that all established mechanisms would need to play their due part, including use, if necessary, of the Special Reserve Account within the terms of the Budget Resolution and the Financial Rules of the Organization (para. 20)
Adopted as the guiding principle, the decision of the Conference which had "stressed that the approach to dealing with eventually reduced resources should be directed to maximizing efficiencies and reductions in the non-technical programmes, before reducing selectively technical and economic programmes as a last resort" (para. 21)
Endorsed the seven general criteria for application by the Director-General in the review of technical and economic activities (para. 25)
Requested the Director-General to provide to the next Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees a substantive report on the results of the review and his proposed revisions to the Programme of Work (para. 26)
Requested the two committees to examine the Director-General's proposals and to approve resource transfers, as necessary (para. 26)
Requested the Committees to review the application of the agreed criteria and to present their results to the hundred and Eleventh Session of the Council (Rome, 1-10 October 1996) for its consideration (para. 26)
Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1996-97
Approved the Provisional Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1996-97, as reproduced in Appendix D (para. 27)
Date and Place of the Hundred and Eleventh Session of the Council
Decided that its hundred and Eleventh Session should be convened in Rome in principle from 1 to 10 October 1996 (para. 28)