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Some suggestions for improving the production of data disaggregated by gender obtained through the agricultural census and the current agricultural surveys of Egypt, by M.S.M. Nazif and S. Nassar, Cairo, March 1994.
Islamic Republic of Iran
Some suggestions for improving the production of data disaggregated by gender obtained through the agricultural census and the current agricultural survey in Iran, by S. Hassan Shamsi, Teheran, September 1994.
Gender disaggregated data and statistics on human resources in Pakistan's agriculture. An appraisal report by S.M. Aslam Jafri, Islamabad, March 1994.
Gender disaggregated national population statistics in Pakistan, by N.M. Larik, Islamabad, March 1994.
The Sudan
Suggestions for the improvement of gender disaggregated agricultural statistics in Sudan, by Hassan Elsheikh Elbashir, Khartoum, May 1994.
Determination of improvements of gender-disaggregated national demographic statistics in Sudan, by A.W. Ali Modawi, Khartoum, June 1994.
Syrian Arab Republic
Description and evaluation of the Syrian population and agricultural censuses and surveys. Proposals for improving gender disaggregated statistics, by Ibrahim Ali, Damascus, April 1994.
Evaluation et identification des améliorations du système d'information tunisien pour la production de données statistiques ventillées par sexe, by Abdessalem
Kamoun, Tunis, June 1994.
Determination of improvements for the production of gender disaggregated agricultural and rural statistics in Turkey, by H.O. Ayhan, Ankara, January 1994.