The author wants to express his appreciation and gratitude to all those who have contributed to the writing of this bulletin either directly or indirectly.
Very special thanks have to go to Lucia Piana for writing chapter 6 (Royal Jelly) and most of Chapter 2 (Honey) in Italian and to Lorenza Manzi for translating chapter 6 and Livia Persano Oddo for translating much of Chapter 2. Luigi Rigano provided technical advice and many formulations to Chapter 9 (cosmetics).
Without access to the abundant bibliography and reprint collection of IBRA this work would not have been possible. Neither would the writing have come to an end without the tolerance and generous hospitality of Livia Persano Oddo, Mary Lopez and Chris Aubrey. Further substantial help with information, recipes or materials for photographs have been received from Raffaele Cirone (FAI, Federazione Apicoltori Italiani), Marco Vangelisti of Apicultura Vangelisti, Tiziana Palmieri of R.B. Natural Cosmetics, Daniel and Graciella Barral and others from SADA (Sociedad Argentina de Apicultores), Bradford S. Weeks of the American Apitherapy Society, the National Honey Board of the USA, Nina Ivanovska, B. König, J.H. Dustmann and many others. The helpful suggestions on the manuscript by Livia Persano Oddo, Miguel Martinez-Ball, and also Alfred Dietz and Bradford S. Weeks are very much appreciated, as is the editing of the final manuscript by Ian Leach and Lorna De Lucia. To Lorna Dc Lucia my humble thanks for an apparently limitless patience with my never ending corrections. The responses from many national beekeeping associations to inquiries were encouraging. Those who responded were from the Netherlands, Norway, Danmark, Germany, Lebanon, Canada, South Africa, United Kingdom and India.
All photographs were taken by the author, unless otherwise mentioned. To those who supplied illustrative photographs my special thanks: Ron Davis, Francesco Intoppa, Livia Persano Oddo, Siwert Nilsson, Lucia Piana, Giancarlo Ricciardelli d'Albore, Labconco, Pressindustria, Ghimas and Dadant & Sons.
This book is dedicated to those ever laborious, wonderfiil little companions, the honeybees, that their labour will be appreciated with love by all those producing, using and consuming their unique products.