Agriculture food and nutrition for Africa - A resource book for teachers of agriculture
Food and Nutrition Division
Rome, 1997
Editing, design, graphics and desktop publishing:
Publishing Management Group,
FAO Information Division
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ISBN 92-5-103820-1
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© FAO 1997
Chapter 2 - Agriculture, food security and nutrition
The food chain: Production-to-consumption linkages
Food production, food supply and nutritional status trends in Sub-Saharan Africa
National policies affecting food security and nutrition
Other factors affecting food security and nutrition
Policies and actions needed to improve household food security and nutrition
Chapter 3 - The food system and factors affecting household food security and nutrition
The food system and household food security
Concepts in household food security
Stability of household food supplies
Sustainability of food supplies
Health factors and their impact on nutrition
Knowledge, education and care at the household and community levels
Chapter 4 - Food supply systems in Africa
Agriculture in transition: Factors affecting food security
Food diversification for stable access and a sustainable food supply
Promotion of underexploited traditional food crops
Small livestock and poultry keeping
Integrated crop/livestock/fish management
Trees and forest products to improve nutrition
Factors to consider in the diversification of food production
Chapter 6 - Food storage and processing for household food security
Post-harvest practices at household level
Post-harvest handling and storage
Chapter 7 - Food, nutrients and diets
The major nutrients and their functions
Micronutrients: vitamins and minerals
Food and nutrient requirements for different ages and groups
Factors affecting energy and nutrient requirements
Vulnerable periods in the life cycle and special energy and nutrient needs
Chapter 8 - Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies
Extent of the problem and its consequences
Assessing malnutrition and its causes
Food and nutrition interventions
Micronutrient malnutrition: mineral and vitamin deficiency disorders
Vitamin A deficiency and nutritional blindness
Preventing and combating micronutrient malnutrition through a comprehensive approach
Chapter 9 - Nutrition education
Goal and purposes of nutrition education
Nutrition education approaches
Planning a community nutrition education programme
Messages, media and support materials
Nutrition education in schools
Training the change agents in nutrition education, and the role of different sectors
Annex 1 - International organizations and sources of materials
Annex 2 - Countries included in Sub-Saharan Africa (FAO) and in the Africa region (WHO)
Annex 3 - World declaration on nutrition
Annex 4 - Proximate composition of foods (per 100 g edible portion)
Annex 5 - Countries ranked by fat energy ratioa of national food supply, 1992